'.OS-B-SURVIYO RS/iIP WARRANTY DEED HUf1maA.andFaNon:& Wolf; Walton. Ne.5RGQ.1
<br />-" KVn tiz' ~T=h bfF~ B1" THF,St, PR.h:SENTS, That L'.~?L _a. :d1TT and FLORENCE' 1~. WITT, Aiasband and '
<br />Wife, each in His and Her own right an~a as spouse of each other
<br />herein called the graaetor ~,vhether owe nr more, '~
<br />~~~ inconeiderationof FORTY-ONTE TIiOUShND, EIGHT hL'NDRED ~ NOJ100 l$41,SOO.00) DOLLARS
<br />received from grantees. does grant, 'nargain, ,ell c~~nrw xm <oniirrn nvtn
<br />RA1~IIA0 J. FAZ and BARBARA SuE FAZ, Husband and Wifz
<br />as joins tenants with right of survi:-anhip, and mot astenant= h common, the following descrihed real ; ropert-y i^
<br />Ball Counts, Nebraska
<br />To have xnd ko hold the above tiexcrihed'premues tnyether with xll tenements, hei,ditxments and appur-
<br />teeanaes [hereto belonging onto t-he grantees and to their a~s~iigns_ or to the heirs xnd xs,~igns o[ the survivor oi~
<br />them forever.
<br />And {,-cantor dons herehy coveaant witti the ¢raut?e-s and ~+~ith their aasign9 and ;rith the heirs avd assigns
<br />c=f the r:arvivor of them that itrantor is tawfulls sriveil oC xaid premises; that they arc free frown encumbrtrce
<br />except eaBemeots and reetric[ions o~ record
<br />that granter has good right curd Ixtrfvi authority to e~nfro~y the same; and t-hat 7;rantor warrants and will defend
<br />_ the ti;3e to said premisesi atCaiast the lawful ciaEms of aiI persiuis whomsoever.
<br />It is the intention of all parties hcrete that in the Brent of the death of either of the grantees, the entire -
<br />fee :pimple title to the real estate xha]! vest in the aurvfv]ng °rantte.
<br />Dated I R [ 28 19 82
<br />i1. Flt [ c
<br />,..
<br />. ' .`
<br />S'Trft F OF _ ~~~-s~GQ~~i'.~t,.> ~ (ln thss_. ~ day a{_ ~ ~a.i :;f-~.G_r.~~. _ r~ k' ~, beJorc
<br />~ y i 9 ; ~;
<br />- .. ~.n..~..~-3..C<!~i" ..Coast ~ me, he u>~errz n;:d a Ie`otary Pu6:ic, dfdy cone»aissioned andyiwdifie3 j'vr
<br />is said u~a»ty, persow~lly canes..... _. _._._ __ _ ._ __.
<br />~+t•i.auar-s,.,..tr+,.... _ .Karl _A,_ ut~ . ~,..Fl~~~__?S._ Xitt,~hvstsad..itnl__x1Se)..
<br />r N71rNE CHt~K
<br />' M~4~.21.NIf _ ____ __ _._
<br />!c +ru• :zna:rn taoe the identica: *erson or per,cns ttdios¢ nar~ae is or rwv:rs ara
<br />(SEAL; a~~ired io the ~areyoieg in-ctrurren2 and a~h><o^ch~dyed tF:e ez~ec:<tian the°v~rvf to L~c
<br />his, Iser or t?xrlr ~o.'r.n1a>y art and deed.
<br />~~~~~>M~~ :fitness my hand and .Voiari.7t Sea,( the a; ar~d }/~ est aoci~ ~<riUepe.
<br />'' ~~
<br />> i
<br />~l~Q~~~ ~y ~ ~ ~~_
<br />_ _ tShr~~ 1 uftic
<br />. .3. Lc»nmusien ez - es iRe__ do ~ .~.t" ~LL-fi.~I~/~.. I-..... "-..
<br />' r -
<br />8TaT3~: QF . ....... .................... {
<br />•cs.
<br />Entsre3 an name-r~cat index aril filed for record 6n the Regime: of L7esds Vffice o` avid <=oun8y ;he
<br />..... .....dagof.... _.-...... ,14..... ,al..... _~toekand.._. _. .r,in9tr;; ._-_ .. N.,
<br />r..nd re€torded .r,.'Boek-_,...._.,_.....__cf,,,.~._.......-__..ntpage.....
<br />f.a~, t,.,.,t~
<br />
<br />