<br />
<br />1•E~ p.[Tp.GNECs
<br />5'f A
<br />STP,MP TAX 82...,..` {.} Cl t3'~ 51
<br />Auc 31,9e2 l~arra~tg Cemetery Deed
<br />~® _rx-
<br />BS?L1lNl~t ~[E~t08I~LL P~L~~
<br />of Grend Nand, Nebiaska,
<br />a: cemetery awociation
<br />inoorporatsd uadar 4he
<br />cemetery Iawe of the
<br />:State of Nebraska
<br />~nns INDIiCN"I'CTR1C: Made tht...2-'+ ~h_dy ot_-------- Q ~ gu_s t---------°___~. n:, 10$? __,
<br />betw+eat~VdTLAi69i aQ,>1tOlR1AL"]PAIRi [7e1[lT61tY OE6RANDIISI.ANIi.NfiiA6tA.' 737ret :Party,
<br />at~d _Atld~eylt__t~.-~utf~el_a~_:.;ila_Key.s~u~s.3.,.----.-----°----------------------------
<br />__husban~;_snd wife~_as_~o~+_ten~nts antl not as-tenants in_common,,-w1*h--___-
<br />~~~ ~~t ^,f s.,rvl.~orshi ' - -------- --------- --------------------~ seeona P
<br />-==-~----- --- ----__------p --------- -- artr
<br />WITN1~a1R`t~7: 'Fhat:1?Yrat Party for .and in conaideraUOn of the sum of
<br />--=-ne dc_11a= _and_other__va~uablz __ansz~e_ atzons _ -------=DO~g
<br />ilia rscdpt:vltetea[ Sa.hsteD' aeknowteASed.:,iw.sofa and bp.Neae presentadoaasrant, caatveya~ contlrm..
<br />unto tM 9arntrd Parcyand to3econd Party's. hcin sad aw`aa.-9 __4Q._hezrs and assigns---_-----
<br />cf -~ surv_ivar__af_th~n ferever,_ LOt2r6 _5paces 3-4L 5~c~_on--~?---- °----_-
<br />`-,.____~_~-___.._-_- _-___.:~-_ ______~._____.--__.~.______________of. WIES'fLAWN MICYORIAL PARK
<br />er=0raed.Llaad, NeDraaka.'dtuaEedintla)lCownty;.:vebruka,..a.-cemetery-iabe vaedfor interment pur.•.
<br />paean mty,. befa~ w:dWledad:.and:.deelared..Ute Platot aafd :cameteryheins recaeded in the oftlce of. the
<br />Rt~latar tdDeada ofIdeU t:ounty,Nebraaka.
<br />T~fe dead L wtA~ect toaUtatea of the State MNebraska, amtto ali by-laws,. rind and re6tiiations.
<br />a[ Wi/?r.ANN: MIO[ORIAf. PARK CIC1[E'TlltYolGraad 'Ialaad,:. Iwebraaka, sad to any chansp In Wd
<br />laws, by-laws, rules and, re$tiLttdta.
<br />AIIy transfer M kltle of sty part of-the above deecrtbed .property ahait not ire valid unu) Ne same
<br />nac been saooMad' upon :the books of tha I?'frat.. Party..
<br />W]l91S.AtYN :M1C-[ORIAL PARK C1~tLTltJRY" t>F GRAND I91.AND, NIEDRA$KA, r.ereby sove-
<br />rants sad aRreea ta: said' wtN the. $eeond: 1?arty and wl!T, the heir : and' aaalpia of:'tAc 3acond Forty, .Nat
<br />ao tM lima of tha exaeuttoa .rw delivery o[ these preratta 1L L fawi!!Uy'seWd of aaMi pre,nlses; Nat !t l,an
<br />$atdrl$lttaod lawfulwthortty,toconvey.tM samc;.tha6 Ney are freetrom encumbrance and Fist Party
<br />doaa karabpoavanant to warrant:ahddefertd the-premWi a~ainat the :lawful c7aUns of au persona whomso-
<br />evar.
<br />ttfah peryaturl..care,. admintatrationand ma{htcraace. bY'..the above:dascriWdpnmlaea.u.prnvldad by its by-
<br />laws.
<br />IN NTr'TN)i16N WI31CRYif3F,- The aald: 1fii1C8T LA~5':.f MITJtOR1AL PARKCIClQi.TlP.itY OF GRAND
<br />tV.AND. NiiRABKA,: has heraunta eautau. 3'Li corporate seal to be attbted. and thew: preatnL to be slgre6
<br />by lta peaaldant the dayaad year [lr^t above uTi:ten.
<br />WIrli21LAWA ]I]G~- TQ.itli OIP CIRAND r$r.ANDa NL6RA$CA
<br />By-'- - ~ /1'-~--~ - ---
<br />president
<br />$'Y'1TIC -Or. NI~RAaiCA• ~
<br />~ a
<br />OOt7N1`L OT A~Id. )
<br />on iw~.. ?1ii';i---eay os -- - August -- n`
<br />;. b!4Ke IDethe tw,derstened, a notary public, )n antr for sold county snd state, pr-rsonRlly came _______ _._..._
<br />t-
<br />PteMd~G of W~eUawn Memorial Park Cemetery of G: and Island, Nebraska, to me personally known Sn be
<br />tha !*taridnYt said the identlcal person whore name is aftized Lo the shove conveyance, grid acknowledged
<br />tha otartvtion thereof to Ix his voluntary act and deed L such officer and Lire voluntary act and died of the
<br />sold WaatLxn IKamorul Fart Cemetery of Grand Inland, Nebraska, and that She corporate seal a( the said
<br />Waatlaw-n Ytmoria1 Park Cemetery o1 Grand ,Inland, Nebraska, was Us ereto afllaed by its nutT-cri!y.
<br />WITNIC83 my hand ant nowial su7 Ne sty ajnd y~ea-]oat above written.
<br />a~R-. ? n,-e ' >sfhrecr_: T~Tctar~ PtdEfe
<br />:~. ..
<br />~; -..
<br />