<br />103-8--Sl/RViVOR8H7P WRRRRNTYDE ED HUffm&113nd Felton.8 lv~it, V(3itOn~e. fi$d5t '
<br />_ ~ 'pr~~V~r.,~ ALL MAN T3Y'I'HESEi'R~~I+:~mti, Ti,ar.
<br />Dale R. Lallans and °dancy A- ;ialiasts, Husband and ldife
<br />' ~ ,herein salted tl~~' ~*rautor 4vhefher ©ne or more.
<br />iet censitierak5nn of Si xtv-five th^usand seven hundred dol 1 ass 4nd r~p~i)-^ ~ 565,7~JO.OOj
<br />recairc;] frc.m ~i~antees, ~#o?s grrant--. ha*,ain sea ,onr~•s ancT ~ o'n~irm ur~ta~
<br />',Gerald `_. Eggert and V~erdella Vii. Eggert, Husband and blife
<br />as Joint. tenants ~.c[t?t right oP snr is !'chi;r, ;;nd not . ~ renant~ ixt eommOn, the fallowing"$e+crihed real prope~rt~y it:
<br />Hal' t'ctutt.
<br />got firee (3; '~!estW~od ?ark S;~bdivtsion, brand Island, tlebraska
<br />To race and zq hoid-the alw~e cie±,orb~i prearsisrs torether ~.vith ali teperoents, herPditxmeuts end appuc-
<br />tenances thereto brion~,~nR :usAa the >,^i~x'iitees xnr?, t::r-_r ~1~+iKns. or to the heirs and aasigns et the survis-or of
<br />them forerer.
<br />1nr9 grantor doe>; hereby E•o.•trtant «'it.h ih, ~.rer,iers and tsitt; theira~s iy-aeanti with th~~ heirs and atisiRt;s
<br />of the snrri-: or of thane that 2rnutnr i:; ixuCtill}'svi.+rri •..f ,a.iu pr~~mi>r~. th,rt Lt:r}' are free tr•»u encuutbranee ~ '
<br />that;;rnntorhas good r4~;ht+xnri la.etul nuthorilp !; ::,ntirt rile same; au;l !hat ~rautor x~arrant_v ;tn~l tcili defend
<br />the title. to ~d preminiss ¢~,aia,t t}tr lxwlul eiaima of ;z 11 f,rrn„tis whomsoever.
<br />_ It is the iertesrtiou of at1 purfien Irnrrtr,r ttrat in the ~.•vrrt! vE the ih•atL of a•ithnr o7 the graiiteew, the cutire ,
<br />fee simple true tr. thn era; ratxtr shall sent u; t.ttr sur.~iv!nl; ~rauter.
<br />f
<br />Dated August Z0, j0 s,~ ~ ~ '
<br />... ..
<br />ST.4?~E OF YebrdSka 1 i~n:hia- r~'~_ a, c~. ag.i~ ~' _ ~ '.~ h<fon
<br />°~s. ' a ~satart~ PuJlic. to r rouur.rsi~:n<d ar' a!caiil
<br />'F4a_j-1 .. f rants J rf;~., the .+rt,ft~.ri:~nr:. :: r~~r
<br />ire saL3 ebnnty, Dersuna:i~~ rame_ _. '-~.i.lr.. % 4...~ .:.'t~_ --,~ _e.. _. _._
<br />>q p':,
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<br />yr0AM1(.~= _ _ ,_ _ _._ _._ __
<br />rh C~e1.4 ~ fa +~
<br />_ _ nea ,noztm !o he .•nr id ~h'cal ,xr.3o~t~es: p~ sum ~he,e rxy4}[•,~psy,a.( zra,r.,~., art
<br />(S~ALj ajR.red io tke !'vr<~Jciny in.ftrwrer,: aml G:~.nG ;;durst :,~. s..iaticr L':crc t ~ :.. '
<br />ais, rcr or ike;r e~efnntary act and ~ir~u.
<br />:d'i:>fFSS pre-, {~an~1 and ivOtcriar Seal t:a da-, and r'-lust u _ :c ;ervicx.
<br />%,
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<br />- _ -S. ~ C on;nussv>a e.:fi7-~°z fiec.; _ .~,r._dc, v, _ --- _ .-
<br />3Tr~'t; OF .......... ...... ..... . . . ~
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<br />~c'errd uti 1<..a_.r:cul tr~dez n:;d tiled `:nc rsc•>rd 'n ,'hz fu:b,_,.er .,i .7eeds <}, ace c•r :,li.d (.:au,tt~ t:'cte
<br />t~1lSlYF ........... .... .. .. .. I~~r..-._.. .52.. ... .._-(4 C.1 ,~~'f; Rill,{. C11 '_l: t,=... _..... ;~-~
<br />hr~.# 1?~+~r.:rtie~i is F3<~:~.... ............o,` .... ......... at ;>:tg:•..
<br />.... - -. `sits;; ._..........
<br />:ay' n[r
<br />~. ..
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