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<br />$2---t3~376fi <br />(tj:; unrh prior tcy-its due date the 3nripal mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />srit~~ ±unds to pay such premium ro dteSeC~reian~-of riousi;tgand Urbsn Development pursuant to the <br />tiationsl Houitttg Act, as amended., and applic:tfrle Regulatiuns'thcreunder, ar <br />(II) if :utd so long as said note of ever, date and 8ti: incuvment arc held by t3teSe~zetary of-Housingand <br />Urbar Development, a monthly charge din ltcu o!-a r't?rgagc :nrronce nremiurrt J .vhieh shS13 be in an <br />amount equal to one-twelfth I;',2j ssi one-haG (] -1 ;xr cer.nun of the average ~tuts~andiur balance. <br />due en the note comoutet+. without takiteg tntu ac_c'~urt delinquuiei=s or urep.avmenrs; <br />(bj A. Burr. equal to the ground rents, if am. next due, p{r.~s the premiums that tvdl text hecome due andpayable on" <br />policies of fire an8 cJter hazard insurance caveiingxhe merteas~d property. plus t,xas and assessmentsnext due' <br />on the mortgaged property l'ald ad estimated b~ the-hfar;gage r s all u n a!rradcgaidtfierefoidivided by the <br />number o± months to cfap'sc before,one montligrigr. to the date ~i~han such ground rents;.premiums,taxes and-; <br />assessmen,s wi:l hecome del6tquenx;suctt suinstobehcidby tiiortgag~e ;r. ~cvst to paysaid groundicnts, pie- <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(pl :11] payments ritentioned in the iwo preceding subst~ctians nt this ~aragtaph sad all gaynients to be made und~r- <br />the note soured hereby shaU'w added tagezhcr, and the aggregate amount thereof shat! be oatd by the Mortgagor - <br />each ~ a singl*. payment to be agphed6y 2heMor4gagee tothe fiallowip¢ hems ihthe acdetset fartli: <br />(I j premSum charges under the contract tit instrance with the Secretary' rY Housing and Urban pevelagmcnt; <br />or monthly ,:barge ~ in tree of n:nrtgagc rnsurance premium): as the case may be: <br />(_Iq gr„tmd rents, taxes: assessments, fire andatherhaza'n1 insur-airce nremiuiiis; <br />{111) imerest or the Harz xcuredhereby;and <br />I1V) anuxtitarion of ;.`.c principal afraid note. <br />Any de;lcarocv in d;a amoun .f r.~y such aggrzgatzmonthly payttiatt ;1iah1; uniesstnade good by the Molt- <br />gagor prior t.~ :he due date u: the-ricxx suchpaymetat, cinsntuteanev'ent ati tlefault under this nxsrtgage. T1tc <br />Dlortgagee rrsy ectlect a "latz ~haree" net to exceed irnr.'cents (4y) far each dollar {St}of eachpayment mare <br />:hat utecn (i 5 f does to arre r_ ~ _~>v^r the eKUaexgensc-invct3ved in_E;andlinFde2mquent payments. <br />,. 'Chat if the urral of the puvment.-made bti ttte ~tors~,x;,rorunder rG? of paragraph .urea din.:=hall exceed <br />the amount of oavment~ actually made by the ~IurfL+aIICe +'or _ruundrent;..acean8 t.~e>-men t, ~,r'insu>•anRepre- <br />mium-. ;~' the sae mar be, -ut:h exccec, t! the t~ curen,t,at the option af[itc llcxt~aeur ahalP:tx: credi[ed-bY. <br />the ltnrt¢~ee on sobsegoenc pn}'meat- cn ix~ made bs tbo tlortea~rr, nr refunded to thc~ \lnneagor if, haw ~~'er :fit' <br />aunthh° payment` trade ln~ the 1Scyregapur under -.; oCl±aragrafth . nrecciinr shall not tin (;found <br />rent. taxes rind .cec~<_~ment~ car innur~nce urcmrurn:-. +_< the ~~a_e may tie, ~~+hen the >ar!me -hall ber~ime dut• and pay- <br />able, dten the Ai,xtgagtK ,hail par to thv 1Sone,a~r•~• :>n. :unount pees>~an a, make up the deficiency. rn or befom <br />the date when pavmeni of ~uch~mund rant-. taxes, a<~a~~~ment= nr msurunco premium- hall be du~_ li at any <br />Uate the lbrts;a~r =hall tender to the lturi~a_ec~, m arcnrd;ance ssith iho pmvt,Vone of the no:" =scared hereby;. <br />ful! pavmrtrt of the entire indehudneo-o- reprr-artrd themh., the \:nrt>;aar•v ~hnll. In comgutinr the nmuunt of !?nCh <br />tadclxectrtess, credit to the accwnt of thu 14ortgagor ,efi ltscmcats prods under the )xoytswns of tin nt` lt.u;tgraph? <br />hereof which the ylortgaeee bur not fmcome o61i¢au~<1 to pat In tht~ ~~ctetan~ of flow-ine .nd i rbxn Dcsciupment <br />:utd ~.~ 6xlanre remainin;! in rite (and- aet~umui~au•d under thr nnisi~iam nl '; :.f part~raph_' he~reuf. If Chore <br />,hall 6e a default under ans of the {rant-tun- ~~f Chi- mnrtiu,e re~ultints m a }!ublu~>ah•"-of the pmmi>r~ coyerod <br />hereby. ar if the Akrrty;a~ca~ at~yutm~ the prnpr°rtt utlterwi~r~ ufte•r ~r••fuult. the tbrtkateeti ?ha l apply. ai the time ui <br />the ciymmencumont of teach procer•diul!r. nr at the Lmr the pnyx~rw i. othe~rwi-•~ aegwred, hr haLuice than rrronin- <br />ingin the finals accumulated under ~: of pare~raph ' prr~.•din_. a^ '.t cn~dit x~ain,t tha amcmrni of print tpsl rh+tn <br />remai ninj~ unpaid under ,aid nut<~. ;md -~hai', pn,p~~rly :rdju-t nn, p~ymenr- s~hirh ~haU h:~ir~ b~~.~n rttr>•.dt~ undo^r la). <br />of garaKrxph ~?, <br />µo <br />4 That the Mortgagor udi pay gmm~u rate, iese~. - .~ .~me ni., -c,ter r .,. ;:nd ~ h- vernmetita( or muniCipitl <br />charge., lint., or imposiROns. f.~t v,nlen prr~mion hay not seen made hcrtintxrfrrc anti iced }'_vit therrof the Mutigugee tau} <br />pal the ~ltnic'. and Ihat Iht \iurigagcn~ will nnun prig deh~er the ot7i~tai rcieipts thorn (nr 4t the~i rtgF~gec- <br />~. l'he Mortgag.a titi! nac ail uses which rn:r. he ~e.ted u;a>n the S1.utgagz-~c iaterel; in ,.ltd rcl cstBtC and tmprove- <br />mcnt., and whir h may he !e e~i upoe ihi, ^t.,r:gey;c ~- thr 6chi +e: cared herehs shut .>rdy YU the cxreni ~h.,i stn~b in trot prJflihil- <br />ed by law and only to the rvert that much will no; make tht- uali u~uru,u~). hill ~ xChldinK.: ny r tru;nr 4iy. S!alr, or Fcdefal, <br />mrpu.t,i on Mortgagee. anJ will file the terei receipt hew mg each pa inept wnh thr ar~rtg:+gte. lpon ~ ~olaii~>n cat this uneler- <br />rakin~, or i(thc ~1ort~gc'rc i. prohibited h. ans loo now rr htreahcr cyi.ting frn~n pevirxg the whole -~~rnny puninn the more- <br />said utxes_ car utx>a thr rendersrc of am cc+urt decree pr,ihibnittg;ru peymcat ny the }lorr~E<~r or any ~u L tzscs. car a such9aw <br />or dtcrce nrusidcs that airy araou nt su p.ciJ by the ?Inift;+gur ~;tnii he ~redrtc~d en the r-,~or(gage debt. lire ~tif orrgagcc -,hull Is;ive <br />ttk right to glee nine[} day>' uatten nonce t~~ tnc er-per ;;i me ;~t crrt~~geu premise+. nrquirtng ?hr p,a; mend of tht nnrtgage <br />debt_ it such twucc tsc ei.en. the caad 8ebt shaC become due, payable ar u she! tihle art [he expire turn uC s;,id emus da}-. <br />6 Thaf .houid he tats G? pnc ans- sum ix `;stn np: uvE :^-ro sided far in this ~t ortgege_ thc^ the Ptorgn gc •, r,[ it~. ,rp- <br />tion. Haag pas cx perform tht saint- and -ell eti~rxfiturts w t 't ~shzil tx. tided w iSe princip:~i sum owing on the att. r: < note. <br /><hall be .ecurra iurchs.:rnd shat; F><ar i ,terea at t'u :atz ~:er ft~rtn m the paid n.~tc. until ; aid_ <br />?. T}wt :x: Y-erel-~. „signs. tr:~°t:;frrs and .et-_ ~ er t.> th° `doragaece, t.+ be net ia; toward the , acment of the t :end a!I <br />win-. great cd hereby m acre ut~ a dtfsu;t cat for nc r(o rn;,rn~ . t a,r=~ oS tr,e tzrm~ -mu tunJ~iions of tht~ ylurtg:rgt ~ iis.~ s: id <br />pate. al! the rants, retinues and income to he denyed tram the mortg,:,g' -?amhes dart ny; such tints n, [hc m~.yutca-.c ~ncichted- <br />rxss .hall remaan unttitisi; and the Moregagec six a=e , .wet nr appoint ~ s.= ::ctrl .+r arrnl~ i; ma} do ac for ttr r,TO,t~ of <br />rcpsuring said t-; an:1 of renting tha sarna ~ nd ;:allecting the renb_ rc o-~e; ales anti inuring, and i[ rn y , -out o1. said in- <br />armrs a!! expenses of repairing 5a;d gremr,es and accuaurt ~orrcaiasksn? wad eype n,es inartrcd ;n rorRny; -:ad n_anagmg t7re <br />same acid of :olltctirig reataLti the refrmn. tiu italarcc rem..ining, if an.. !~~ he appli-td toward Ehe dr.c u c: e.; <; ,d min-~}tr <br />tndebtrdncs. <br />g. Tbat F?e Intl e_eCl' 71tc in'psaeemCnts ^nu crsisting ~x hr:_uf~er cri:c:ru en .hc. nu~rtgoged pn,pe-i ~. imrrr' ' ,gay' he <br />rexturre~d Fraa? ;tine i:> ;line tiv ahe ~3;•r[y?egce a~sinst irss h} fire and :abet ha r,:r us. casual i~. ,,.ri ~~ n,r..gc-u~ _ .n such <br />am tarns and for sack pxnrnt. ns sa}- be required bt the Ad- ri~;KCC ana ill ray ompt;}. he ~ ~.'nt. _r.s r' , . w~ ..n >,ct: <br />ipso ren:'e prc~vi.. inn ,o; ps: rneur of ~c5ict, has r, o: hlen mad. hzreinlxio2 ~L insutenrr '.ha' nc r~r i~c i~ ~„rec. r ir, :.p <br />pro°~e+5 by the 11 ~tgzgcc~ artd the (:bbcies and rraea:~h lhc. _(.f ,h-x11 he het, by :ne `A or(g,ekcr v.ti r..c',. ,a: neC mt~c`~_ <br />na vabl, i~a u_cs gin'-a ~.,r.rt zed ir, fixrr -.~.cptabJc .: she M tT}:+res. !~~ ~-tat o` s b,-~ri c. fir, a„i :;i~c rnn•r d;eti ~.r.~.:_ Cr. <br />:2sas1 :cs tht-'_tiertg3tee ahu m.a ^yrr,y , ,.ca :: t if r, , va:ie s .+n~pua ~~~ 1.f:4-:gazt.~r. at.,. ~:in is rut:~.tec ~~ ipsiy :nn- <br />to <br />rerre..~+, i,, harebt ..u_n,,ae.zd env dr.c:-.uJ .. cake i ^ua' ti, .u~;t ~' el~re~t[g to ,re lfarty, «.c~ '., .~ ,d ~._.f +..? iLG . +s l.,~g~;r <br />arv.f rl~c ~.#, t~ jC .r•. iiv_ .nd hoc `nsu,;a.~:.. , i..c_us. _ss trnY r. ;rr' ; .ergo;, may tis a;,; ~ir.d h, 15: '~4 ~. r;F.,,, c a ;t~, ~ , J c.. err <br />rs ttx.~edaactr~rt:f the !,-~.3cbszvraz"he. ~.•: >e.ures, ~tb~~. _.ralip.~ir :rpuit t.~_P ~. ,.',~ Ir.~.~F -, ...~.~ ~.r__,., <br />, _,~. <br />Ire of tA,~. nzrr g.,rri ~ t a..;c , art.;er. [ nd° tc, . r n,tsr,gxt..t -.:..~:it. :ir,r a .irnc~, _~. u,< . .:~. nrrn,t ~ .:.. , ~, n <br />-.~_ig ,_,.ik env n a-_<_ ,r+~.tif..r..,:.. ~._'n and -inns,.. .._r~<~?~..~_, „_ ,~ ~. .._. ..~ ~ _., __ <br />„ ,. ... a- .~ ,o <br />a. , ,-ez . ~dsit, rya! ~ .+J _~ ~ r ,«„ ~ . . „1 tyre ~..,tc~,.~ .. ,^c~_ , n.!. s .~ , it _ ,... _ri '.. <br />•aztxtn.,.e. im: St fa.z r iu.,, `,+ s;~, , to .-~e f r.;x~kr t r~ tit:>.. ~ e?t~c- i -. ~ -:, ...,, .i ._- <br />,_..a._ -~, x.c ... _. .,... r i ~ .r. <br />ftk €:.. Pe. c.~ivt r~tie~svi,c=- .,_tx.: ,. ,~. _e l.,ut n~nz .., ..:.gyp ~r ~r~o. :: ... ,.~ ,. ....n. ~.,~. ._ <br />~., ~c.c . r.: ,~tn~ ,cif ; .;~. -.. .;.car .:: ..~. i A .. ~ .. <br />