52-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With TaxCtattse?Ite~ i8 Huffman anq.Felton~. IYOIi, NaGCn, Ae. 5tt4o1
<br />KNOW .ALL MEN BY T~SE PRESEtiTS; That First united Meth04lSt Church O~~"'~J~~ f 5`! •~,
<br />cf Ndl ~ County, and State of Nebraska ; in rnnsideration of the sum of
<br />j ----- ---- ----- -------- -------- DCILLARB!
<br />Tvrenty-rive Thousand and OOilOO---
<br />~ in head gaxl, ao hereby sEL1, zr,d cotivE~' unto The First Plationa: Sank of Urand Island, grand
<br />:stand, 1Vebrdska
<br />ci FIaT T County- State r:i PiebrdSKa the fuaowing dearibed ptemi_sea aituated
<br />in i+.dl I County, and State oI 'lebraska , to-wit
<br />Lot Eight (8) and West Forty~-~ot-r Feet,(~#4`? or' Lot. "Dine (4j °lock One (11 Capital
<br />!leights subdivision, Being A Part of the Southeast Quarter of the ~outnwest Quarter
<br />SE-a5W'~) of Section Two (2} Township Eleven {11) Morth Rar,ge Ten (1C) 4iest of the
<br />6th F.iR„ Nall County, Nebraska.
<br />i
<br />~~ The inirrr tion being to com~cy hereby an abxdute titi.~ in ice srmple,ineluding.sl! fare riSh fa of hom~tea[i and dower. ~.
<br />_ TO 13AVF Ati L) TO HOLD the Pramit+°-+ ahovc descnbed.with a!I`theappnrtenam~es therounta beloncu~g, unto the said ~
<br />rzuxt~ee(sl and to hLa. her uc their heirs anxi asaizn»~ forever, prmrided aiway& andaheae A4'e>~nis are ¢pon the express ,i
<br />Corditinn that if ttu sad tnortRaRort.s}, !us, her <rr their heirs, executor, admiaistratun ar assiltas..shall::paY cr cause k~ !k
<br />i gala to tht acid mnrtRa;eelsj. hu, her or their heir. eccrutore, administrators+oe assigaq, the priuaipaF gum of $ 2 S , ~~~ . ~~ i
<br />paa~ab4 ra folloan. to grit: ~
<br />e
<br />First Installment of 56oY:5t3 including PrinciGaT and interest Comr+encing Lctober :,
<br />1982. following InstaTTmerlis to chance semi-annlraTTy to reflect changes in Eank j
<br />~ Prime Pate. ~inal',InsiaTltrenL I1ue and Payable ``eptember ;, ?987.
<br />r
<br />- wkh entnn»t accord inq V. the terror and etlr+-t nl the m~xt«,ykorn wntten pmmis~ry nn[e x~nnny, even date with these preern ly ,'~
<br />and shall Pay all taiga and a_.rw+sernrn is lcnrr! uJ>rxr +an! n~u! r+Late, and nli other iaxen, kev irs and a+a•vnrarentt~ levied utwn this
<br />'; mortgage ur the awe ~whn°h :;pis mortgage ~y gwrn ;u uxurr, txdorn ' r H.vmc krxnmre dclinquen t, an<I k<wp tiu~ pui{dings an i
<br />~ Wald premises iruurec! for the .rum of 325 ,O~.Q(ai la»m, if any, payable to the said mortgagee, then thesaa presents j
<br />_ W 1~ voi, 1, r,therwi.v to b. atui r.~~m ur full torirv.
<br />Ci' I~ FUR"IHEH AGREEII {1) '3'hat 91 Che urd mortga Roe ,dull fail to {;ay evch t:u rs ur procure rueh Ine~irance, the •',
<br />rota nwrE(ag K: rosy t>ey wxl, taaea ant par ore such ina goer; aruS the aura ew advwrcad, with inter<_~t at jl kt Den per i
<br />cent, shall be repaid by rtad mortgagor, and tY+ti nurrtgar{errehali stand as se _vtnty Fnr the ware. (2) That a failure to pay any
<br />of rod nurru±y, either pruu~pal or interest, wha•n the saenr t+ec v<nes due, or a fsilure to cyan {riy wltlr a„y of the foregoing j
<br />( aAtwcmants, shaf! cnuee the whole sum a( rnone;~ Herein er.-u rid to brrame due and atllectible at once at thE• option of tho I
<br />.. roartaa=ra.
<br />sigwd tau 1 da> of September l9 82
<br />~ t Fi r ~~ i;'r,~ tad ?lethudi st,.Lh n-i`h
<br />I ,rerenc. of
<br />! ~ c _ _ __ ~ ./ __.
<br />~ __ ,
<br />i - - 1 --b~
<br />,~ -
<br />By
<br />e ' r`
<br />A OF .. . - NQDrask a . . .. . ......... County of .. , .....ya l -l......... ....: ~,
<br />~,
<br />1 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged Uefore mx ........:~?Ptemger, ..1 .. .... ....:~ i;Z.. -
<br />b~.,~p~jf,g~~ 6orald L. Fiadan and .7oanne M. ~pctanski.
<br />!'' { Y P CMr~OM
<br />~1C IpANAI .r; ~ t %%
<br />RAA tvF1MMA ~,~ GY-C~ ~. vj:. v _~L.~~:~-~,'1. - _ .. _ ..
<br />~~~~ ~tg.~ature d# Yerbon Tatung Ackt ov.;edgaenL
<br />hlY ~eslr~issian expires: ~igt3rY.Fia'il1~c... .. ... !
<br />'ritl<,
<br />F ~'TATg Of .. _ _., .,.. _._._. ._... ... ~ Euterrd on nu.nerrnl :ndcx .and filed (r,i n~c and }
<br />_... `, as. ~.
<br />t.auraty .._..._. .. _. is tt~.9 Rei;istcr i llw>ds Offur vt acid C'a±=_mt} tt;r ;
<br />.,..._ _... _..dat} ut _.._. __... .. _. !4_. _.., at . _.. __.. s, elrx`k anrl. _. ...... runatc.. __.. ?~t,'
<br />;l aaZts rucvrix~ to E`rx:`c.oL . _.. a2 Page.. _. _
<br />~J.. _ _ ., I'~~pctt;
<br />