<br />",YttFn:~r ... ?,sntc, Tnr.., a '?ebraska 'torpor-jtron,
<br />GF,Fe~;CiR, in cone.~~ratic! ... One ~oLiar i$1.Oi,1 n,~ "Ot11Gr
<br />COT1S]-d~?Sc~tiCn., .°Ce 1VC3G ~_Oiil ,, !~r~._ Cc, __d~ JI7 _.. i~a' SIDd;I 8r7 C1
<br />.~'xnC'a A. E~:.n`_ ,~., nus.~4..d at.•. .Ji`_P ,,c ~~oinr t~ ~,antz, wi-ti1 sights
<br />a` survi~~o r ~^ ~ ,'e-r . ~ ;RAhTLES th -c'._c•.ar':g cSr~c, _~_=;i
<br />r~ai ,~tdt& (:~~ de~;i::od _.. !~'~.,. Re`/. St~.t. ~5-20~.'t
<br />,~, tract o` lard c >-is::~y ~ part df t;ie 2vurt~twFst xu.~rr~r. 1.^.'G'+>)
<br />of SECticn ?our (~+) .n s:.n:;h.~> Ele~v~r (L} ^:orth, Rsnge ^?it~e i9)
<br />hest ..~ the 6th ^-~.. i~. Hail County, 1Ve'~raska,' :cir~ ~ar.ticul.~rl~_-
<br />descr:b~.c a iallowes:
<br />~egir.ninc at po,^t ~~^ 'rz ..outY~ ine c~'f said.,dortt.west Sittarter
<br />(*iivk) said pcii:- ~crL (~G.01 i~et east oL r-he southwest
<br />^or;:er _i sa.:u i?o_ _ ~?s <<u.:rter (~+~~) •._scbarng .~Urr,t ~i: ~`:e
<br />Baste .c-~~. ~ _~_ =_ns of U. ~ .iy-ntaay ~tV~~. ~51; thence
<br />,:rGrt?-r~-lyYYara-~;__ _.- _r-e we :,t iinc o saiu esticn Pru (~) anc
<br />a3oaa laic .._qht- . -way 1 i.nC', a di ~..anee ,-~f '?'tao '?'hcusar.d Fivz
<br />.iurc~zedr'i~t,'-roi.r anri E~c',t•J-Sever r ::d.r~~cLhs 1 4.9%) .:Bet;
<br />thence dtaslzctir:g ri~j ;t ~Hv~U'~~`*' anc run.:i^y .tcrtht.tscer.3y, u
<br />distance of Twc .:u, ..rec = curtn :nc. ".:en -?', : e .iu:;dredti~s
<br />(214.:.5) `ee _ t:;~:?ce ct _ __r.cr ie`_ ~ ._~; _~u' 4J" ,nc cun:;in5
<br />;tarth~r: disc:.^.c= ~_ n~~ -'T!,re~ i3:i.;i} fe~_~t to tt.e Wort?,.
<br />Iine o` aa.~ Syi:*_ac?r, Four 1St _~:er___ past+_r1y alcnq ~a~. i,orer•.
<br />line of saiG? Sec.. c.. 'rau_ (:i ~. ,_,tance ~. Gt;e .~iundr~d
<br />cony-Two astci £t-.--'c. ,.. „urdra~r.ths f147._i, ;~r~ ci':enc%
<br />ceriectirsg rignti96°4. a;t~: turntg southr~rl',•, y :iii:t:~:;:c~. of
<br />ThreN 4i;s:d::.d an=y w'iu'r. -F'~v:? ii;..^,i:re:dttl5 i300.3~; _.~et; *.t:ence
<br />deYleeti: c . **_t 80° ~. °~o" u;:U _;arf:._;:y e35tr-_z 1Y ~~ ..~.-.a~;tce ou
<br />Tktrec H~.u:dred iii^t us:U ~'hT•~~ ~iuridre!itns f3+)h.')~} feet.; tk~e.r,ce
<br />dePrectiatg Le:A_ t7i:°4C'3`:" any: rur:>_;,u:{ ez. ~Y.1y, a zst~::tce ~i
<br />Fire th:ssdrad Seven°;-Se•or:n a::u i•/,r Teat^s (577.51 *_~~e~r; thence
<br />defl~cti~tq lef*. 9~t<' ,i3'. : ar:c ...- _ng no~tnerl. a iistar:ce c
<br />`i'wu !-lu:la.ed E gntv-~i:-. a:.~.. ~iix Pei:~..~ !.?~:r,.E~} `Bet :~~ the north
<br />line of said Set:-tion ~.,cr f~); ct-=ar.~e ..~_,~~>rl,.~ riiony the north
<br />'1ne ei sai:? _,ec~~o~; P~~ur t4) a citstar:c:~ _ ^nrly-One (41.G)
<br />feet to the rJ~tt.`aSt :~~>:r~er u: the Wiest n a1= ~f. the '7arth~:esr
<br />Quarter (Fti'~i3W~i; then~~e autherl, a1o;y e f--.zst ,in.:; cii. ;:aiu
<br />West ttal~ _ the ':orthwest `?uart~r 1W ,1'+ri;) ,~ .?.sr_.ln~t oT i'wo
<br />klundred Thirty-;'hree (133..0) rtet; thence aeilecr_inG left
<br />E4°04'"j~1" and rit:ti:;g eraser?y, ui.stance of 'T`?rree hundred
<br />(3U0.0) ±-eet; ..hene2 defiectir,g le`t `3G'35'4ti" ~r:d rannir+~
<br />rort4tzrlg, a aistar~ce of TwC~ H~ur;drei: Thirty-Three 123S.r} :°~:et t~~
<br />.he ttvrth l..te v* 4a=d Sect_c:. Fau_ i8; _r~ence en~`erly aionc
<br />ti.e r:~rtC7 l?T;c 6% SdiQ :J E`i,t]_:_'il tO:i_ ice') :;+ Ulata'1C~~ [f .ir,c-
<br />Thou~ar;ri tiineL-tea a:;c: Thirc_;-Sever; -iuruired*_c.s ~ ~ Gi9. ~7j _ee-t _.
<br />t^,e rcrtneast corc:e= _ . -~ ~' tic> t ...est i;~:~te„ i29Gti~;? th~r~,e
<br />out.';et.~ al.~~r.c Ln_ .as ' _r e of _• tiorthwz., _ ..rr~: ,':vr%<) s
<br />diSLa^.GG~ O~ z"'scG `L'hau"-..~. .,~-~ `iu":..._.~~ F~.. _ ~s:~_~ 4:x . iicr al:_
<br />{i:;',Gr+~t?ths 4~ 5»_.ti_?p `:eL'`~ t., _it E; _.,; r:t.`;trast ~<.~. .. _'f- ~,~_:.
<br />*;or5"e;W~S~. yZti;, . sue. ivv~'a) •Cn~~ r'es -- ~! _ ~,, _ _, ~u --. __.,e oI:
<br />~dii. '.`.UY .....+. £.St ~~llarf..(r ~ ~i:ti~; ~ ~J .. _t=,~ s ~` ;Y~:.~ „iGL ~3..'1C _.. s..
<br />'riund~iu,~ Gv~nty-Focr . s_-,~ .. _. _ (i.~'4.'1 i~:... _~~ ':Slw <,~~
<br />~. i~f g,,;r.ira _ err- ___.~U_: __.~~ ; 4H.8 iY ~c_ _ :nc:~_ ,_ __~_..
<br />.S7ATERae:irT A~TI~:;cD
<br />~, ~+EF3F~sA'+KA ~~ ~~'>4£"d7A2Y
<br />C',hr A.~
<br />