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<br />Lender's •.~~ritten aeretrrieat nr applicable-law, Borrasvezshall pay thearnountgf all motlgage:insurancepremiumsin the <br />manner pro~dec' r.nder paragraph 2 F.ertpf. <br />App amnents Ltsbursed ht' i.en der pursuant to this: paragraph 7; with tnYeresT thereon. shall become addironal <br />indebtedness o~ $ormw~er secured by thla Mr?rtgie¢e_ iJnles Borrawerand Lender agree tootheraerms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from I ender to Borrower tequestingpaymtnT~thereof, and shall hear interest from the <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time qn otttstandirg principaF under theNolz unless pa}anent of <br />interest at such rate would he contrary to applicable Iaw in which went"such amodnts.'shall bearinlerest at the highest rate <br />pernsissiblr under applicable Iaw. Nothing contained ir, slits paragraph 7 sltall zequiteLender toincur'am; expense or take <br />env action hereonder. <br />g. [rra}ectirxr. Lender may make or Cause te'.+e made reasonable entries upon and inspec[ians of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to env Such inspecTian specifying reasonable-cause-therefor related to Lender's <br />irtecest in tee Property. <br />4. Coedewrtewfiow. T?te proceed: of env a,vard cr clarmfor damages, 3itxxt or-consT:quential. in connection sviih any <br />conc{emnation or other takin¢ of the Fro>reny. ;;r part thereof: grPor conveyance lollop of condemnation.. are'.herehy assigned <br />and shall tx paid to Lender. <br />In the coops of a total taking of the Pro~rt4~, the nrocceds shall beapplied to the sums secured by this Ftortgagc, <br />-.with the execce, if any, paid ±o Borrower Is, tbt ~vcnT c,f apartiaitaking of theProperty. i~nlessBormw~cr :md Lender <br />o;herwisc_ agree in writing. there ;rta:S be applied to the sumsseeured by.-this Mortgage such[iroportian of the proceeds <br />as is egyal :o that proportion wfiich the amooniaf ttsesums securedbyShis hfaitgage immedia*ely prior ro the date of <br />taking boa rs to the fair marker i•afuc o+ itxt:Prtiperttimmediataty. prior,to the dateof taking, with the halaoce of the proceeds <br />paid to Barrowtr. <br />Tf the Prepem- is abandoned h.' Barravver. or if.'afier notice by L.enderto Barrawerthat the condemnor offers to make <br />an award ar uttlc a claim for damages:' Btirtnwer fails to respond ta. Lendex within 3a days after the. ciao such. notice is <br />mailed. Lender is authorized To ctst`,.,.af and,apptytheproceed3lat Lendar•'s option: nstherto restoration ?r repair of the <br />Yrapcny ar ro the sums seeurru. by this Mortgage, <br />Lenten 1-ender and Borrower otherwiseagroe in: writing, any such appticatian of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or pactpetne the due date of the. alanthly ittsial]tttents-referred to in paragraphs 1 "and 2 hereof or chance the amoum of <br />such ~nstalirnents. <br />14. doRpwtr Not Reie~ei. £ztrnsioa of the tirM for paymrnt or modi&cationoE ainonizatian of the sums secured <br />by this Monk granted byLender is arty setccecsar i» intcresraf Borrower shall'natopente to release, in any manner. <br />the liability uf. the original Borrower and Berrowu~+ cix:ccssors in interest. i_endcr shall oat h req•.rired t~ commence <br />proceedings againu suehsu~r~or refitac to tztend time for pavmentor othcrwisemadify amartaation of the sums <br />secured by thiti Mortgase° by teaser: of any demand' made ba the t?rtiginal'Borrower and BOrr~wcr's successors in interest. <br />11. Pw~arwee -r.LerderllVat aNr$s~eA+,v fothearance Isyf~ndcr intxercsin)t'anr right or remedy hercundc;. or <br />othc,wix afforded hyapp3is:sNt:3aat,`< ar ¢recluds iheextrrise ofanv arch right or remedy. <br />T'ht procurement offnaltratxxotthcpagtmnt of-IaACCarcither licnsarcharges by:Lendex shallnot hs: a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accclcrafe thcmatutityaf Iheahdeinedrxsa secured lsy tftis Atartgaac. <br />I2, RseiisC~swhtl~e.AB rematlits provided in this Martgagea~ dislinctand cumnlativcta env other right ar <br />remedy under ibis Mortgalte oraHarded dyiaw r~r equity,. and. may he e±tercised concurrently, independentl;% or su CCCCSivcly. <br />iJ. Sweeeaaara titttti;Aati~tw {ew~i: ]elver awe Sererat'13ab~h7 CaNioas. The rnvenants and agreements herein <br />conlairxd shall hind. 1tW thart~hts $sereurtdes shall ,m:re tn: [he-n-spts;ti vc strcrosurs :and assigns of L.cadcr and Bon veer, <br />subject to the prov=niuns of paia$ratpFf I? hrrcaf '.tl rovenants and agreements ufBarrrnvtt-shal(.::be ;~~int and severnl_ <br />The captiam and txaJ•ngs of".the paragraphs of :his ~fartFagc artfareanvenienec onlyand;art not io F+c used ro <br />interprti or defitx the provlrlOriS herieol. <br />H. NMlee. Except forany:>mtice tequirtd uedcr applicable law to be givcnin another manner, iaj any naGcc to <br />Borrower pravidtd far ~r. thq Mnrtp¢e .hall tx grvrn by ma,inig such r.olicc by_certi6ed ;rail addressed ia.BOreawerat <br />the Fro)xny .address or at xuch: Whet address as Bt, may Designate by noiict to ixndcr as provided fierein,and <br />(h) any notice to Leader chat! be g,atn by cenrfieJ mail, return :_ .ceps requested: to`i,tndar'v addrrwY stated heroin M'ao <br />suuh other address as L.atdcr mar dcsienatc by noirtt :n Bwmwcr as pmv+dc~3.heitin.; ,4nv notice provided afar in this <br />Mangagc shall F+c Deemed to have been F,vtn to Ltorrowtr r•r I ender when R ven,in thCmanner designate) herein. <br />IS. ltti/rrefr MeeKw~t; Corerw,iwR Law: Sevrrahill(v. l'ni•. form at martRagecambineauniform over,anlsfor national <br />use and non-uniform covenants with iimiuJ vanations bar iumdiuinn .v concutute a unifotm~ security. imtrumtnt covering <br />roal property. ~Thio Mtxtgagt shall be governed hV .l+c taw of the 7urisaict+un inarhich thc'Yropetty is lotattd,:In the <br />went tfia[ any provision ar clause of this htangage or ibe Note conflicts -•~ith applicable iaw,stsehconi}ic[ shall'not'afl@Ct <br />other provisions ei this Mongag< o: iht vote which ern ht Aiven cilcct withauf the conflicting provision, and' to this <br />tnd rho provisiarvc of rho Mangagc and the Vnte arc J c(arcd to fx scverabla <br />IL. >Mtrvwer's Cody. Borrower shad >x furnisM,i ~ a+nfcrnxd copy of the Note and of this Madgage at the time <br />of rxecutinn or after recordatim hereof. <br />17. Trier of tie irMertr: As~iM. if all or my part of slit Property or an +nttiest therein is sold or Trattsfarrcd <br />by Borrv~wer without L.endet's gripe wriucn a>r~sent, exdusiing ?a+ the creation of a lien nr encumbraacesubOrdinate t6 <br />this Martgaitc, :b) the caution o{ a purchase manta ucurit} interest for hausthuld appliances, (c) aTransfer by devise, <br />descent ar by operation of law upcxt the depth of a ;pint tenant or ids the grant of any tearehoid imercaT.of throe years or Its <br />not containing xn cption w purchnc, Leander may, at Lcndtt"s option„ declare atl the sum. w:urtd by. ftiis MengageTO be <br />imnr~iiately due and pay'abk. 1_andcr shall ]says veal^ed such aptian to aaCt?crate if, prior to the sale or n'ansfer. Lender <br />and tfte pervert to whom stet Property 1s to tx sold ar trueslcrred reach sgrtemtr,i in writing that. the crtdiT of such. parson <br />is uti.factory :o LeneTer and that the intertst payaCic on the sum, s,~:urcd by this 4longage shall tn: at such rateas. Lender <br />shall request. If Lender h~ waived the optson to accdcr_ic pros~idcd in this paragraph ]7, and ,f $orraw~er's s11C:CeSSOrin <br />iniateA hat executed a u~ricuo assitrttptioe agt'tearcut ac~eptcd in writing tr' Lender. Lender ;hall rricasc Bnrroaet' from alI <br />obligatiattx urtder this Monya;e atxi the Notc. <br />If L.errder exercises such option to aidtratq Lender chaff mai? $urrawer rroiuc of accclcratio^ ;n uctxirdan~ce~ with <br />paragraph it hereof. Srxh notix shall pravidt a period of rcft ices Chao 30 days from fbe date slit; notice h malted.":within <br />which Borrower may pay the cams Jutarcd due. if Borrower Sai s ro pay w h soma }~ is .o the expiration of suchpcriod. <br />Lender may. willwut funftcr rro[i~'e or Jemarx7 car, flurrow~er, mvale any :erne ir, i,erm :eJ h} paragraph tR bereaf:': <br />tiuN-Uxt F~ati h;ovEwn~rs_ Borrower and isruler further :ovcnar.t and ag:cc as tollows~. <br />Il Aeeateratiuw: Ranrdiea. E><`'ePr w r-'v~idcd n pars~rayh 1'7 bereoi, upon Eurruwcr'v brcaclr of an; cvrveeanf or <br />ageseaewt of 1lorro.rsc h this Moriar4q iwctudty the vsvnuat fu pry when doe app sums secured by this }turtgage, <br />l.awier'eior b aceeler>rlow sfswl mn- ro[icc !o sorrorrer zA provided is paragraph IJ hereof rpccifyi~: tl) the breaa-h: <br />t2}t-e adios reyrtrei to sere sac# Masco l31 a dale, not leoti fhfn ,W dayv tram the due the rn>(ice c mailed rn Borrower. <br />trq wtaieh awch Urcac4 caret k c+md: and f~) shot failure to ewe such brex~h ua w 6rfore the date .specified in tiro rrotire <br />raver revels] lw atetkretiow o[ the peter scented by shit MoriAgse, frxccftntwre M judicial proertdln(t and sale of the Property. <br />'Etie twfltt shsi0 tlrltttr iwfoeta iiarower nt the r~M to reitactxe attar xeckratian artd the right to =rrstn in the fc.rxrlusure <br />irracteQiarg flee aos eakatwrr of a dedardt ee awY other Aefetrsc of B;xrowv m acctltratioa aad foreclosure, If 1Lte lrrcattt <br />it rqt ctterA oa w kefarc tiro dale opeciNed iw the trplke, ],ender at Lender's option mar declare aU e{ stet ~>utrrv secured hti <br />At17r'.Nwlgagt ta, hr 3[rrinrdirtety die acrd pavrAk yr ithoul tnnher rkawan6 aad rosy fnreciact h~ judicial prus:erdirttl. ].ender <br />rises ix tsttkled la ro1Mc! t• rsrch proceediwg aB expttnes of forccltnurr, im~lwdiej: Met not IirM.ed to. co. is of dtxunaeuf xry. <br />nLdxw[e, a6tirxt+ arsJ silk repoAa. <br />Z4. 16txoarr"s Ri[Itt to f2eiratafe. SMwc,hstaod,nL; i.rnder', ..ccc'.cr arras :~- •' c s..m.= ,tr,irnl h} t u:, zi,x t:;„~c_ <br />R:ar,'~k;.r sita9l $ace ttsc .•ighi c:-, rags :+~y rrca..~~d,nt;; t>egcr ^v ..,.vl,:, c_„~c `; 4, _g;ag~ _ ,.a,i..~. vs, + wi: tu:~c. <br />