'-' tiiiROL-; }G,{REEN~; c~3R. p ~'y (~ t~ [t
<br />F.~TE:1~IitlN AGRFEME,\'T
<br />~.. ronsid~ratio^, c:: .., , teaaio-x ~: ~h~ tine ofpay^[>n_ of ^he'n ;;i~:,a1 promissory
<br />note hereinafter desrrroed, ttlr- undersigned, HaX'a1d C•reen, Jr.and Delores A. Green
<br />_ _ _ f~erebv cavenaat 'and agree ~ F:a•; to ''t_~e 1 r>t ?]ational
<br />iz~nk of Crar,+i Is1c.r?, era..' _ ~;e , vraska, urorder, tn~ ~____.t~a1 snrt of
<br />F_F'I`Y-TWO THOCSAtiD a?~~ Vr~/i0v------------------------_----------\----($~2,000.OC ,,
<br />: u,ge[iier ..r, t.._,_ ~ .eox r, per ent per anr.ra _~.,r,. ,~ date :-r ,. ,
<br />~_ '
<br />' ~ Feb ar;+ 9, 1983 khterest sha11 ';,< ta'til~ -r ;eat -it:
<br />_-- . __~ _
<br />m: Februarc 9, 1983
<br />The original ?rinc:,,al rte i„ the amaunt~cf SISTI-THOUSAND Ah'd1.:~0/100 tGOLLAFS
<br />{y 60,_000.00 } .~;,s exec~.t3~ an' aelivared by the,undersignad dn,derthe datr ~,~
<br />lril_2;;1980 cn The First Natic~rat 3an;t o` Crand Islaisd, G::I[:d Island,
<br />:de~raska, and u,a +~e sn.i ~aya',,Le'Pn the oin day aY October, 19d0i to~etner
<br />with interest at 17% _~~a cent pzr arcu;n and secured by Real'F_scate *turt;age
<br />to T::e . __.. :Catianal Ra::k of ,rand island, c.rand '_TSEand,' Nebraska, recd is ~+ s
<br />Oonunent Ii8t?-GOfi454 6~• Iactendedr. the `'urtga$e Recards o: hall : CoL;a,_/, Nebraska
<br />under Documents L~$3-O03b5O; §`81-130 2 5 3 2; ~k86-006593; ?i$2-000444 ---- --
<br />Ti:e ur.dersi8natii agrees to pay sorts ~:~tc^aded balanca of principal of FIFT`i-:'«0 THOtiSA;v'D
<br />A?;D :0/200 DOLLARS------{$:52,000-00 j; tcgettser with interest chereor. ~.~
<br />__ 2$X per-,cent per annum. suer. :sa.ncipal .`3nd interest to 5e payable in ia4it:l
<br />monec of t*~~ United States isz Amerida a*,,hc 'rirss tiation32.Bank of Oranc '[SLand.
<br />Grand isiand,;`:eb:aska.
<br /><i o' t.e ca:-enants aad agreements ~n such tari~iaa: .late and the Real Estate 1•{ortgage
<br />above-desc.';~ec', ot'.:er Chan ::e relnbctcresaod~fe-i. _h,:' ibe :~d Tear an'unehanged anr.
<br />in _`uli force aasd ef'ect dvrir.~ such sn-_fendedrec:~e_ :~ gauit be made inpayment
<br />of any irr:paL sua~, ,._ ent;.,- orlsr_:pa2 •,.: ...n :ntr°r,-. _ taercva', snail be,ceme
<br />i_.meJiateiv ~duc aro ^a_ ~.ic at rr,e ~>i+.cc;.ua _.~. ..:r,a: ',olds: 'n<reof. -
<br />Ln further cunsldecac.rn ,. .[.cis <•xt~r.sic;n :ix,e -, p:rtaenC +,F sur,h inde?itcdness.
<br />. ,~ .
<br />[ ilerebv ratif'v ar_d coniir:c such :uclrtga~e r_u_,-tied as llarument 1r80-006 4 5 4
<br />in Y,c:a l -- ---- -- - --
<br />F.stat~ .":arc°a~c rcc.,:us v_' Hall - CeTraska" ---- V-
<br />CF:e tirst raort~age iien ~.av.i .t :cal , _:.,>er, ~ ~dcsrriGed n~ eir: ^ci_+u ,~noLe of
<br />Cae title thct~eto one uew owned by m,;.
<br />T'se undersigned execuce-_, tits L:xtvnsi~n P...;rse:.~ent .,, rrFere:xce t: alv: 'n G,... --ith
<br />anC credit o` :heir pror+ereq, ~r3s:z~:r t6r,y :ww~ c•.rn ,.. ^,;rae ~n :..Ceres:. ,... ... „ereuTCer
<br />a,ay acquire; the e~psCSS C[stu-,rron '.lei:[;; ,~ .~. err .nu ~] vl.c'_nle t~~ ~:-.r., any ~[:d
<br />n2: u€ ..uch €+r:perty ~:th .he ,~.xymcuC _i .n .nar_; re., the s:,~ce.rG -f ,_.ir.. ~.
<br />herein exCendcd.
<br />-. Iti 'd1T~AESS 'K'}i~P.Fa1P, tLe ar.3e.:5:guad a-:.. irereunr~., ..'t [nc•,.rV~ands _.ris i3th ;~a,/ of
<br />Au umt, 1482 ------ - - '
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