-_ _ .. .
<br />Q~ r "-' Huffman antl fef*on & Wotf wai ~.. ire Saar I
<br />703-8, -SURV!'VORB}lfP.WARRANTY DEED (}~ 1. ~'. •,:J I.>~ 4 ~ .
<br />Ii\Cs~V 1LL MEN BI' THESE PR.~CEIvTS. That. Ll'LH ll. ltAFtRE and CHARLOTTE L. KARRE, klusband
<br />" ~ anal o~ife, each in His and Her own right and as spouse: of each other-
<br />herein called the grantor whetber one or mere,
<br />in eansidemtan of SIRTY-SIX THOLTSAh'D AND NO/iO0 {$bb, Od0.O©) -OLLARS
<br />received ,rout grautePS, does grant, b+nrgain, sell sanrey snd eanfirainnto
<br />RICHARD E. RIFF and PATRZGIA A. RIEF', Husband and ,Wife
<br />ax joint tenants with right of axtnicarshp sad naE az truants in common, the following described real propert~~ in
<br />Hail CoIIatg, Vebras~Ca
<br />rxE sotrrt~s°rAxT1+x Cs~'~> OESECTION Two (2), To~sxarr~~~v>~ti (!I>
<br />?TO&TEi,'RA.*IGE TF.PI (lO}, t'Ea:" OF THE fish P.M., IIi HALL COIIR"TY, NEBRASKA.
<br />Tv hare and fo hnit3 ttte &nav~e'.dn`~wd. preID4Y~•~'~~aetl:er wit-h x11 tenements. i;erediisments and appu*-
<br />tre~arees thrrr-t<. tx-Lerr~ug u:;ta the graafwte ant} h..,r e.asiy[ats, or to the heir` and aisiKc v ni the survivpr of
<br />rhPn: farecYr.
<br />:1nd Krantrr does herrbt- tort-runt tout: the e-:,ir,~~~-s and u~uF their aas.qus uud •.rtth the heirs acd ux~igng
<br />: "C the wurt•lror t,C titres than ttrxoxor is ;attf;~iip .et>;~i ~,. eau! prtonis-~_ ttl~tiAr,v ae^efree Proan ~°ncumGrauee
<br />. eRCept easements and restrictions vi recorc ~.
<br />that ~rnatnr hn-~ Krxai rsYht aUd !a»~h,l ^~~Nt+:r;?y~ ¢t _~t,ii"~~ t.~e ~xn~r; an~i that ~rautor•+-nrranta an;! tivil! defend
<br />t:3r tale [n avid Rreroisea sKnitrn:. the a~t-fci clattce of al! penx~nn W-homEt+rver,
<br />R to :he tntrrUtaa of nil pc¢rtirx h~-rrt+: 'l:xt to th~~ ~•:^n, ,P r+~: tirnih <~, ritpre nt 'he ytrautr_ra, lhi: entire
<br />Pev rimr,~le tiUn tt the rc~r~i <~s[nte >wr,Aif eryt ut the rnn~n-ntw krun±~r.
<br />1)atrrl Augu:rt `. 1y $2
<br />l.y~t~D. farce ~~Charlotte i.. Barre
<br />" SF,aTF (?F ~ .. _ ~ ~ ~)«:hi. day s„ _.. i~ ~ Gejore
<br />'-S3. ...
<br />_,. ~ -.-_. i_axnfyt m:, ;hz una~7nt~n[d rt .Y~Em:+ ~'uhlir, ~9ih: ramrn,arrncd anJ rtcafif~ec ,or
<br />w .vmiii rvxnt ~', fertcrwJty Yar+~
<br />Lyle D_ Kane and Charlottes L_ Karre, dusband and °efife
<br />X f, sou ~a.r~ Ya 5e the i.ier_tirel ~ Pr~nry rn ~'zr,ixt :~~7c.a,• ra+xe° t ~r o+"m~'~ ~~
<br />~.IIJ.,~f7}; t.SFJiMEV
<br />- ~4~ tvOtR~T al~is'ed i -iu jo e;~ulaq e+~'Sru srce>.' axd .tckftt tl. d..-d !k,.° : _. ~%.L, r ,~ ~~
<br />5e,ie at +e's~~+~k~o ..
<br />~ ~ ~~1fN ~ ; rtu. nor c r tne:r ,. clrnl~y act o~ d2eJ,
<br />- S:'i:nr„s .n.. hams ash 1'~rotcrsr:' cei~t ~:ne day anu r_ lctsl ~~. ~ . -;ttert.
<br />-_- -._"._.._ _ _ - t t;~ii~
<br />3dy ~c•ra+rii ir-.; e.e{-frts trc u<:-~ ~ _ _ v ._ .
<br />STATE UF.
<br />....
<br />4'i
<br />:;n:-e,eJ cu uz;nenrai tudex ~d ,o?>_d fnx rti,_:,.-d is t:;e Rr~,:~ter ~: i~eCr~b (31fi~ a$'said 4Axunrg 1Le~
<br />1a,1'n.. __ ..... .. Ifl... ..re!...._. .,.o'einck and_ ....... minutes .,....:_.,;, il.,
<br />,.,i t-.c.tilt-s1 `tt. :av.xik. .. oY. .... dct >a~r .,.,... ....
<br />