<br />M1ZOR'~GAGF:
<br />82--~~?3767
<br />Thia forrn is used in cenner-
<br />tiori with nx>rtgage~ in~ami
<br />hider PhF~ <'me- [o tour-family
<br />provisiacs of the \sitinnat
<br />HOUaIP.~ aCt-
<br />'FH[S'~40RTt~AGE.maAexndex.^curedthfs 31st dnyof ~'i~s'~ .~.D.
<br />19 gg by and t>etu<een
<br />Jor. A. Rath ant? Jrid}~ J. Ra±h, Husband and Wife
<br />of the CounTVr;f Hall .and State bf Nebraska. party of [he firs[ pa r, hereinafter called
<br />the~4ortgagor.and Superior Mortgage, Inc. -
<br />Nebraska
<br />a cormsration organiaed and esi<tireuruter'he lea-. of ,
<br />party of the secsnti port, hereinafter settee'. the t[ortg;rgee.
<br />w'I~'FESS£TH: That the said Ntorivaeor. for and it consideration of the cum .,f Fort}~ seven thousand ?-ive
<br />~ ~Y ~~ ~ ^~th t)~Ilars IS 47, 500.00 i, paid by the Mort-
<br />~e¢et. the rr"i, p~<~tiv~cFi iv~ese~~ ac~"nowtedged. has Granted nd cold ::nd by t`~ese presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain. Sctl, Com~ev and Contirne unto the .hfort~gee, it; sr,rccessors and sssi3ns- forever, the follow;ng-descnhed
<br />real rotate. situatedin the [Donis- o£ Hall ,and Stale
<br />of Vehraska_ unvit
<br />Lot Forty (40] in castle Estates.Suk>division,
<br />Aall County, Nebraska
<br />of thn Sixth Principal Merniian. cantainm¢ in sl! acre, according le C;overn-
<br />ment ~rvrv-
<br />"f0 HAV(f :AND ~TO H(?LD ihr premi>es ahoce dtsailxd. with :}I the appurtenances thereunto 6elunf;ing and inchading
<br />aft heating, plumbing and lighting fixture. at>,i ryuipment mew or herexflet attached to or used in connection with said rea(estate
<br />unto tht Mort~gce, and io its successor± and nssigro. fares-cr-The 3lortgsgsrr rtpresanh to, nd covenants with, the Mortga-
<br />gee, tlwt the Mocigakor has good right m seI! and convey said premixes: that they are fret (rem encumbrance: and that the
<br />Mortyagcr wit[ warram and defend the same atwmxt the {awful claims of a!1 porsoos n~homsoeser and the s.ud Martgugor hero-
<br />hy ralinyuishes ;,11 righb ref iwmextead. anJ all mash.,; righe.. orifice m taw or in cyaity, and ail other contingent interests of the
<br />M1tortgagur in and [u the aiwse-des.rilitd premise,, the inien[iaro txing !o convty hereby an abwlute title, in fee simple. includ-
<br />ing a€1 rights of homestead, and otlxx right` and inltrcxis as ~.rforesaid_
<br />PROVIDED ALJt`AYS, and these prtnnnts art:.xecuttd and dclivcred open lheiolinwingcunditions, towit.:
<br />"the Mortgagor agrees to pay to ihr ~lortg:rgce. cu orde.. the priricipul sum of Forty seven thousand five
<br />hundred and Fo; 1D0tYs--- Uullars (5 47, 500. C0 1,
<br />with interest from dare at the rate o! g~ra~n and One-ttalE per cernurn ( 15.50 ;"r.) per annum ur.
<br />;he unpaid bal'once until paid. T}re said xincipa; and interest shalt lx payable at tkx ofice o; Superior Mortgage, Inc .
<br />is Grand Irzland. 1Vehracka . ns tit xueh u[btr piece as the holder of
<br />ttx Hare tear designers in wrilcRg, in monlhiy instalments e:` Shy hundred nineteen anal 65/100ths-------
<br />- [k>Ile: s l5 619.65 1, crommencing on the fast day of
<br />OCtOL'6r . ;9 9 ~, and on the fiat da}' of each month lixrea[ier until the principal and i^"
<br />te--test see fatly pmd; txcept the. the flux[ nay men: of nrincip2; and interest, if rto[ sc„iner paid, shalt '~ due ;end
<br />payable on the first der of Septetnbe-r. ~U~12 _ ::at according to the term; of s certain provds-
<br />sory nott et ti~en dare hercuith c~ecuted by the said tiiortgager_
<br />'?'he Moay,:rgur in order mo: c. fuIly- to prstect tFie sec!snt} of this Mortga~t, agrees:
<br />!. "pAst he viii pay the inJebtednes s, a_s lereinbe£ore~ prutiidc6- T7ivilege is;tserred to pcy the dept in w•}:el e, or in ar,
<br />amount equal to one or more m~al'tiy pa1•mert o, !}re nrinclpai that ;,re res* titre nn. tY:e note, i+n the ti rst day of any month
<br />prier tip maturity-. Rrgcide0. hox~ci-et, -Chat writicr n._rttce .at 2n intCatiun to once s such privilege is give-n at 3easl. thirt;o (3(il
<br />.tai'<prfor to prepay~ani.
<br />_, Thar- tog~aQrer with, and in addition to, iSc :eunihiy payments of prin:;ip.3: aa~ interest pacnblc under the terms of the
<br />a5C?.crnred hereby the N ~?gago~ c6iG pay t~ .h_ lio;tgaget, ern the rest day cd each month r;nu; the >ai8 Holt i<fu~)y pzid, the
<br />fr,ilirwmC sures~
<br />la} h;nr,:r,l earl=Gr:nt [cs ; ;,rdc i}rr h-side[ laetcai with lu :f.:.o gay the aexf nart~gt 1,isu:,uic p.,~i ,turn it";leis
<br />,ri_r.r.;e.tt rand 6~te ruse =enured r:eno :+:c Inured. ~r,r maathl" cl-a,ge free r•eu o;fu. r ~rrgagv .~,,zrretacc~ pr-
<br />rl;iua { t?tc., =r: hc!o >, t t 3r:;ta:y .:1 }3ou u2; aE~:f rlrhds~. [k~v~ 1 ;s...n, :u -_~ll<-.wa-
<br />(€r ..; a. ,i ..._ E. a: ar.. -,ore n3 ~ rum u,.', tt ~ - - ..~.~. ~src .n. ,d ~•r .,. _ ..- ,.,i ,. . i.r.: ..
<br />r
<br />~.~ist~-.l ~.1e t:__.,~s=ai }~~ ~f; -!~-i.. ~ r. ~ ... r~, 9~1:..c 4 ~~i~, x~ :zip , ~ _ _i. ~. t:t { ~~, .s:_
<br />~ ~-~7 .e ..; .~x ,. :mss,: s,,....r. _~, .mil:1P l:fkF'~Pt ( v`i.~`~
<br />- ~ -. -' - _iC .'"F ;g. nit
<br />