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82•~1.UU3730 <br />9 Gaademastioo The risceeds ofanv award or claim far damages., direct or consequential,. in connection with. any <br />p <br />condemnation or other"caking cif the Property,.or part thereof, or tor.^onveyance in lieu of condemnation; are heretiyassigned <br />aced shall foe paid to Leader. <br />fn the event of a total eakingof thePropesty: the pracecdsshalt be appGed'tn the sums secured by ihis.Deed of Trust. <br />: with theezcess, if any; paidto°Borrower:an thcevent of`a partial takingnf tfiePropcrty;unless Borrower andI_ender <br />otherwise agfee in wrilirsg, there shsH tse applied to thesums secured by thisDeed afTtust such:proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to thae proportion which the amount of the sums secured by thisDeed of Trust imtediately prior to the date of <br />tatting ixatsto the fairmarket value of theProperty immediately prior to the date of taking, wi,hthe balancebf the prtceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />IE the Froperty es abandUnedbti• f3orravser, or if, after notice by Lender ai Borrower that the condemnor offers to make' <br />an award arsettlc-aciaim for damages, Borrower fails taresptmdto Lender :u~tthin 3@ days after the date suchnotice is <br />maiieQ Lender is'au[harized to collect and apply the proceeds, ai Lender's optiop, either to restorationrnr repair`of the` <br />Propertyorto the sutras secured b} this. teed of Tnist. <br />Unless i,.ender and Borrower gthera~~~se agree-in writing,anysucM appiicatian of;proceedstc p~ meipal :shall not extend- <br />or pos[porte:[he-duedate ofthemanthVy ;^stailments referred Ic• iu paragraphs J and 2 hereo: ar changethe amount of <br />stiett ietctalfmcntt. <br />- 10. Berrorer Not Released: E tt:•isi~~n a€ the time fee payment or madificatinnof amortizauon of the sums secured <br />irv this Deed of Trust granted by Lender io any succcssarm interest of Ancrawer shall rxx operate to release, in any manner; <br />the hahifityaf. the orig(nai'Barrawerand.Barrowar's stacecssors in interest i_endershall nothe required to commence <br />:.proceedings against such successor oCrafuse to exsend timcfor paymenti?r otherwise modify: amortizatia^ of She sums <br />sects 6y this Deedof Trust by reason of any demand made by the nriginai Bturower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />fl_ Forbeanwceby:i,ewders~lota Waiver. Anr farbearanceby Lender rn exerisng any. ,right or remc~'y hereunder, ~?r <br />othcrwise_aftorded. by'.appticable law, shailnot Fxa'waiver afor preclude the cxercueolany such sight orremedc. <br />The procwement:of insurancenr:thepaymcnt oftaxcs or atherhens nrcharCes by.Lendershall rant be awaiver of-Lender'. <br />right ta accc[crate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this I?ecd of Truss, <br />12: Reesedka CatwuMfre. Allrcmcdies provided inth'ss Deeed of Trust are dis[inct and t:umufativc to arr}• other right. <br />or rtxrledyundu this Decd of 'Trustoraffnrdcd byelaw creyuitt-, and may tis..ezcrcised .concurrently;: independently or <br />sttcc~sively. <br />13. 'Stueeeasota atad AasiR~s lorai;'7oint atd SeYrral' LiaM'lity: Capwotrs. The covenants and agreements :herein <br />confaitted shall bind; ate the,;:ghts hereunder shai4 inure tic.:be respective successors and assigns of Lender and Aorrnwer; <br />subject to the provisions af.:paragraph. t7 hereoL AP3 cncrnants attd agr~'ments ofRorrawer sha3! hxjoint and sevcrai. <br />T1u pptions and hcadengt of tL*e paragraphs of this f7eexf cif "Trust are for convenience only and are no[ to t?e used to <br />snterpra or define the pravisiom brwrof: <br />lt. \Soliee.F..xcept for any nonce requiredundec applicable taw [o be gevcn m another manner, 1a) any noticetn <br />Borrrwer provided for in this Deed ixf Trust sha14 he given by mailing such nnncc t?y cemfied tiiaii addressed to Harrower at <br />theProputy:Addresar at Stich ntheraddressas Borrawcrmav dccignate hyngttce to t.:cnder as provided Tiercin, :,rid <br />(b) any t[oiice to Lcnd~r shall be given by certiEed ma[I. return rev c,pr reytznted. to J_ender~s address stated herein +r tip <br />svchoflteraddrrssas.Ludermay~signate b}`.notrcrra Aorrow~r :: ~rovtdeu here,n. Any-nat[ce provided fo>•'in this <br />ChexlofTrtrstshak7ixdeerned.:to havtbceti g[vento Borrower ~,r in the::mannerdesignatcdhcrein. <br />15.:. Utrifwtw. e~ oETr,.rh. Getrrrri[ig i,.aw: Se+•crab8ity. `7'i„ form of Jtrcl: oftrustcombines unrtoren ravenurts flit <br />riationafuse arwl non-uniform covenants with dimitrd v:,nat,nn. i•+ crisdicaian to constitute a uniform securuy instninicnt <br />:coruiagrtat property: ThisDeal of Trusishaii hegov rncd !~•; to .~~• c~' the tvrisdicuon en which fix Psaperty is lix:+ied. <br />In ihr-eamt thaw a-ryprwisioo'rir clause ofahrs deed a(T rmt nr he va2ucontlicis wxeh applicable law, such conftici slridl <br />[tot aQect ~tlur pprro m of this Decd +sf Titisf or tht i`iote wh•~h .alt tx given etTcce wnhout the conflicting pruyisien. <br />and to ibis rnd the ~isio[tr of the f)ted of Trvst and the ~nlt are declared to be seviceable. <br />1~,; lart;rwer's Ge~y. 6prrawu sitaU be furmched a ttznfnrtwed copy et the tiotc and ai this Deed of 'l'east a[ the time <br />of exsctt[ion ar after recordation. httrcaf. <br />fT. Trwfnof fbelrspeatY;A+rturptioe- If aline anypran of the Prn}+:,r; of au tntcrwi therein tsapld or Iranstcircd <br />by eorrowu wi[houtLcndex's priarwrittett ~an,er.t, rxciudingiai r#tc Grc;c"~>n aia lien oreneumt?rance subardirateta <br />k1nrD~dafTrust. (b} theergtianof 5[*trreha:c r,onry sauniv mtcrrsi t„c hvosehold appliances, {c) a tr~nsicrfiydevisc, <br />deacewt or l>y operation of law upon the death of :, :~+n,t tenant or i d) the grant ,•' any leasehold interest of there yeitrsnr less <br />not tantairtinss an option to putchase, Lcrtdcr n~ it i. code s ~,p: i fn; Jr:lsre . I1 +he sums secured by this [teed nl Trust to be <br />,mntediatety dueagd payable. Lcttdar shall ha~c .v:r.sari such n, t n !~+ axetuate if, prior to the sale or'transicr; Txndcr <br />and thoperson lOw~homthe Property is Ic be ;old ,n transferrcJ rcxK~h agrrcrrxrtt inwrumg that the Credit of such.~rsan <br />s aatiyficlary to Lrndtr and ttsu ;hc ;nterest psial?Ic <.n it>< ,urn• , ha this i)cetS ai T:rust shat! he at such rote as <br />t.ende[shall requaGlf [trulrr has waned the upuen r> acretctaic liru~.+JCd ,n th,s paxograph)7, and ii 80rruwer•s sueeessar <br />.n intresthas executed a wr.ttan avwm{xx,n agrrcn~en, :.cccp(cd .n •A by Caroler, Lender shall. releau Borrowaf from <br />aB obligations tutderthis Deal of Trust anal the ~iotc. <br />ia+ <br />lf`4errder exercixs sttch option to acxlera rc. LrnJcr ,hall Ror...wzr rot.ce of auelrcation .n .r. „^dance with <br />paragraph is hereof: Such notice shalt prov,de a pert<xl t t •,.+! I~vs [ban ?~ da}s team the date the antic,. to mailetl within <br />whrch Borrower maypay the sttm~ deciaiud due' it Bc ra' cr t.i ;,~ pas .u..n sumvpnar t« the expiration t?f such perit?at, <br />Lender may, wnhout furtbtr rmticc yr demancf'on $oiru,.er, :;u,,te and re rateSi ~ petmiticd by paragra[rh f S hereof. <br />-Nat+-U t~lFaaxtCbvErtxtrts.. Borrower and I cnJcr tunc~rcovtitar.[ oral agree as'fnllowx <br />fg.'-Acrrkratiotlt Reasediea:..Fscep as provided ioprnRfaph 1.?beteof, upowBarrower'sbrtach of:any ravenant a <br />a~ C of brrower in tbb Deedot 7'rusi, itraladipg the covenants to pry when due any sums secured by Ibis Deed <br />of Trsx~r. [~w~er prior to acrekratiua sMll mail rwticc to iorrowrr as pro+ided ia.,pangf`apb IQ hrrtof.sprcifyirig:.. (ll the <br />breach; t2) the srtiow reyuinedto cnrc web Mrach: tJ) si datt,wa levs thaw 3@ drys from she. date the notce is matted to <br />iorrower, by wlekh such breach m[w 6r cured; awd 1I3 that failrrr fo cure sash brear![ on ar befart the date specified <br />is llr[ eolfce wuyttesdl ie acceleration of the wms sccurrdby this Deed. tsf Trust..arrd salrof thrProperty. Thcnulitt <br />slWl frrtbrr inform BKrowK of the right to reiw::tale alto accekraliiron awdthe..right to bsirR a court aMiow to aasen <br />the woa•tsYteace of a dcfarh ar awy tNlrer detersc of Harrower totrecekratioa:'and sak,:'if thebretuch is not cured <br />or or 6clore Ilse dale speeefied iw t4 notice, Lewder at Lender's option -may deetana0 of tlia:surns secured byfhis Dced <br />of Tres[ to be immediately der and payabrr without fonMr de[n+.rd aadinay involve twe power ofsakand any otherrcmedio <br />perruilled by ttpplicsbk law, Lewder shaA be rnlitkd w colkvt all reasonable tosts:awd exprosa[ incurred it pnrsuhsg tht <br />remedies provided in Chu paragraph ]M. inctudiwR, Cwt run fire ittd ta, reisetrabie sttoracy s fees. <br />if tk power o[ oak r, invabed, 7'rvsltc shag record a notice of default in rack ctwnty iw:»•bieh Ihr F'roperh' or some <br />put tknuf is Mtcued utd slsall mail copies of such notice it the manner prescribed by applirablelawfa Borrower and [n the <br />Mber persons prescribed by applicable law. After the laps of such time n may 6e rryuired by appBeaMa'law, Trusfce vhall <br />Rive public rotiice o[ site to the persons and in the manner prescrit><'.d by applicabt law. Trtalee, wiibDW. demand on <br />Sorrowrr, sbaN sell the Property al public auction to the hiRhc-st bidder at [he time and place and itndrr ltu terrns des~natrd <br />b IAe nolict of sale is one or more parce6 acrd in such ordrr as Trustee nay dtlerwint_ Tr:~alce may. postpone salt of all <br />nr aey peal of [be Property by public anrwuncrmcnt at the lime sod plate of nay previtwsly schedukd.:eak; f.xndrr nr <br />Lender s desgaee may prrchasc the Propcny ri any vlc. <br />l;pon rectipt of payrnen'. o[ the price bid, Truster shall deliver t~ the purchaser Trustee's deed canyeyiag the Properly <br />sold. T'lre rnitals iw the Trustee's decd shah he prima fair evidence of tht truth of [bt statements made therein. "1 roster <br />vAttY apply the proceeds of lb[ sate in the £oBuwt[ra order: (a) to rill reasorsable crnLS and exp.•nses of the sale, includirq;. but <br />nut limbed to, refuter's ftes of txd mere than .. _ _ _ _ __ ~- of the t(rt»s sale price, rrasanable a[tornry's fees and civets ,.?f <br />#hle eritknce: (b} to >0 cams secured by this Deal of 7~rmq and te) the excess. if any. to the person ear ~rwns Dally entitled <br />Ibcrcto. <br />,._ ~. <br />[9. Morro»rrs RiRlo1 In Reinatue- he ~ :~t~nd,ng I c~de~ =teYcruian ,~; •h, rr ~e ~.~r -Chi. {J 7rc:,t <br />$c,rrowe[ Yhaa have the risks[ to hay-e any r'r occcding: begun t-y i.<urJer -. r.`u rcc his !7etd ~~( fn ,l s. ,_;nc_r, •„ <br />env i,me pr _~ to the ea ei c~~ur of ill th fi in v `u.f he er tee t r s' ~, si I ~. ~ t c - ,~ . <br />sn This Decd f Trust u: t ,} t v b(a vulgment h Tk_d T i H r:. ~ I <br />1?e then dr:c tender t4is r3aeJ of 7r+a;t_ !hc here .and rtt ,,et xc, n ,g f ~ture~ \, e,_ .t ~: ,d i ,ccciu ~ul~ <br />;Ei; Aw'rr!•acr [ti res all !,reaches .•.[ any ~thcr tU~ena; [a ~;r ag ~s_a..nL o-' kor o-h• _.. .. !~s u~a,f 7r:.,[. <br />+ <br />tC) 8;~rrower ;*aVS slE re.a ~.~aat,e ripens- ,?a. ,, s1 ,'y !end-r ~.J 1. ,~a ca r .. rt ,F.c r. '?.ntn -.r S ;~;ra_nt, <br />Brrrcwcr tan sin_d in this t~cr,; a; 7 ru,' x d '~ cot; r.;rr.~ Le ~daa s ~. d l u..- ~ r , ltd -~ p ,. r p .nt~r:=i.'i ;s <br />*crev+f, irH: luJirtF. but nr~t !im ited ;., r as+;nat lc .vctca n~v acs :,rid :di Hat. • ,,,,~ s S .. ,der . _ . .L~~F <br />rey~nrr tr assays r.a. 'he. ~ a,, o! Ih!s f~crc .}t a .. , ei .I" .tc. _,. ,.. f r,~tti }so , +. ; h, ,i <br />