<br />the sums sec;tred hr tni< ~ti of ~Frvst shall continue t.~intpaired llpoa such ~aymcm and cure 6i Borrower, lh~a~ Decd ~+.
<br />"il'trxt and the cbtig:xiors secured he~bp shat! tcmdia in t'utI force :md affect as it nn a-°.eitration bad occe:rred,
<br />20. Assf~ment o{ Rentx .4ppofntrvrcn[ of Neceecer, Lender in Pn~session. .AS acld~uor~al scc~ir.ty herarndcr. Borrtnver
<br />hereby assivn.- a t_ende the rent.- cf the i'r6 crty ~, tiled th .t B rm cr -h tl n, e !a tt in ;ndcr p rte ra h ts'
<br />hereof or aba ndc ament of the Pn.pen}~, ha n right -.ikct nil rt:, r t h rent h-~y t e -erne at m. pa tbl
<br />fipon accelernU,--t miler F.xra graph IS here. ~f ha donment u v Frc pt ~} I en°tt a pe -~.n h} ty-nt Sp
<br />_ judreiaify ap}x-sn+ed secei~er, share be tntltled its utter rpt n. take p~ss~ssten -. r 3 :d ;nun~~*c [ne Pro~~.iy and ro rolleu 1 ~c
<br />rents of [he Prtzprrty mdtsding those pact dtte_ All ,cats coltccted by Lt. der cr th.^ eeceive: shall be epplied firs[ [:~ payment
<br />of the costs oC menagement ttf [he Property and cetlect4o ~ of rents_ including, hur rot limited to, receiver's Ices, nri~micns
<br />art receiver's bonds std reasctinahle c+tternz~s fees. and ther. to the +ums ,geared 6y this LA~ed tit Crust. Len 9er :n,ii [he
<br />ruti:eiver sh-a21 i>z liabtez to account only for thcae renal act .ash ~ eccic -i.
<br />:7. F1AEClfe AAvanres. L';x•n requta of Borrower !.ender- nt Lender'; option. prier m late rc. _nv }axe of ihn Propccry
<br />by ~~rtnee to Borrower, rnac make Fugue Advances to Borrosv~ce. Such Feuire Advances. ~.v i[k~ inreresE thereon, ch~al3 he
<br />.crated by this Ihed of "i'rat whin as5drnced by nrotms' w notes pasting the; Bred note are seta rrd ncrebv A* no time shall
<br />:he principal amount cC tn~ :ndebtedners sego vv by the L>eed of Trost. not including sums silvan e , in act >*d.mcc here°.vith
<br />to pro.eet the secant} of t'tis De-c~t ~t 7nst exceed !Fx ar gene! rxount pf h _ ?7ete pleas US S ~UU'Q OU _
<br />Z2.. Aecowrey>raez. Gpon pasmeni of ~etf Suns secutw hti ;h~. Deed or 7 n n, 1_r, ier .hail rcque<• Z ~ i c t z~ nvcy
<br />tPrc Property and th:ili surrcndu tF.is ~JCCd ~t Tntst a td nll r.~_tvs e,~ideneinb lode-ht<c, teke stuued hp fhtc Uced of "Z rest
<br />to Tnlstee. Ttus:ee shall ;2can+-ty the Pmnern- withotr warrantp ar,d ~x~n hoot chnrgc to the person or ixrsem ing:aa
<br />entiNed ?herefo_ Such oers*_*r_ or pers:~ns shat! pay alt ce sts . i r enr~lation, I f w.
<br />ZJ. S~hetitate "irmtee_ Lenefer. ar Lcndcs's opltie, :~ a} it m time t~ time rent,we fnisree «nd appein[ a succe.unr
<br />- ;nyuee w any ~Fntstc~ appointed hcrn¢ndct by ar, 6nananert rect. lcu} in tl~r- county h: which this Uccd of Tni<.t is recorded.
<br />W'iihout conveyance ni' the Properly, the suce~ssor teastre shall suet+.ed to all the e1t~e, axnwer and duttr_s .orttcrrcd upon
<br />the Trustee better and by applicaD,e law.
<br />iA. Rq~t [a+ ~iolian- Berro•aer reguestc that copies ni the notice of default and nou:e <' salt he sen; to Horrawer's
<br />ad4ress which is the PtaEieri}' Add[css.
<br />I~ Wilaes5 WnEr{€rtr, Borrower has executed thi> lhed tit T: us*..
<br />yt~caaei ,.. Anderson --s.,..o~H~,
<br />.L e..a ,t. Ar,aersc-,#/J' _.aor.~w«
<br />STATE OF ~iEB1tASKA... ..... ~a,il _ _ {A LLtlt}' SS:
<br />On this - ... 3,x.5 ~. _ .....:fay of . F1~4=4 - .... -. i9 ~2 _ , 9c~o:c are..he undets~gned. ^ tiotarv Pui>iic.
<br />duly commusiatned and quali5ed for wed ct:untq, pcr~nnxlly came. .
<br />Kicnaei 4_ A~dcr 'on una L ~s- :~:td ~rtiu~i tus .:;«d end .+i:. .
<br />.::~ ....., to tnc known to be the
<br />Identical persoefe) w}t[75.c namcisl arasut+scri}xd to the toreetitng :;r.truroent and acicnowledgcil the cx~.cution
<br />thereof to ht .tn~•i ~ e~tuntrry eat hnt~ deco.
<br />Witness my Rand ~~mi ncrtxriat aai at. Gra~.~:..islaarz..:~~>:asks, In gait! c.*unty. Nn+
<br />d7AlC 3(O!Cl3uf.
<br />t.4y L~tlmnlKSiO:t expires: i~ ~~_~ ~ ~~
<br />s n. waF
<br />M~ c... Ew, w 7~,1fM ~.,,,.,r ono:,
<br />fiEQ~i~57 ]i~iJ)t i:ECON~8Y:1NCE
<br />fo TRi;sY fe:
<br />Tfxt undcrigncd is ttte 3tokler c,( the nuic cr reKCS scuecri bs dais Deco of I'rusx. Snid ?tote or nitres.. to~etlier
<br />with aL other indtbtecla.cxs cciurul hF :hls t'?ee~J o, "Erase, rtao-e t><•zn pu;d !n full. Ynu are hereby dlreotod to ~unccf
<br />surd rtrne or notts anti this Deed of 't'rust, which sre drhvcrecE hereby, and tv recanvcy, without a~arr.,nty, ail rite
<br />eswte n~?w hel:i t~' you under this Decd of Truk *.o :he }xrsc;n ur ,-xtrwns legally rnt;tled thctet,a.
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