<br />8~- ;~~
<br />!.. il y .z
<br />Ifr. ih„ the \f orterngt)r i.! keep rhefitiilRir, gsupor and ^ma ~ ^end e[+a°r, a ,d nct°her cumin^` n~ pena~t ~.~a>[e
<br />urx +i ,aid is r«t, nor .u 7cr ttxe ~~aid p-rmtsCa"Lp he u.ed .pi u:~. xnlew.u rn,rg r,:_,.
<br />t~4at ii the prom .. ae~ part ~F.eie f ! ~ e:+r.atmneltin7er " ~e ne~. ~r or'einiV ~ntd°ancir ar -. ,urc ~ ~,r public
<br />uu, the damxue> ur*ardea., he~~,tro~eea; 'or t~_ .r kire ~ .. ~„ she. ~.n n ~ratr::. ,or s.~~h , _qt i..irion. _. ~iie cn~n~ ~ .he ?•.t;l
<br />a?nomr~t o. indet:edres ~.irnn Baia m: r_~gc '.ru the ^.ate r=: ~ ~h rt i, ei .r:. .__ ~ :--r, c ~r.,in;, unp. re. c: e herch~ ~ Lei by the
<br />liar mbar t_ :he ltnrtgauce. and .haL ~ ^ai~ c. .ith n ,<:id ~1: te.~a~.... ~ ~g`ed ;.c ,h_ 4tt.r n ,«ouat ~o? .he nest
<br />menu ring mstaflm.n[s of such i~~deh;ednes;~
<br />i?. The ~.tia3agor further agrees 'hat ~na-uid th - m, rgsti' and _h~ ~~:=tr s .;eq !•rr_h - unt ~~_ J _ibie for i~:-
<br />suranceuraitrtheA+ation3lHcusing~etwtthir, b0 da•.~s ira;r~tieaa~eh-r<~~!u~ri[teo<Eaternenta~i~;nrofnc:r
<br />c~C ttu >.-part~nent cf Ptc,usng aru ~rbars I:x~etcrnun .. ~r-inorized azcn, :;ecrernr: ._f Y,;w~ qp ::r.u l!rhan
<br />[?evzlonmeni Dated ,ub5equcn[ [n .he 60 days ~ =tine tmnl re - to .at~h.~ morgaq ainlnt to irsure paid
<br />note and this *naaeage- !x~ne deemed <<=aciusive ori<_~ .. _ h ereG3ii i i?~'. !'ste ort gage .r~~nolder ; f the note
<br />t ..
<br />mav, at a<cpt~n d°clase 311 sums seeurr.d hrreoc immeQGatc~y dut umt poi-able.
<br />S?. Tha? if the >iott~gar tails co mare - navatent of n;on~i wbert :`~ _an~:e :;r° line dec.. i v.< [o .~n~erm to and
<br />_oroplr with anv of the cortd(tions kx agreenent ~ t ntained n this m: .sage, or :ae rr:e a, tch it sri~.e~. then the eattire prtnei-
<br />pal sum :md accrued lot^_rest shall at ona he ame due attd --v~hle .._ <he cis- t. t, .., li orr,agee. anti thi_ mqn gage rac
<br />thereurr~n ire foredo>ed immedi.tte'.v fnr the •~ ~c~c ,~i e; ~~ rr ~r._er_ mere,;, :n ,.c p;,rr-~er.ts. c ~;s ~raa.,u .:nt>- lases and
<br />tat ccxt u! ufending the ahur-..ct .,f ;it'e `: om the U:-te ~ f hi_, nan m -t:e tirn< a r~m,~en ..~ :J:h ~oiru~osare suit, and a reo-
<br />soc+abfe at!orney~~s See_ alf of which stra' ^e inciudad r the aecre; ~ _~.o.,rr: ;.nit !h,c ~:.n~:ae.:~mhodied ~r, thii !rorcage
<br />and [he note scored ht.ehv. sbaF ~n st: rrsp cz. he ~c ~er..c~_ cem t c.: ~r,~t _adLe;ged v he au. of tiehrzska. ~a~here the
<br />same is m:,le.
<br />T1x ecrvenants hertiR c<mtai ned shah innd ~ r. '.%te henea[s ar' t;. an aee> .. '~ ,asa hr rrspec rice nti*, executors,
<br />admertistr:,tors. ~tiucccsor. and acsi~-ns of :hc ^arUCa fle:eto. ~~tihcr~e e- ._~«!. -hc ;trguir. 1u-r,ber si~la in.acc ,he 7~~t~rn1. the
<br />plural the szngulsr. and the u.c of :arty gender>h,+l; hoappitcahlc ;~ aL een~e: ~.
<br />The toreg~ng condStions- a:i and singahar, t.~ing ietf~~tricd a~ uiirg t~~ their n:~tsi~r, and'~egal Import. this ctm~~eyance
<br />shall tae voKi and said rremixt tedtaytwiat't'hExxyeastof tfteAfuz;gaittr~. xfiu~+~ise io oe ana temninto zul! auro~ ~:rd effect.
<br />I~WIThE5Swiif.RFt)F,theMorrortsshr ve kx~tcunm:ct 'QUr handi<uhe:: :and~~ear^rst
<br />atx,va! urittrn.
<br />in 6r csence of:
<br />kichard ~. Rief
<br />J~ sE.al i
<br />`~ ~~*+ / r
<br />Patricia A. IZief '
<br />jtiElt'
<br />R Sa.,a_i
<br />STATE t.1F `EHR.iSK,4. /1~
<br />COI;ivTY i)F FdALL i "
<br />Cht this 26th day of August a. E3. 19 ~2: hcLrre n?c,
<br />a Notary 1?uDiic in ani fur aaad Ccwnty. ~tcc,naly ;:emr
<br />. pc>s.tnally to me known
<br />to br the ilentical persor~ whoa twins s are atfined to the uho~e nno forr-
<br />ttoi~ instrument as Mwtyytor, stet they have s~°kn~»~kdged :he c:aHl mstrvtment end the
<br />execution thereof to he their ~o!unuary ac[ and deed. fee the purPu,es the rem exprr, sscd.
<br />fn teshmun~ whereof, t have wereunta ut m} }wtxisndsfiseduy notarial ,eat at C7:and Zsiard, VeF;raska
<br />en the da~~ and laic tact ahas~c writtcn.
<br />~~-~~r/~~ • ~i i~~ i ~'~ ~ L ' ~i' ,i Hint
<br />l~ ~ `-~ 'votary E~ablrc
<br />~ Oita 6t- ltd it 1~
<br />_S'TATE OF `sIF,BRASK.i >s
<br />FOai for rccurd tFua das~ of
<br />at o'ceock
<br />recsxled in Hawk
<br />Pa(;e o[
<br />A.D.19
<br />lt..;e~dente:ed to Nurnercai Lndex, and
<br />.rf liurtgagcs, a~n
<br />Rc~tsteraf Dceac
<br />AF'T'ER RF,t,`QRCATII~N F;..c3fSr; RE'it7"iti 'L~J:
<br />'F'ftE RICHAPE vi.'..I. F::ti1M.F.F+:a7
<br />~a1i3:o :BId
<br />(lmshex. ":eL`z ~ak~ b2i2
<br />t'iA CIY:3F. 1~,:. 3.21.':x'30?" - ~'"~ SST
<br />