~ 52 y;-A--SECOND gEAI_ EST AT,E MORTG I.GE-Taz Clause NuffmOri. antl Felton k Wol~, W~It.,^, ~4 e. 6IId61
<br />...v_._.~~-_~_ _
<br />.~ ~ , T
<br />j K?~rOW AL7. SSEN RY THESF YREcENTS: THAT I or tVE, - ~- _, 1r1.,._ . -_. _._ _., ~
<br />r I ~~ ('ounh• and Mate f ~~ t ~ ~ - , in ttnsideration of the sum of ~
<br />Ln hand ~axd, do hereby SELL and COA~rEY onto ~ "< O< '?.L~t ?'~~_^-' i
<br />i
<br />~rn0 [t~,a~?e~,
<br />of ?73S'w Qwnlc and ~tat~ L _.'`-' r ~ .__.
<br />_ ,the followrng d~scu bed premises ~
<br />_.. ..._
<br />i sitvate~l m w11 Cnant~', and 6tzte ~rf - to-u~it ~
<br />I
<br />f
<br />~Y V
<br />_ )
<br />i~ ~
<br />Z '
<br />i
<br />', The intention being to convey hereby an abwlute L1tlain fee s~mplt including ail the ri,,hty of homestend and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AtiB TO HOLD the pnwisee aE>ave dt~cn'bed, with al} the appurtenance-, thereunto'belon~ing unto the ~tid
<br />f mortgagee or mortRagcee artd w his, her rn their heirs.,rind aexi~ns, fomver, pro ~id ti always, anti- these Aie?u'nts ere ul>nn the
<br />ezprea corrlition that if the. Mid morty;9.;or or mprtga(tora, hia, her or their heirs excrutors administrakors or a:uitms shat! pay J
<br />yr cruse Yo be paid to the said mortgagee or rnuriv_+y;eepend ao his, her or their beta, exerv roa. z-lmiaistratorn or assigns, the
<br />sum of "_ , f - _
<br />. ~._ ~1 _._.'.~ :-'7, °. .. .. .. _ ----Ih>Ilnes, payable as follows, to-wrY
<br />_ o
<br />._r ~~Il ;eo~~Mar„ ~ _
<br />~~
<br />i
<br />~ with intertnt t);ereon st ~. Yi per cent per ann+un, tmyable ,. F1S.i i amuaily, anording ~' the tenor end effect of the
<br />~ Proorilarory rv.'te with interrat cxru Wn•+ attachcv} nl +aid !vfortgsgora, I>t~ring even lute with tirwre presents, and
<br />i stuff pay all taxes, and anY interact on, ur maturrn~ inslallme nta r( pritK:ipal, due on ang prior mortgage an[I assessments
<br />levied upon yid real ern to and aI! Lher U+xes, levuw aryl am+ewunrnb Iwiwl ulwn this mortgage ar the Holt which Lhis
<br />mort~aye n given to secure, before the sanx t>rcn+men detinyuent end keep tlw twildings un said premifws roan rcvl fur ti e sum '
<br />I
<br />3 `>~'r `.~~.)~]. ~[) ,lot, if any, iraYable to such 8rxt murtg ageear nr this mortgagee, nr troth, then these Irresente b- vn¢I,
<br />otherwise to be and rennin in bill for.-e. '
<br />~ IT I3 FCIRTHER AGREED ! i} That $ tfw sorer rtrortgag or shall fail to pxy such taxes and such in tervst on ~ r matu mq ~~
<br />l installments of VrSnciprl, due on any prior mnrt((b~,e and procv~ such inscranc~. then thie mortgag[ti may bay such taws and
<br />~ loch iatereat on, nr maturi [y iIUrIJdIIDenU u[ prinalrrl, due -n such prior mortgage and prcr:ure suci:r insurance; and the suns ~
<br />so advanced with interest at nine per teat chaff br paid by said rrwrtg_zagur, and this rnarigage shall stand ats ccruri[y fur the
<br />+ twme_ (2) 'Phat a Lelure to fuy any o! raid money. either pu nci pal or intermit on this or any other prior mort{tage. when the
<br />ea.'ne beeomea due or s failure to comply with mry n[ the foregoing ygreeruv rts, xha^ contra the whole sum of money herein
<br />~ secured v, become due and ~llectible at onr~ at the option of the, mortgaga~rt. -~
<br />~ IT LS FOFtTHER AGREED Thal s.a id axrrtgagce, Bend tug &rrecloeure cF this mortgage and after deer ~~ and p n'ui
<br />etas k}tereon or ap therefrom and bending sale of ptemuu~ tnartguged" ma_ pay ouch txzea a,id maturing info rent cr mrtur-
<br />ina installmend of principal, nn prior mortgages, pnxvre such it uuruntt andv aH.h sumx What] t>e added to thH .unount due on
<br />decxee and upoa cwtErmation of xsfa by the ctruze oniered Yak <n ;.rut o[ pn,cecY3s oI sale; or if redeemed during atay. appe:il
<br />at sale, such amounts shall be :rrllected [he same as though it were a part of such decree.
<br />i
<br />„~~
<br />Stoned lhu '_~? day of '7 '- -~ ~',
<br />r S I ~ e of ~ /~ ~I
<br />``~~ t
<br />1 ~ ~ ~ - _
<br />'.~ '~ "
<br />_ _. __ - - Y ,~ ;
<br />_ _ _
<br />t i
<br />}i ~ 5TA"CE UE__ _ ~ _... C~,u:,ry of ~ '- ....
<br />~~" Hetore me, a Lary putc4 uuatifird for sa;d arcnty, Fwr. unally c~mei, '; ~. r ;]C " r'1G( Ji
<br />~ ~ I~i~. 3:eeae ., i,.sbar.~, Inc a'~ re. - ....._ ._ .
<br />~ lmiown to me to M the identical Dersoa cr ~rsazLx who sigr; ed the foregoing instrw-n ^! and k
<br />i , tfierenf fa he }rs,, her cr thetr votuAiar[ act s:ul deed s'..n
<br />t ~- Witneas~.my hand and aota iaZi s..aS on.:-.i: .s 'r 1' i, My ~~~f~A4C+ p
<br />---
<br />i ~~Y commusioa tzpvee:. J7Z,.. _.':_!. .4 .'. ~_._. t"u4 ten ._~1 _.b:utarp Puhlia
<br />f
<br />i l___ _ _.
<br />t ..
<br />~SE1lTE UF.._,.._ . -..___. _. _. __..._ .. _.._. F.ntrr:d ne n e:iWi -..^.dez art: $.:.t: ~ ., r ~ ,r~;
<br />ii--...r } _ ~ ~ r i
<br />~C~anLy....._.,_._,. } ir. the Rev, is tc: of I~ex4is t)ffx, of rtid .z%rn v I;,e
<br />~ .. . _.,__. _.... stop sf.. _. .. _..... __ _. }H... _.. , ai. _.._ _ ..o'cic~.k nrd_. _..... ... .e:u tax ._. \d.., j
<br />,'aad rc;e,rdtrt in Ba';k,_. _..of.._ ^t pagr•_
<br />__ i ,>~; _„ I,. rri.v
<br />