<br />IEt. Th.rt the Storrgngo~ ,*ill keep she 6nisr+mgs .1fx,n c:~fd prem .?~ m rood rzpaif. and neither c~~mniiY i,or pernnr ,o.rste
<br />upon : arc! lanJ: nor }rrffe tt e said mimic t~, ~ + -ed for ~n~ unl-'~~ t i p - e
<br />11. That tf the pry a e. or ~n ~ p~' the c e tend rr n<:~ untie the no c [emir nt Po ~ .> > - ~1cdu ied f. r a public
<br />^ce, the dame!_e, a -~snied the pr xe~ds Rrc the ,{King o _ or Che ~r id a.rr~n f< r 'uch lm: i.in~ t. the r lent -.t the toll
<br />ant~unt i~(iodehtednes ipon this mert,ase aad the Wore uhr 1 u is Ei i o sea r nr;ini ml tiri, r ht rh•, ,.shoed h_v the
<br />taart~~~r to t±ee Mortgagee. atx3 shall Lx p:+id fc.nFu~i:h ~, said '~~ rturr.ee t F. applied h ha !ante r .~~ ~,.~t ~ ~ the next
<br />maturing insFxtimenes of weh 3!xieorednes<_ ~i
<br />L. "The Mortgagor further aer.e. thfii shocltl ;he, r~inr;gag - ~d ~h +i >rc :< ~_ d her h iot b~° t;ihle feu in
<br />xnrance enderthe Natienx? Hneasing A t +within six"} :ays ; roe- the •ate h reol 'rcn [en _ [atem nt 1 any c t}ic.er
<br />of the t?eparimeat of Housing so.. iLhm tY_~-elopm.r[ or zuthorne.i >_erl rl ~hc ti-cre[sr f ricnrsmp and ~~rhan
<br />Ikveicsnrnent dated ->ub<equeet to ;he 5i~y day=_ m.a `.it. t a~ ~1:+re ~.-~ m mortc r Je~hrunt r. utii~r :id
<br />note and this mot+e2¢e_ being deemr•9 conclu<.rve goof ,?! -u h inrLkth~hrcl. th ~tongaru or fio11 r -.i the yore
<br />m,,y.,ar 1r, ptrie<~n. dtc are alY aim ce a-red 5 rct't inn me lint r4 tj ~i and pd~ahle.
<br />€~. "Chat i! the biir.g;rgor falls .o make and payinenis n. m~-~nt~ unen the ;ame ~ ~'~'~ ue r t3iis n e of ern t:, and
<br />:omp!y with and of t.*.e conditions i,r :.greemrntt a;itained in this n rr ;:mac nht ni~te such i, :e ur - {her. [h -7Ure p mcr
<br />pa! sum and sccrued interest tnafl at encr hc.ome dac aril p;:yahae .,t the ,Eecuon of the Mortcare .::nci ;hi i u.rtgage ma':
<br />ttrtreapan k fore:iosed Bnmediareic Iur the whole o. and r^tnei nerest, nonihh pa,a,an s ?st round r r[ ~. tat nd
<br />the cast of !xtending fhe at-stray of iitic from the dare t thi lisn r th ?rme o~^tenc'r~g : ugh R re I: are mi and rr.a-
<br />anahle :dtrtrrtey-', tee [ +'ht h ha3i ~e irr.;,cdc+3 to [h, 3.:crce < f rrrecl ore -vr~d tY era r r hoCren ~n +hic m, rth age
<br />:,nd tbt note scarred hare..c, sn. sl in do -c peers Fx ao':crned, ~?mtn.eal :.rid 1d iv 1gcl ?y [he I: a of 4ehraskn, ,vherc the
<br />came is made.
<br />TFs<;wx~enaouhercia~ontainrd Tatl;~ind andthc;,•;nent.end d tntatrs h~rllimur t.te ~ pe,ti~~eh rc execumr.,
<br />admimatrators, succetx,rs wpd a~cigti ni the p.,rue. hurto ~S'hene err s•xd the _iecvl; r {.umber 'ha. inoledc he piurat. the
<br />plurat the sngular. ani .Ix use o; am gentle 'h+ I R- sppLcafdc t~:- '9t gen i;.rc
<br />The fore{tusng caniAUyns. all n,i ,dn~.rlcr tvetng fscrtormerJ a~c.,~rdrrg to Cher; nau r I and Ic 11 impart, thi_ urn~~evance
<br />;halt he vned and sand premser -c.., a. ed a4 the exxnu tithe >t nr rstaglu: otherul~e ', bt >.rd remain in full fttr~ e .d et(ec[_
<br />iti LV TtiESS WfdFREOF, fbe ~A4~orie2ue.isi ha c~= hereunto set ~~i~ ;tnncu,i the day nd ycnr first
<br />almce wrinen.
<br />In presce4ie uf:
<br />~- ~.
<br />+~ . ,
<br />- ; S)'AL
<br />:~'~ ~ I SE.:(_ I
<br />T`F..RRI L. LO?aG
<br />I SE:ZI I
<br />(51'A!. I
<br />tiTATF t)F Nk;liRAtiKA. + .,
<br />('(l~'~TYCfP 31Al,L
<br />On t£uc 25t3i da)' ~'~ Aragusc . A.U. I'~ SL beS[ac ro.
<br /> rn and f.rr .a r1 C,>umy. pc, wnaih~ .~nx
<br />° ;SOtary Pulll'a:
<br />,,wn~~cuy-,ry it_ t,o;~y arnd Terri :.. :xm9. iiusbaaz3 a nd vrife
<br /> . fir.+~~n;111~ i<~ n}C kfil`N fl
<br />IV be. E/1e N{C nL1:.AE TCrsUng ~~11v]i nxli !Cg 3rP
<br />they have :lckno .11fi\Cd Il1 ihC +I bC'r t[ falld f~)re-
<br />ulerigcd [hc sni.! utstnlment rnil chr
<br />(jV/Il(t lnlrfUracnt 3~ Moi dg:i~?[, ~IrW
<br />11"10 ~t ~r'illfllY7} A~:t and LLCC~I, y~~
<br />i~'r tI1C fUlpUfe9 thCfC In L\(11 e'~c:d.
<br />Cxrl,UrN)r) tllCTt~i tV bC
<br />:n 'ecirmo^y whereof, t trrse C;e rcun:a set :n. haruiaruS atfixcd by noLSr.al,cnt at C;rand. Island, Dtebraska
<br /><~ tTC day ant date Fait oho. a w: ittea,
<br /> ~~ ~~
<br />~
<br /> ~~
<br />~
<br />d~~~yf,~ , ~'nwry Pr,bLc
<br /> ~ r•~: ~. }~ 1 1li4
<br />STATE JF 4L-BA:~SK a
<br />Fi:cd icx rc~urd thn
<br />' day of
<br />41 ~. 1). iv .
<br />.red eetered in Nuelarc:,; index. anJ
<br />:: k,tk
<br />at o -. ~rf MortKagc`. ~.m
<br />rcvJrdcd in &x;k
<br />Pake o;
<br />fir. v~. iCr cf ^. cc...
<br />
<br />