<br />4.!-•SSJ.RV7YORSHIPWARRANTY DEED FalFon G Wo1F Company, lineoln, Nsbr.
<br />,_.,~
<br />g2--- ~..r ~3
<br />Donald L. Albright,' a ainRle psTaon .herein called the grantor ~~-hether one or'more,
<br />~~~ -ns~a~aeration of Cgs 'Dollar {~].,pf3) and a~st»r Valuable Consideration
<br />rr.r~i~ed frotn grantees, does gra~~t,'bargain, ea13 ..^.onveF :ind canfirm'unto Cleo P. ~A1bTight)
<br />as joint :tenants-:with rise. cxf antFirorahi~, and nat. a~ tananU? in common, the follati+ittg described reel
<br />pro-~erty in ...,Y..~. .Hau :...:...: ...... ...... Gonnty, ;ticbraskx;
<br />Lat 91z (6) is ffindR hire i,~) is "County Club 3ahdirl.sion•, being n
<br />part of the .fast dal f of the Horihwst Qturter { B'~11f11~) a! : 3eetion
<br />'hwttT-~ht {~}, in Tornahip 3Q~ C11) Forth'. RaAd~ i~ (9),
<br />ti~st of frhe 3izth P,1S., Hall Count7. lfebra>3ea. NEBRASlU- ~(3CU^AENTARY.
<br />STAMP Tnx
<br />RY
<br />To hn.~c Bn3 t~h41d t~+e rbo+'e* rre<rr r. I~n~rz ~~ 1. ~~ er, r ti;i:r. ,~•;:erncnts, i.~rrdSu~mentg
<br />~rnd epnu!'tenv~e~a thereto bel.~ng~t xinlu t.... ~rvn[+•-~s n^d to tt~ir assign.. :.r to .he irirs uric! asSiK17S
<br />of 'he ~tir~~i ~~or ul t'tsrri forever
<br />had {C-antor axr~ herrbp rr~rcAant with the cranYoee and wvt=`+ ttreir aseirnsead «ith ti~.c iieire
<br />and usiglr:n r:5 the Yurvtv(rt oi'xdartn teat ,,rector i• ia~~~[:~ ' .,~u.,,a r~i vaid i~t,3pieiea§;`that t~hsv ax^e'freq from
<br />errcwntrrwce Z I i
<br />thet grantor Kati gai~i ri{; i3t .ray! Iaw-Cul aaixority ~ ..., .l,e ~ni.c, :+tn! :f~Ht g'tit~ior uurrsn to a~ri :via
<br />dafend tha u,lr. t.. r+.ii: pc+cmi.ea upmircat thr lawlui ~iaimy ~~f :~i' l~rr~;aa u-trmecn:crr.
<br />tt is file int.entaou of all {iur,.~r,; l,rrrta tLBt in cfu; eti.-:a o. t;i,~ «~.alh ~~1' ri;!;±~r "f 9.hs krarsteun,
<br />tl~c ~~nt!r.~ fey. ,im4~lt ti tie t,i thr rya] asLAte ahrill .r.,. ._ - ~... ~; ~_ ntre
<br />dated ,)aa>.ar~ 22 tai $0
<br />STAfiB OF ._...,_...,~~.~._ .............. .._. ~_ .,_ .,f ... .._~~._............__..._._.._...-
<br />73efore me, a iota.-y pubuc garciitied .or aa:d ~~~ z-.y. ;~ersna.:!' u:a
<br />-o.-uld L. Alhri~tt
<br />k..>n~ to ._ _~_ f a_ i_:, uu g. ,r:n ~r _ _.., .ct„ , L.,.. ..~ ~-g,~ ~ z .a. ,., .. ,::d ,c;, ~ _il
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