Plaintiff, fled its Fetir.ic-1 0~ a~rion in the District Court of
<br />3a~-1 Coast, , ?debras;:a, _igai st dou~try' Cluh ~iOtels, Tnc: ,
<br />'~e5raska corUora*_icn; Jahn F_ Hcaeft and Margaret K. Haeft,
<br />husbar_d _-,d ~~~~_, Dan t';. E?o5~t and haGiaa ~? Hoeft, i'zusband and
<br />:lire: '_e ~.. F; Sr!~:r ar,d ''ra^c_s .,. Fisher, hus'~and and wife;
<br />^ha:~as ... ?Deft; .°.ex Fi. ytta and yol~_.~ M. otto, husband r,:3
<br />`aide; ~. )ear. ...::~ and Judith ~. 'vdoife, l;usband and wzfe;
<br />" ~?eiC r. E?alber~.; ~tamau~a Plaza utd„ Dean R. ~ricks~~n a;,ci `ao^i J.
<br />" °rir_;tsor., husband and wi4a. Henry C. Bach and truth ~. 3ach,
<br />husband anc wi- `.:i.r~i_ R_: Ei;ausen; Cauzsty of :~c1li, u po±i`.icai
<br />subdivi_>ion; The c*.~t,= ~ebr~zs~a, Departm~*at c~~
<br />SeL~,icas; ?`7orta :.'~r.t,rai ::w~;,:astra°r,t 9ur?ataY X~r~;: Cor~ora~ion;
<br />" YI E`t3;1 E'r & :~rI:.YP_it ~: 54Y3^..,:; C' i=+j C'r C': ; t: ~;1~:i C:3p~~~C: ~`'E'SS~,^.qCr SCf`,`1cG:
<br />:~i2 na:,S ii~_dir: t:_1tCa ~~2e lu S .i~SOC 1d t._ i ~ :il~f'< !:Jf'. _.v. . .-~.Us
<br />Wane ur.;c*~rn~:n; ?o:~r. Dc,e ::o. real :~atn-~ ......sown; _li: r. Doe *io. ',
<br />real name ~3nkrnwn; Jci~n `~~oe ,,"'c. 4, real r;ar.:.~ urknowa; .:chr. :.'oe
<br />C:o. 5, re:~_1 sz~me unX.^.own: .;cha Gn=~ ?tio. ~S, rcri^.ame An ~no~~~n; and
<br />Jahn Doc ^~o. rwai :.r>•~e ,..;~ao:ar.. the c,b;;f-rt. ~tnel ~:"a,'e: ~~« whi_~c}i
<br />is to for~clcse a ..•_=r.*_ail kea~ .,.,:;ate ':r~-cc age r,;, hi: 1:o:L?owinq-
<br />~E'SC r?•~1f.4 rf'3i z'. ~, t:~t° 1P ~i i3i~ i.OUCit'Y, `i':~U:~s SiC], '.o-w1t:
<br />t,et Tc_n 1101 C~looula^d 5e::~~r~'. S1Jdi~%i5ion, un
<br />~dnzts.or: -*_re ~i*_'>' ..,z Grand Lsiand, ?-Tall
<br />i.avr.ty, NE~r-aska.
<br /><):is ~lortcage was g;.ver. -~Y the Def<.n3ants, C,unr-ry Club
<br />fiote?.s, 'Cnc.; Jo}.a ,..,._`_t ar !riargaret K. ??Deft, hush and arsd
<br />~iie: Dt:r r9. Hoeft a~3 T.aVina fi_ Hcert, nusbanri and wifE;;
<br />'_^hanas ~. lioeit, a _:, ,ie ^?ar.; Rex H. ~Dtto :-;:d' ae"Ten _.. Citto,
<br />hus2~a ,d ~~.`_. wife; .,vie _,. . _sher and Fra. .~~ :~4. F: ei:er, P::~sua .d
<br />
<br />
<br />