t DEED C)F TRUST 82`-` a 41_ ~~ ~:!
<br />THIS DEED OF : RLtST is mad the .... .2E±tz . day of . Autt~st ....... ....... .
<br />('- t4. ~?..amongth~Trustor, .Greg°~ '~•. ~"•.a^.kz anu narda A: _ *Sanka, .:lusbasd and wis~vin s and .
<br />i ih~;p ~•B~y~,e2••} Custer Federal .' , , ~.
<br />. Taman .~s~tRCiatiot?. of. Broken .kos+..±3rolren. Hose... }~eh~a9ka therein "Trustee }. and the Beneficiary.
<br />tli/i MDras~ta tbrigags linanea >nttrd, L1nCeln, Nsbra~ka, .a.~tQ$Y. •Rd.~tit~~ and.......
<br />CQTPt?>i~t.'-' ......... . ...................................... . ........ organized and
<br />-;' cnisteeRundertheia+sof ..the .Stdte.[~f.Nehzas3ca ...........................................
<br />whdseaddeext is.:. $xite .1Q1..11I~. K. Stree_t,. S.1r1CUir .tic.. b35~Z3 ............................. .
<br />BORROM'F:R. in coesideratiarr of theindebtednesshexin recited and the trust herein created. irteracably grarrir
<br />Bred corweys to Trustee. in trust, with po+~er of sak. the fdlow•ing described pmpertY located in the County of
<br />13aI1 .. Srate of Nebraska:
<br />South waif of the =aet Ha1E (53:2 ..~.~1 of Doti Fo~.z (~;, ;n i•antine's
<br />Sabdivisi.on oPr.?:a .7~rih;+Fst -~~uazter (NSJ1;~~} cf Section 'Ib+ent,: 'P.+o (?2} ,
<br />^os+nstip eleven till Forth, Fanve Mii:O ;°} W?fit of the 5t?i F.:d., i.,
<br />Ha7.1 Count_r, *.e„7raskd.
<br />whicMlusriseaddrascof ...........i4~fs, ~uth.~r;ae ...... ..... ............. <``>.rartd,ztaland.....
<br />;se.e7 +ani
<br />*!•braska ..... , b886i, ihstsiL "Property Addreu"!;
<br />;taiwl -~----,-.
<br />TOGETHER with al{ the impro.tmaw ttow ar hereafter rsZCted on the property. and alt eautnenu. ris}ftts.
<br />appunenaaces atsd tests ixubpct itoru to tbs n;his and auttwriries rpven heron to Lender to eoliect and. apply such
<br />rssul. all of whic2t xbati be deemed to be and rrr~ain a part of the property co~crcd by iha Recd of Tnrst: and. all at'
<br />tAa forgoigg, tu~rLa witA said prctpcaxy tar tht kauhoid estate if this Reed of Trust is an a IraschoShc arc
<br />treteiaattet referred to u the "Property..;
<br />To 56ctitE.to Lender iAe ttpayroeat ut ihr nxicbtedncss eridencu: by Borrower"s Hole Sated ................ .
<br />.. ?.ugitbt ,?~?i ,13a;c„ . , _ „ „ .. , asd caeastoos and rcnerats rtteteafrheren 'Note"). in the principal sum of
<br />13.5. Y ~, Gv'G.::~................. _ ... +rith intert8 thereon. provSdiny Yor manthly ]r>stai3mcnts of principal anal
<br />interest. wickthc.eaalancc of the irsde6xedness, if Hat sooner paid. due and payable on . S.eHtet . i , , x?£37. _ , , . .
<br />the, payment. of all other sums. Yrith.inielsst rheraw,. advanced in accordance hefew~ttt ;o pmtect the Brunt}' of triis
<br />D~sef of Frost; and tM pcrfortnuice of tt+e cvrotrants and. aRreerttettu o£ Banawer herein cantaiani.
<br />Borrdwtf ct>Yetsanr; :hat Bcura+.Yr n laz-fully wised of ehc cstale heavy comc,;c:i and }tu the. right to gran: and
<br />ctnrtvty ehe Prnpcrty, and that the PmpeFty is uncruwnberrd. except for encumbrances ~£ record. NL*rrYlwer a7vcnanc,
<br />rkrat8osztnrer warrants attd wail defend gcnerzfh the. tit4e tc the Prapcry agaans[ aSl .;aims and demands, suhjcra to
<br />cnc+~nabrances of rrxrard.
<br />L'~3FOitrE Cus~.~xn}7s. ~rrv.rcr anQ Lender covrnan: and agree as follows:
<br />i. eayarst of lrYr~i ~ Hwesu. Harrower shtil yramptiy oar ~~n~n Grit the princi{~a1 and :atcrest
<br />indebtedness eridenees! by *.ht *irxr. and Sore charges as pr~rided in the Kars.
<br />2. Es~i 5rr Tasw Hsi Isorasea. Subject :a applicable toes .~r a w.tttzn salter :y ;,endrr. &:rn~wer shall gay :~
<br />isndtr Ott the dog rth~q#tly ~ymenu~" principal and irterrst arc passh7e anucr the ti:•tc. t,ntii the ~trcc s paw
<br />rtr-fitEl. a sun ~heteia °FtxntSs") equal m anrrmr?Rh of t!7c reartti '~axcs and asszisraan , tknciuxting .om;:.z¢tsniutr and
<br />glannses uAit dereioprnen# acstssmtnts, if antis a!xst'!i *r;av ar4in prrsriry Her ;His L1reC a'. fruit. a.id gr.ton;l r+mn[< art
<br />the Pri?pert5~.:f sa}.ptua am-tveslPSit cf °ieariy }frml:~rt irrxr.aifmznts tax hazard ir.,u i:ce, ; t s ~ . _tEr1: , ~ .,aria
<br />;7rsrtlum inrta<Irnt*_tcs g~ rzext~~e inxsran,;r_ if abz , ~t; as rr .aa+t~: i~ •s .r, lted ...;.lei,. ;nrv„ trt>r,, ;.rc,e .xrr I7p
<br />i,rncitr .'ra iB~ i; ~3x ,i!a3vrsr,?cn4~, .a. ! t.i1: ar+,i `Cl utt.t ffF . C`5; :17`..sffs t'; i:.cr:;i. ;tor-r ~-. t~aii R : .. •?h. .~ c:; ~. ~%axe
<br />~uekr~8+~tx<~tf..rFs:ttidS~vl.tr=zf.~r;,7rFiBESicffE~haet3G <>w.;:fcn.i,,azbutk:, ']3eFi!4 •c '7c=~.,, i, ..n;t_,;:-<=r
<br />:tcE•S7 .,i ^,"LF3E ~ t"r'-pi ~4+b:4ri :f: 3~. trlii.t;J.f er: [~nI ;~!~rl;''.
<br />~ nor _,~,rr wt+atar~ =1`F?2
<br />