<br />~t~-=:i!U~f~'~
<br />~a
<br />A tract of ia:~d co:rprrs;nq a part c` the :~oLth•~;~ ;~uart.~r of the
<br />S~.uthwr~st Quarter (~IW,Std~} of Seeti4n Fcuz !4) Township Eleven.
<br />(??) No3th, Range Nine (9) 4:est ;:~ t?ie 5th P.~i. , _n Hali Couniy,
<br />?~lebraska, core particularil described ~._, .,iinoas:
<br />?;egirnirg at w pr,ir,t on the ~~orti: 'ii, c ..~ said Southwest Quarter
<br />(SW ,'„ said cint ~ni::g Three Iii:ndred `?'wen`;-Nine (3:'-9.C4 _eet
<br />ea at of tae ncrthwsst corner ~cf sai. South•~est Quarter iSt~) ;
<br />thence easteri_,~ a)_;ng the north line of said Southwes`_ Quarter
<br />iSW~) a dis:ar.ce o: Ni ;e Hu^.dr2d 5e~~r,t~•-t:i,gi?t and Four Tenths
<br />(978.9) feet to tY:e northeast corner of the ~~iorthw~st quarter oi`
<br />the ~outrwest Luartc-.r 4'~`~+>aSW,) ; thence so~~theri}° along tho s.ast
<br />line of sa>d '~arth:~est •Quarter ct `he oouthwe~st (Quarter !NWaSSd?•„) ,
<br />a distance of ire ~cocaand T_Zaent- -'T_~hree ar.d Sixty-Se~Fer.
<br />iiurdredths (1G~~.ci?}~eet; tac^.c~~ ie~lecti°:g ~iyt•:t ~~v°i3'~Q" and
<br />running «esteF~p, _ distanco ~ Six irur:dr~d "'~er.t;r-Pine an~i
<br />'Ltiaent~•-Seven Nur,dreutl-:.> ,529.x') Beet thence deflecting right
<br />S~°OC'?~" aria running ::crtherl•, .-, distance a*" Sixty- ix (66.0)
<br />feet; thence datiect.'irg ie`_t g0°OC' 35" ..r,d rcnning caesterly, t_
<br />distance o*" ixty-Si>_ thS.OP ieet; __,_..~_ deilccting tight
<br />90°L~II'35" and running rorth2riy, a cistar_ce of ~'i<.e Hundred
<br />~er.ty-Eig: t 428.01 feet; thencs~ deiiecti: c 90°03' and runni.r.~,-
<br />westeriY', a distance ~_ '^wc iiuncred Eighty -tiin~ o9.G1 *eet;
<br />thence c:e±3eetina rie~ht g0°ll' and runninc_, ;,ortherly, a distance
<br />o. Poc;r Huncreci Potty and Sixty-Piv~ ia:ndredths lti40.cis) :eet to
<br />the place cf teginnr:g a.nd eonr.ai:,inq 19.i5C~:..res. more or Tess.
<br />uR :I„ilia .~o°uenants (jcir.tly a.av sav:>ra1.y, it more than
<br />oae) with G~t`T~£ that i;Fti,?~TTOR:
<br />tl) __ lawfi:Yy s~.ized ~,? such retli estate and teat it
<br />za Tree ~'rotsi e:rcvcnbrr~nc.es;
<br />{~) 3,as iegt~l x>ewe: ,and law~>"u~~ authority to convey t:~e
<br />=acne; and
<br />(3) wdsr<'rnts isrci wiii det~r4d titlt_ tv the real estate
<br />against ::he '_aw`ui cl.ai,s oY till t,e.r.4ur.s.
<br />Executed ~.u;ust ,---cl 1°h2.
<br />'~,.'i y~' ~ ~~ ~ /
<br />1 ~-
<br />• ~.
<br />' 6a Nletten ri-~ :~ oxar rc ~e* ennrzak
<br />S'i°ATE OF ?v`£BRASiv? }
<br />ss.
<br />i4U:.'TY- GE :TALE. )
<br />The _`oregoi ng .r.strunent «as ackr::;;wledyed '~=;foze r~:e cr:
<br />Rugust 1_~,, i7oL, by Gary Nietten~rink r.:rd Fox..anne '~att~vn:ri:;~_,
<br />husband and wife. r-~~.
<br />t r. _. ~?
<br />~/
<br />~ ~ ,; ,~~ .
<br />- ~A111' ~'laie Vic:-;a ~~.S.c,`i_: '~;~ _ =.~a~.
<br />MMLOEKr* '~t~ wt~~y nu`~Lic
<br />E~Mia Ex- ~ :. 19~
<br />