<br /> 82 ~--~ ~i t i ;3 t~ ~~ t
<br />
<br /> Exhibit A
<br />1 The Soutwest Quarter (SW1/9),:Secton Twenty-Nine (29),
<br />. Tour:ship 2'welve (12) North, Range Nine i9) West,. Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska.
<br />2 Section Thirty (301, Township Twelve i12) "North,
<br />Lot Two {2)
<br />. ,
<br />Range Nine (9l West, Hall County. Nebraska, contair.ir.g 12
<br /> acres sore or Iess.
<br />3. The Southeast Quarter (SE1/4)„ Section Fight i8) Township
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Hall Ccurty
<br /> ,
<br />Twelve ;12) North, ?tango Nine (9) West.
<br />4. The Southwest Quarter {SElJ4) Section Eight t8)„ Township
<br />Nebraska
<br /> ,
<br />Twelve (12) ?forth, Range Nine ~9) West, nail County.,
<br />:yore fu11y described
<br />r
<br />c
<br /> ,
<br />crr,e
<br />except '7.6 acres' in the Southwest
<br /> in Book 96, Page 19(}.
<br />5 ~ Hart of *_he Southwest Quarter (SWl;~4) Section Four {4},
<br />. Township Eleven (11) North. Range '.vine (a) Sliest, mall County,
<br />d is Book
<br />d
<br /> .
<br />e
<br />as mare fully describee3 in a dFe3 recor
<br />Nebraska
<br /> ,
<br />o£ the Deed Ttecortis at Page. 315 and at ?ace 315 in tr.e
<br />i19
<br /> ,
<br />Office '4f the Register of Deefls of ?fall Count,:, Nebraska,
<br /> caataininq 19.5 adres sx~re az foss.
<br />6 The North ~ta3f of the Southeast Quarter t*.dii25Ei,'4} :~ection
<br />. Twenty-Nine {~9}, Townshig '~wel~.•e (12) North, Range :ire
<br /> (5p Wesf, Hall County, 1+Iebraska.
<br />7 The Southeast truarter fSEl/4; Section 'Twenty-5~~: (26),
<br />. Tawnsh3.g' ".^++telve t12) ~tarth, Range 'I'on (1C) West, ::ail County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br />e An undivided ore-half interest in *_he South three-fourths
<br />. of the West Half o* the West 1ial. of the South Haif of the
<br /> Northwest Quarter (wl/2w1/25Ii2:dWr;4) Section Twenty-Five
<br />Hail
<br />t
<br /> ,
<br />(25), Townshia Ten i10) '-north, Ran ,e 'Twelve (12) wes
<br /> County, Nebraska.
<br />9 An undivided one-half interest in a tract of land cor,~prisirg
<br />. a part of Lots One (1) and Twc (2) Fzactiona]. Section *dinetcen
<br /> (19) and a part o` the Northwest Quarter (N4iij4) and South-
<br /> west Quarter iSwli'4y Section Twenty (20), all in Township
<br /> Eleven (il) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.'"..,
<br />3 rwre particularly t:3escribed as
<br />k
<br /> a, an
<br />Hn1I County, Nebras
<br />r of said
<br /> follows: eeginnirg at the west Quarter corne
<br />h along the :9est
<br />Sou*
<br />in
<br /> ..
<br />g
<br />Section Nineteen (1?); thence runn
<br />i19} a distance of ',~'wo Hundred
<br />t
<br />i
<br /> een
<br />ne
<br />line of Section N
<br />Seventy-Two and Twenty-Three Hundredths (271.23) feet to a
<br /> point on t,,*.e pzolongatian o; the northerly right-of-way
<br /> line of West Second Street; thence run:ing Nor*_heasterip
<br />
<br />
<br />