<br />Kh+~w ALL MEN BY rxtsE PRESE?YCS~ Tftat ?~bp N• Lecna M. Miller~_Husband & ',fife,
<br />hereinafter called mortzagot{a?, in cimsidention of the sum of _ ]~, `~~,l_...~fi_ ___._______ Dollars in hand p2id ,
<br />dsxa hcretsy GRANANI'. BARGA]T1, SELL, and CONVEI to HQUSEHOLD P1NA^iCE COhPOtZ.4TtON, hereinafter called
<br />tzte*.tgalpee, fhe Eellowtng described reai property tocaud in . Hall (%OUO ~ l'ounty, Slate of i~ebraska. to wit:
<br />LoS rtilre~ {3) B2ook 'PaenL7 `i'nto (22) Packer do Barr•s Second
<br />Addition 2e Tt~ Cit7 Df 4rand Ialaed„ Hall Gauot7, Nebraska.
<br />It as rnatt~px'x tntexttinn to contey atte in fee simyie tnciudiaK all rt~hu of hante+teari and dower.
<br />17tt7~tOED, 6owsvet. chat this msxt~{te u made sx+ tie e>zQ~ e~iditla+ ttut.,y nc~ rnr~tt?ager(sj Sys in fait the
<br />pto eau PeYabie to the mutr~ee datsd ,lUiltai~_, to O~ fc?r an utaoi~nt tinanced ~.;~
<br />5~.~.~b yh'ab~ ih izatalA^~uu accocditat?; to c t~~rr~~qq~~ ..~1e~eoF, tn{tether with irtte:esx thercan at the
<br />afeed r-tc Ut cha:~e ptorided he the ;aC+tt, ui the ,wte~utt r>f S ~g. ~tatt.l6 if the nuts is paid arcurding to
<br />acltaMtk: twd if murtpstrr(tj PaY~ all tsxca and bwstnnnnta icvtect ixt +ajd prs>yatty and maintxtno adoquala fire inwnnco !ut
<br />wd red pteeptety, theta thta trtcrt~ye atu4[ de rti3.
<br />71u tawrtp~e may out ~ aaauatPd withaas t$c wtitun c~mseni of the tncxt~stec.
<br />1f thtr :nnrtpaut fags to pay any of awney, ar8ttc prut.:ipei :x tntartat, wkan d+ae, or tails to annply with any of the
<br />aLore a~wtaattis, the tatxt~gee tat the uQiiart to dec;+ae ;he whale of"said indebterlntts due and payable a! once and to
<br />sWnttaNl say action at Saw ur equity to recr,ret the totes.
<br />47 MSta~ Wherwf. martpyut{a) axectrtti thin rnu:pde ilser__, tCD __ day us _ Ati~tillt-- ._ . n.i)..4 _ ~2. .
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<br />In. The pfcretcae Qi - ~ ~ ~ f •'~r(,~,C((-~ .
<br />14. 1Sillah ______..,._. _ .
<br />~`': . ......... .. .. ...._ _ ._..._....._.. oea 'F!. Mille ......
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<br />9fs ttus ~ -T_~__-day of____1S~Siti~ ~._ _.~. A_L3. [4_~~_ 7_':~~>it rec. ti,e
<br />undcr~scd w~~~s jua ~al~.e!______ _ _ _ _---- <t'~ ,,acy k':,hh:.
<br />duSy ccamrrti+akaned atc~:l~gaa.-uicd Ft: ind tsxdu+J ut raid co+u3ty. peruYtaiiy came ._ TOI1G 1lJt__M11~.~2~-->i}~d._. _
<br />~G51ti X. 1!111•?~ BLiibal,Q 1! ~iif!
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<br />{ ford a:~tn~wt# tt~ gene ?r be $LOiY ` `~.._~~_` ~ .olfu:ta:4 ~, ~,: dce4.
<br />tM5t1k:3s m}~ ?utCEd. trid'taiana! Swx? tsne :Say w,d yets east aba'+e wrfLtea.
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