<br />327.. WAflIWNTY bEEO ~~.~llltt~/ GJ +ot tau • a corr
<br />F-- _- _ -
<br />hus;~r~ and :cafe
<br />in ccna'deration ti ~ Dolla;;s ($2.00) and other valuable consideration DOLL,.0.R5
<br />in hand paid, do hert?~y ~~ant, bargain, se13, canvey'and confirm unto
<br />i
<br />DEN~i:S L. BAR3~'LEY and SSfC1R03~ R. 3iARRLEY, Husband and 'n33fe
<br />the !ol3owing descrit,ed rest estate, sit~aatc in the County of Pill and State of Vebras3ca, r o-wit
<br />Itst 1, :xxtset "is'aird Suhdivisian, Hall Cotatty, ~3ebraska.
<br />ta~ethtr vriL3s a3i the teaemcnta, hcrzxlir~tnents, srrid appurtenynces to the same E,rtwrgirg, and all 2!~e ncat~, citlr,
<br />dower. riglsCU[ hcx[testead, ciutra or dttnurd 2rhat.scxwer of the Paid gr~tors
<br />a(, in. pr to the same, or ary Fart thereof;
<br />TO X.lYfi ANZJ TO: HOLD the strove described pretnisrs, with the appurtenances. unto the said
<br />artd to txirs and assi~u3 €orevcr, artd tie the satd ~,zatttars
<br />Itu txsrsely~ and tom.'.
<br />heirs, rttectistors, aru! administnxtxs, do cm~c.-nnt tirit3r said
<br />and whit heirs and :tssigm,
<br />thii e~ :iXtr t±[xfulEy srited u{ aaiai , remises. tha. lhc~y arr €rtic rrrrn rnr:um?~rarre sub jer_t to
<br />easements, restrYctiatss and T~sa:rvatfons «f rrc~rd, to a pro-rated share ~~[ current
<br />refll e~rtete tnxr8 and Lb al, subsrqucnt cax+ca ,~rnd assr.n~mencs.
<br />i
<br />.that ldF4 bare yu~d riKht -nC latirYul 1ut'iGSit~ to X11
<br />the tiarat and that :~ wtilt stns! CXi* heirs, rxtcutors, arw admm~stra:ors steal; warrant and dclend
<br />the scene unto the e.ai!
<br />attd 3~r.irs anc! 3 V•Lr:s, f~r+:cr, a+s:^st •?:c ]an:;;1 t,n,~rb a€ a!'. Fxrtions wF,o~r,xx,-r.r
<br />!N Ib`I7"NESS li'fiE12EOF ce !:awe bese~:ntA set ~' harms Chia
<br />l A F). 14 2 -3 day of
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<br />7VEHkI~iKA ~"'t1~1ESrTARY _ / E
<br />Patricia ~ Gola __-- ~
<br />~U~ 3 t, 398; ,l
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