<br />Lender Y ~aztten agreement orappticable Faw. Harrower shag pap the amount of all mortgage .insurance premiums'.in the
<br />manner pt'ovided under paragraph 2 hereof. - '
<br />.t,np amoc~ts disbursed M1y Lender pursuant. tothis paragraph 7.--with interest theregn, shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Aorrrw r >ecured hr' this Mortgage, Unless Rarmwer and:Lencter agree ro otfier terms of paymentsuch'
<br />amounts shalt he payabl • upon nnuc- from bender toRorrowcr requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the
<br />dam of disbursement at the rare paynhle from Yime to rime od nutstandfng principal under the l,Tote'unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contran~ to applicable law, in which eventsueh amounts shall bearinterest at the highest rate
<br />permissible under applicable law-. Nothingcontaitted'in thisparagrapti7 shall require'Lendectoineur any expense or take
<br />any action henvnder. _
<br />8. ipspection. Lender may make yr cause tv be made reasonable entries upon and inspeMions of the Property, provided
<br />that Lrnder shall give Borrower roiice prior to any such inspection specifying'reasonabie cause therefor ielated iv fender's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />9. Copdeetnatbn. The proceeds efasy award ar claim. for damages, direct orcansequeatiah in connection with any
<br />+;ondesmnatioa or other taking of the 1'roper!y. or part thereof. vrfor conveyance, imlieubf condemnation, are herebyacsigned
<br />:.and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In theevent of a rota! taking of the Propcrtv_the proceeds shall beapplied torhe sums secured by this Mortgage;
<br />with [heexcecs, if any, paid to Bormwcr. in rho event vf. apariial taking afthe Propertv'tinless Borrower and.Lender
<br />otherwiseagreein writme_ there shall be applied ro the cams. secured by this Mortgage Such proportivnof the proceeds
<br />as w equally'that proportion which the zmo~~nt of the Burns secured+by this Mortgage immediately prior to the:da[e'of
<br />[akmg 1x'arsto the fair marku v.;iue of the Property immediately'prioYtothet daraoftaking, wiihthe balance of theproceeds
<br />paid to Borrower. '
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Burrower. er "rf,.after notice by Lender to Borrower that thecondcmnor offers tomake
<br />an award or settle a daimfor damages. ;3ormwerfails tarespond tv'Lender within:3A days after the date suchnotice is
<br />mailed, Lender is atnhorized m collect and apply fie proceeda,'ar Lender's optioxt, either to restaration'or repair of the
<br />Propem~ nr ro the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />ti nless I,ertder and Borto~er otherwise agree in writinp, any such applicaiivn af: proceeds tq principal sha;l not extend
<br />or postpone the duedattof the monthly installmentsreferred t~ in. paragraphs F and 2 hereaf or chance the amount of
<br />such instaBmdtts.
<br />1D. Ssrriawer NotReleaaed. Excension of thctime for naymeni vrmodiffcariort of amvrtizatia^ ef. the studs secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any suxessor' in interest of Borrower shaiL oat operate to releaser in anv manner.
<br />the liability of the original?Rotrower and Rotrowers successors in interest. Condos shill] not be required to commence
<br />proreedittgs agaittat ouch. successor or refuse to extend time. for payment..or otherwise modify- amortization of fie sums
<br />Berated by thisMor[gtrgt by reaSCn of ;:ray dema[[dmade by.. sfie vriginal.Bvrmwer and Borrower's successi+rs in intcres:.
<br />11. For+raartttpcdtry I,eeJer NM a Waiver. Aug forbearance by Lender in exereisin¢ any right or reined}' herctmdcr. or
<br />otherwise a(fardeJ by applicable law. shall nor ,'.x a waiverof or preclude the exercise of arm such"right ur remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance ar thcpaymcnt of :axes or vihtbrliensorbharges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness ~ccured by tFiis Mortgage,
<br />12. Aettaeiks Ctr~~iatti-r. Ail rcmaites provided in this Mortgage arc distinct Ind cumnYative in any ether right or
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by law orequity. andmay t~ecsercised contvrmntly,'indcpendan4y cr •;:c.e s5ively.
<br />t3. S~cceaaars awti A>~ra 6orpd; lout aptl Streral l.ialidlif): Captlops. Tt•.c covenants and agrecmcnC herein
<br />contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder Thal} inure ta,4htE respective successvis xnd assigns of Lender and Rurmwer,
<br />sat+ject tv the provis"tons of paragraph :? hereaf..A1lcovenanu and agreement~cof Rorrawt:rshalt. he i^int a-,dseveral.
<br />The captions and headings ofthe paragraphs ofthis Mortgage arc fc+r .+~hvenience only: and are nit to F__ ii~ed: to
<br />interpret or define the provtswta hcreot. '
<br />11. Notice. Parcept for .troy natitt required under applkabie tax to he given i^ another manner, ~(a} :rrrv notice to
<br />Borrower Drovided for inthis'Mnrtgagc shall Ix'given "bg rrtailinr such notice ~:y ratified'marl addsesse••d to Rome++rr at
<br />the Property ,0.ddress or al such Mher address vs Borrower mny designate by no!icc to Lender as provided lierein, and
<br />Ib) arty oat+re m Lender shat! hoc given by ccrufied ma@,rcuun .ceipr requested, rn Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such otlxr addreac a_s Lender ma} designate by notice t:• Borrower as provided herein. Any naticc pn>vided for in this
<br />Alongagc shell be dtcmed to have hccn given ur Borrower or i.~~nJer when given in the manner designated herein. :
<br />1S. llnifw~ Morq~e: Goverwir~ Law; $e. erability: 7?tis form of :-t ~rtgage comhineS uniform covenants fUr pational
<br />use and non-uniform Ci+venantS es-ith limited var~auons 4} iurlsd ctlon to constitute a un~tomr set:urity instrument covering
<br />real praperts. 'this Mortgage shalt be guveoxd ~' the t2tw, of the iurisdicsioa Ir, which the Property is located.. In the
<br />event that any provisran or clause of :his Mortgage or the Ncre umftict, with applicable law, such conflict shafLnafaffcet
<br />other provisions of this Mortgage ar the Note which can Ixg:ven effect without the conflicting provision, and[oYhis
<br />end the provisions of the Mortgage :+nd the Xoteare declartxltri Lae everabfe. ''
<br />- l6. Mrruwer~ Co~~. Bormwer shall t+c furnished a caoformed ropy rat the Nore .,rid of this Mottgage atihe lima
<br />of execution or after recordation he roof. '.
<br />1S. Trapater of tYe Tro'erty; Aawsptfap. if ~I! or any part of the Property or an iotaresctherein is Sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower withou: Lender's prior written consi-n[, excluding fai the creation of alien SIr encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this Mor,¢aRc, (b} the creation of a purchase m~ncy securig inter~i 'or household appliances, fe) atransfer by..devise,
<br />dcs.~eo[ or by operation of daw upon the death of a joint tenant ar td) the grant of any lcascholdinterest ofihree Fours or less
<br />not rontainin¢ an option to purchase. L.cndez may, at Lcndcrl option, declare zit the sums secured by this Mortgage to be
<br />immediately due and payable. Lender shalt have waived such option tc: acccierute if, punt to the sale oY transfer. Lender
<br />and rite person to whom the Property is ;o be sold or uensferrrd reach agreeme, t ~ : wrtuig;that the credit of such person
<br />is sa~sfaeta r}' to lxnder and t!ut the is:erest payable tin the sums ucurcd by this Mortgage sha!#be ?r~suCh rate as Lender
<br />shah request. If Lender has waived tree option rn atcelcrate provided ir. this paragraph 17. ardif Flairrawer's saccess+x in
<br />_ intarea[ has e.~:ccutcd a writta~ assumption a~reemcnt acc~p;cd in writing by Lender, 1_ender shad reieas: Borrower :tom all
<br />oblijativns under this Martgage and t;r:, ~l ate
<br />if Lender exercises .uch opt€oe to acce{erate, Lender shall mai( 6errowcr ;iotice of acceierauon ir, accordance w!th
<br />paragraph 13 hereof. Sxh notice shal, provide a peric*~3 of not !ess than 30 days front the date the naticc is mailed within
<br />which grower may pas the sums duiared due. If &>t'rouer faits ro pay such sums prior w the expiry Car o,` ci,ch period,
<br />S.endcr may, without further nodes er u-maa:I on Bar:etire-. iav,~ke any remedies nerm~tteri by paragraph ?<: hereof.
<br />Nom-Ut:u~oast GOYEY+n rs. Borrower and Letader Pert her cover;a rat and agree : c ioliows.
<br />ltl Aettkdioa; Rerned&s. Fossil[ al provided ip paraK rapfi 17 herrnf, up[m Rurrower'+ breach of any covrnvnt or
<br />~rertneet of Sorrttrrtr is this ~fortYagq iprltrdip>Z the covenants to pn}' when due any sums secured fig, this ~lurt{;age,
<br />hea3er prior to xcckrrtion +fiaB nuJ naticc to Eorro»'rr as pmsided in paragraph 1S brreu[ specifyipg: tt) the hreach;
<br />f~tMe action rrgalrtd to cure sw~h breach; (,3) a date, not leis than 3tl days from the date [he tro[icc rr malted to Aorrowrr.
<br />try trhieh srrh breach mwt be cured; anfl (3) that (aDure to cure such breach on or fiefure the date specified in the uprise
<br />tray rexrh ip accekratipn ul the .+Z*rm srcurtrd fiy this ~~lori~eXr, I treclosure by judicial provec~irti and sale of the Yrope n?~.
<br />1)t coffee rtha9 turtAer inform dorruwer of fix ri!<ht to reirutate alter vccelerailpn and tfi2 ^fiht t+ assert in the force insure
<br />ptacecditt~ tbt nutrtzbftpct of a default or vty utter defence of Sorruwer to arcrlcratior and ftrrdpvare. It the hreach
<br />B pot cured tin or hefua the daft ~pec3ficd in the notice, T.e rider a! l,euder'c option may declnrr all pf the soma secured b+'
<br />t)Vfe Mortgag to br immrdiafels due and gsyabk wi[hbut 4Yrrrfrer demand and ma} fpreclmc b} judicial lrrw: acdit[fi. L.ettder
<br />shall br eptitled tp coikci is such proceeding alt exptnsee of lorartusurt, incladln~. hul Trot tiutired sir, errata of do<~:mrntnr.
<br />erldf~r, abxtracec and tick rcpi%rtx.
<br />]?_ lnrrowxt"s Might to Reitutatr_ ti ~:.-tns?on -•[g torsos --_., i,:.. -.' -;:on; r _... . :a.- AYc=r __
<br />a.~*tt>wrt akatt have the righ• t,, se ant il at.: r[:irtg xeus ; : f _d_t : ~-~ _ :'- ti +, _ <, .. ~.~,... 4. ~ a=, tirzx
<br />