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<br />..
<br />G.2 £Ceutsed !~?±6 Huffman and FeRanB We1i,Walton Ne: 68461
<br />i~lARRANTY DEED ~ 2 -- ~: ~ '.~ : ~ ~.,
<br />MIGAAEI, EA12L JEP7SEN and A'VtvA MARIE GOODWIN, husband and
<br />Wlfa ----------°----=----"--"---°-"-------"-"" :Grantor, whether o;ie or more,
<br />in crtnttideration'-ot .Tine ~'hott rind, Szx Flundred Dollars {$9,600.00} ---_____
<br />,:.... ....::... .........................::.....:..._.:. receipt of which. is hereby acknowledged, conveys to
<br />GCSadwin Canstzuction moo. Inc. -------------------------------« Grantee,
<br />the following deacrsbed real estate (ae defined in Meta. Rev Stat, ~ ''76-201 ~ ir.
<br />Ha2i Cdunty. ":ebraska.
<br />Lot r^ourteen {14}, Block One (l), Dill end huston
<br />Subdivision,, Grard Island, Hal Caurtty, Nebraska
<br />~iE6RAS~ ~TA EkJTARY
<br />V~R-s~.,~~-r ~'~~c;~t~" ~,t1G 2i' 1982
<br />~-'- SY
<br />Granter covenants (jouatly snd.eeveraily, cf :norc than one? wtth the Grantee chat Grantor:
<br />(Y> re lawfully sriaed of such real estate and that ~¢ is area f"rom encusnbr;+,rces
<br />( 21 has Teal power end iawPu2 aut$vrcty to e:onvey the a~ame;
<br />{ 31 warrssnts end ~+ill defend the taelrt to the retsl ts:atr, »+gaintst the Iawfui claitu€~ at alt persons.
<br />..rcn3+=~- ~arl ris~n
<br />/ ,
<br />..._._...... .. _ ~....~'~..G..s..a,t.
<br />__ Anna M3sie Good°~in
<br />- State of tiebrasicz
<br />County of ...13a1i... ,.,
<br />Ttte foregoing inst..:.::et:t w ~5 z=knowteeiged before me cz ./;.U`f.~'~~ '`'~ /~%5 -~
<br />.l.
<br />by ......Hi.c2~ae1..a:.i...uens~e.7..d:id .&xlld.,l't,~xke ~99.51?s'.~Il... ht~$F??pi~. end.:(??`~.:..:.....
<br />wpp~sssr
<br />~~ S1WES 3. RQC~.
<br />Ott ~ --p ~,
<br />sTr~tT~; cr ~:~~rastu,
<br />~,on;~~ of .. _ . .... ...............
<br />L
<br />r'~icr>>' for raco:u ar~a ercrrr~ ,,.::. ~•rteab Freclexott ....,a ... ..........,....... ..,.,:..,..,
<br />at ;:-: loci .<:...' a.;. rn ~_ >r:,rc; ~ rJe~ itet°Gr~ ..._..:.. ., T?.:,g'x? ., .._,_.
<br />,Ht .,....... ... ., .__ ,
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