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<br /> <br /> <br />Li~ttroRMr eovtiN>,rrTS. Borrower endLrnder ravenant andagrec as-fo4lows.: <br />L Ya}-mrnt of Principd and Inlrrest. BMrpwer shall: promptly pay when Ytue the-principal of and inter eston the. <br />indebudness evidesce~t8y the ~ic~te, , repayment end late charges nsprovided m-ihe"NOte:arid`the prtnmp5l ofand interest <br />on any Future Advances secured b'; this blort_rage, <br />2. Fuoda for Ta:es •nd Iroerance. tin 6,cct 'c+ aop'icabte iav= or to a urines ~x,iiver by Linder, Borrower >hall pay <br />to Lender nn the day monthly inn altmenis of grin:ipal ~,nd inirrast ve pa~~ab!c tinder 4.e More, coed the ^1a c :paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal m one twelfth of the }'earlq taxes and azse.~-,men's which may nttat[t prror9[y ove[ this <br />;Mortgage, an3 ground rents on the Proper>,y, sf any. plus one-twrl(ih t+f yeariv nrernium !ns[allmcn[s forvha~a~d insurance. <br />phs one-twelfth of }'early premium instathnentc for n?ort cage insarancc, if .uay. aIl tit reast~nah;y caimnl~d ini C!nlly and from <br />time to time by tender on the basis cif aasesv;tents and hN's and reasuoahh- estimotcs thereof. <br />'hhe Funds shall he held in ar. ins;~ta~ion the tieyxsits ,xaceuunts pl wh ~a :. re insured or guarantccu by a Federal or <br />st5te agency (incFudirg Lender if Lender a such an insdt uticn)_ Lender sHr.l ",~ my the Funds to inv said roses :, sessments, <br />insarancc premiums and ground :erats_ f.~rtder rray~ not charge for sa h{+Iiiine nd :,ppiy'i.c rht Fun :, n'tiyz rg sari .u.coura. <br />nr verifying and rumpling said :l8sesst7xeflh' : e.; bilk, unles Lender, paws t3on ower inicrasl on the Fund, and applicahle law <br />permits Lender to make sncha chnrge.'Sarrawer and l~ende>' maX agree ~:n e~rilmg at iha nm~ of es cuuon of this <br />Diortgage roar interest un theFUUds shalLkx: paid n t3orrawer, andiinlcs; 5u.h ..c ec.rcnt :. mada~or app~icab;e law <br />requires such in[erest to be paid;a~:~crshall not tx•, re:,uucd to'p~s k'.rrrosa~r ins ~,r.lerest ,~r c:;rmngs onthe Ponds. Lender <br />shat! give to I3orrower,withnur charge:;;i; annual acrnum rag of the fcRr'~+ ,-. ~`ii5 : adits and"debits :otlte Funds and 4a <br />purpose roe vvhicfieach debit to thcFundswasmadc. The,Funtlsare pVd ~cd :~sactditional security for the sumssccured <br />by this Mortgajr <br />[f the amount of~the Funds-held by Lendcr,.together withthc futurnrnonihh~ ~~tsiailmeittsof Fundspayabicprior..t~ <br />the due dates of taxes,; assessments, insuratvee premiums and ground rents, shall c~.ccd the amount reyuired fo pay said taxes. <br />assesunenis, insurance premiums sad ground rents: as they .Fall due. Stich ex:ee: shall be„af Bo. ~owct's nption: either <br />promptly repsid to Borrower or credited' to Borrower on monthly ins(allntems ,~f Funds. :3f. the amotmt of the Funds <br />held by tender sha31 not besulEcieni to pay taxes; assessments, insarancc premi~ims and ground rents as they fait due, <br />Borrcxer shat! paytottnderany amountneeessaryto make Lpthe dcficiericv tvithrn. 30 days from the dale ron:e ,s: mailed <br />by header to Harrower regtmtin; paytncm thereof:. • <br />Uponpayment in full of'all sumsscccued6yths D4nn;age. Lender vaali promptly rotund ro aorrower soy: Funds <br />held 6y [:coder: It under garagraph ig hereof the Propert}• i sold or the Propcrrv es otherwrse'acqurred by Lender, Lende: <br />ahalf apply, tto later Wan lmtnediately pxiar to the sale of the Propert}' or ns acyuistuan by tender, any Funds :held b~ <br />(.coda ~t the ume of applicarian as a credit agatrat the sums ccrured hy'this \Sangagc <br />3. A~iieatlwt of hytaeists. Unless appi:cah3c law pro~;~3es .,tharwiae, ai!`paymcnts rueived by I ender under the <br />hlwe and;para;nphs;F and 2 hereof sba31 be appbed by Leader first ~r. pay meat of amounts payable to (.ender by Borrciwcr <br />under patte~raph,2 hereof, then to interest payable an the ;Vote; then to ifie pnneipal of the Note. and then to intrust ,anti <br />pritactpd on any Futwe Advances. <br />~. Cftrr~ i.k~. $arxawcr yh~kl pay alf taxes, asscssmenrs aad+~sher charges, Eases aril tmpasiuuns attnbutable to <br />We Proptny which may attain a priarity aver this MortgagE, and kasehoid paymenrs ar ground rents, if ,any, ,o the manner <br />provided tender paruraph 2 hereof or.f not pard in such manner, by Harrower making paymnn, when due, directly. to the <br />payer thereof. $orrawer shall pratnpt[y furnish to Leader alt sauces of amounts clot"imdrr this paragraph: sad in else event <br />Boarowu'shail make payment dtrecdy, liorrawer ihall pramptiy furnish t Luster ~, eipts evidencm~ such pay ~wnt5, <br />Borrower shall promptly ,discharge any 3icn uhtc: has prraritynver this: Morty,Le: pro~,dcd, that Borrower shall-oat be <br />required tty~dtseharge nay suchlien sa longaa Barrawer aliail agrac ie urit~rif: 'o the paymrht of the <~hligatum secured by <br />such hen inn manner actxptabic to tender, tx sha13 in gaad faith antr+i ,rich !,~r! h}, ar defend cnforccme:itt of sucti lien'-iii,. , <br />kKal ptoccedtog+F whichopetatctn~revcnt theeofarcernrnt of:rhe lien .~r t~~~rcnure ~tf the Property uran} part-thereof: <br />5. Hawed I~wea~cer Bouowcr,ha3ll.erp the improvement ne"~ cs~-.m, nr hcrmatter eri~teu un the 1'roperty,imured <br />againsFloss by flrt;haiasds included .~nh~n tfie tettn"ezirnded ~ .v~r,~Le -ui,i s,,eh utherharards a.-I.cnder ma}~!reyutre <br />and ut o~r=h arnaunts atulfca su~ope. rota ss Lendea msy teQuue. Pns ac~l Ihat l.enJ •~sha;l n,~t rcy,u~_ That the amatmt ~V <br />such covers;t exccedthat amount ~u cocetags reyuared m payf' ~ a~ ~~ r _ t, i 4Siartgabc <br />Thrinanraacecarrier pruYiding the tnsarancc shaA be chose, n. Iso_ ,~.~r ~.'.~.,~ roapprosa! hyf_aader• pr~rvided: <br />ties( such~apprava3~shallnnrtx unreasmabty wtttriaeld. AIIprrnu~,:n, .>> a ,r n<e pr~.~.te>shali bc'paid m the-manner <br />prov,dedunderparagraph2hereaf ur.:f not pdrd insuch sensors `. l3o:r,~r~c[ ne+-ctg p;,ymenL when duc..[ircciiy tothe <br />tnsarsrnce curter. <br />.113 insurance p.>3iaes andrencwal: tk+cr .,t sitalfhe n :r ,: f~~~ i I~ I ~~ .. ~ ;italtrn,,l,ide ., .tndard rnt.r[gage <br />cause ir, favor of anti an fert»acctptah!et, Leude,. C_rdsr ,het. hr _ ..,. Fri ::~ i „ ;Etc p~+OCacS anti rcnewnkthereirf. <br />and Borrower shall promptly fxtrnish to LcnJei aIl tenc'a.,l nonce n :.'I ~ y i 1 j"c•ui ~ ~s l1s t`+ecvant :a less. <br />13.arrowei shall grcc }irryntpLOOiiCC.:Uthc ~auu:arecra[nrr ,end I en. t .: r...,,~ ic_. I •oas rf-nut made pr>mptlti <br />by flormwer. <br />Unless Len~r and. Barrawet oche na,+: ags ec inuntmg. 3nsw nitre pn>L •.i4 sha;i he apiJ~e reia,i Coo „ -cF~,~ir .>( <br />the Pruperq~ damaged, provided sat c tarauongracpau iscs,oi ~ ~,, s~b1c .,nd thca ,,tv :d ti ~1~r. , <br />not ihcreby impaered. It stuhrcaaraue.. or :epairis not ec.orwm~ ails ;c rsu ~ Cerat the Se.;iirt < - ,.,~s t1 ru icy- ~ n~bJ <br />i~ ;tic insurance pra:etis ,hall he appliedTU i3ie sums .tc;trc.1 Irv Ihrc Y[vrsgage.. 'wr h. tii_ esc it :~ >r. d <br />l0 9on~awer. If the Prulxripis ~b ndnnut h. ysartowcr, or a`Borauc. .. r~ and u7 Lender within ~ d =. .nc <br /><?ire notice is mailed trY Sender r }krrr ,~xe mat the insarancc to nc ~- uic e class fat ^sutaG~ boa fats. I i ~": <br />u :,mlxuizotl to :.dlr. and apply the :mu:an<% pr.xeuxi aCLetv._ s ,v„-~ .v icsturation nr repair t ,:,c P -a,-t~ <br />.x :o the sums secured by this ':titortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Burros-e'oihcroixeagreeinuntistg;an ,..ap1~:.~..~ ~ F.~~eds~'p,i,i~ir~l .al!rrote,_~' <br />or hoatpone :he due date of tf>< monthly inst.<ilmcnts referred a i ~ F t r I'1'~ ! ,:.d - (serest r f :e ~.tgr chi ^~r,r ~ ~t of <br />such :aatallmenA, li under paragraph I dhGr?af C6ePiuper ty c. "r a~i!edabti f_enocC sl! ngh[. ulic ~~ae ii t cs, ,:1 3n. _:u rr <br />, ~ sad Iv a_ y u~sutencc puti_in at;d ;rt a :3 t0 theprOCeats there - solar 6 t r i dal a° h l < p'r" e "r .~ 'I ..c <br />..r a~quasriwn shall pus tc tctider futFre eateat ufahc soma-sa :,) n~> - ,.~`tg „c n , ~c.r i Iv ,:rec. . eh sly et <br />aC~y31>itt01 <br />6 }4rsen-reign and Nalntcn~oce of Property', Leaseiwids,. Cu+adomin..un., Yianned (tint Ih -_lapnu nC. Bi rr-" _~ <br />,i..,.1 k~_p the P:>pcrty~ in gocNi rapair and shall moccammit >3aste nr pcrnut impa~rm nr d re loin°iar tare I' lx~.r <br />. nJ shelf c[tntph' with iht pru:iSlOnS l)!'a6', K3Se'if th s ti{ptFj;age 's r n I 'r i r If t _~ i <br />.enciamin,um ur a piamnd ,.r,rt clever,-pmrn., 8arrc•x ~r ,_ta~i gam. tc. r.s +11 , t Souoo. tiig~ Ii ors . ^.~k .- ~ oud ~ i-,,, r. <br />a-zants ~. .rag r ~ .+ e t .c .c.n ~ t .a,e r elan; 2d t u ~ i tiu~ 7C ~ by-it ~_ art .C i , r ~ h: <br />t. rrco:n, i~~ro <+r ,~i~naw nnv de fly, mere . nn» tvrsLtuer, dca c,m ..~s. i. .~ _:. c~,or i, ,.;m rho ed .._ ~; l r ~: <br />uder es caa~steu' ~}' t3et row'tr ar reti~rdcu >&c `ace , u .hi ~i tg g ~ c .. r m- N ca i <br />ahayi Lc mcotprua.a'. mt,^ an.1 s;,~i, .ti.rand .,~nf sa, ,. ic.. t: _ [Law ~.-r,v,. , a~,~w ~. _ -:~I tr ~. to ,,, „ -~ _, ~ i ",~., <br />.s-rs a y=art hcreaf. <br />7. -'cotectioa of t,eru{ers Sct~stl7ry. i'On :ewe r r - ~a. crn~ n i " u~:.s t .,i him <br />M vgg. ~ F aa; t la. -:: pttv. ce eink is crnmco e. wt _ i v ,.I c P ~ rr. <br />~.~.~ d'ng. heat .tot ls[r Cif t0. rm t ~ =n~ a - stir b .~`e i ,r >, ,. t ~_ << ~ t <br />. ~. 3 L.v ar C ~: 'a r t :d _~y. ,. : t rr.t +u _ „ice I 1 i i ,~ .; <br />.ern'; a_ .. ~~ arch s_.:~-n ~. ,n rte.>sr. .. y: a.cai _<~<.ftira ,.. ,~. rr, i; .t ". •" •a."~.~• . <br />r ~,.rr 5._ aizt~rrs s", ~t-w :acrd r :_ :nper.~. ~ ~. _._ ,. ~._ iqs ,. r~. ,. ... ., <br />,.. ~ . <br />r~:,ce tsa x ..c ., u[t:r ~.r s.ran~ 1. ~u. ., .a^ , ,;,~h .,. - ,,~ <br />