'. Cor.AemnaFvn. In the event ih ~ Prorx n_ , ~,: ~} pat! thereof, vital[ he taken by eminent domain: [ne Mortgagee
<br />is empmzerc^d to coYect and rocoive all n~mpencaron .~ rch ^rar nrr psid Forany property takedbr for damages tupropertiy
<br />ntrt taken, and licrt~ugee shall app!} such compensa~on, at iL option, either to s r~~dnctioaoC the indebtednec secured
<br />he~¢•bp or to repair and restore the prnpe2ti so damaged.
<br />R. Performance by Mortgagee, ?dortgag.e matt, but shall haae no ubligebor~, to do an}~ act which 'the Mortgagor
<br />has agreed bat fail to do, and ~iortgagwe ma5~ also do ar.v act it der-rn necessam to protect the lien hereor. Mortgagor
<br />agXezti to repay, aeon deman~', any <ums so expendcvi hp thr Mortgagee for the above eurposee. and aoy sums so expended
<br />6y Chc Mortgagee shut br added w ttr indebtednes, lured hareb}' an3 heroine subject to the tica hereof. Mortgagee
<br />shad no? incur any personal liability becattsr of am~thin{t ti rnav do or omit to do Y:ereunder.
<br />9. f>rfault; Asaipiment of Rents. Time Ss o[ the rsence hereoY, and aeon bfortgagor's default in any covenant
<br />at agreement of this Mortgage. iodt+ding coernxn~ To pat ~Wilan cue tke sums secnTed by this .`.4orgage, the Mortgagee shall
<br />lie entitled., ai its sole aptioa and s~tF.out aoticc, 'n de<zixa~ alt sums cured by this Mortgage to be immediately due and
<br />payable and ma}~ commence ro recr0.care o: this :llortgagr b}- judiclai orocecdulgs; and, prcvided fa¢her, that upon sueh
<br />d+rfaelt t'te Hfortgagee, or a receiver appointed bI; a court. mac at. ice; option snd without regard to the adequacy oC the
<br />secant},, enter upon and take posses•,-iar cf the F`o;;e~y and toile%t [he rents, tunes and profits theretYom and apply them
<br />Rxet Ctt the cost of collection and operation n( the ftopert} and i~hen upon die i~tdehtednras secured by :his Mortgagee;
<br />,aid rnnts, lasues and profits becng as~gned to the Mortgagor as' further u~~curit_s~ for the payment. of the indebtedness
<br />:,eeun~d hece~-.
<br />14_ "[Tanster of ttnyerty'. if sik or ant pa-~t oC ate Rom rty is sold or tc&nsfrrred without the express written con-
<br />sent of the ltfartgaecr, Mortgagee may at its sole option, dreian~ ail sans secured bg this Mortgage to be immediately due
<br />and payable.
<br />Y3. FuWm Advanetis. Gpon request of 3iortgagrrr, ~furTgagre ma}~ make additionat and futum advances Co
<br />blortgagre_ Such advance: , with interest thereon, shrill be secured by thisllongage when evidenced by promicvory notes
<br />stating that said Tortes arP area and Imrehy, RC ra rime shalt thr~ pre rc±pal amoant, of the indebtedness secured by this
<br />Mortgage, aot :nefuding wins advanced to pmiecl the sate rite- of tSi> titortgage, exceed the original Note.
<br />12. Misepllanwas hocislons.
<br />(al v1r1V forebearanc-r in exerdarg arc n~Y.t or remedy ahak! not M a waiver Thereof.
<br />(bl A7lremedie pros5ded iurem an dintrnct and cumuia!ivr to xm ether right nf[orderd by Iaw of equity,
<br />and may be rxereised vneu rrznlly.:ndepe•r~drntl~ or ,ucc«ssirety.
<br />jci 'The corenanU and aRrrrment; contaoaed he rei r. yaalt hind. and the right- inure !o, the respective
<br />sumsrors and acsi qna of the Mor[~or and the iloagsgre.
<br />(d) a;l euseranL+and agmemen L; n[ the ~torii(agw xm Iomi ann.~everxl,
<br />fel TSfe headin~v oC the paral{raphs cf thrs YIo~KaKe are for converiencc ernly and flhail not >x uses' Lo inter
<br />pert or deCtne the pruvcsionx hen•ot.
<br />13. Release. L'-pun payment ni atl sum<-~sKrurrd by they AL>rtr!ai;~•. °<t~,n,kaGc•.• shall disohar~ this hSortgage and
<br />shall execute and deliver a salistsrton~ reiea;r !inerrfoc
<br />!.N WI'ftiE,~S Y;NE~R~Ot~, Mortycq~x hay executed thy:, ' urtgage~ c+n .hr~t~l ~lp oC ._ ~lYr'tl_$S _---~ i9 ~.
<br />:'
<br />t'Y~ S' _~T' Fh,rrowc[
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<br />/,.. ./',`j 41 ~. "Y~~ '~ f 1.
<br />.,
<br />. ~ ~. ..~'
<br />Stale of Nebradca, ~. ,_ ~1.______ .__ Cc3rr.ty .,
<br />flee this ~~~_ day o[.____?~~?~-5t _.--- . '•~~__, ~f~,rr rnr, th~~ unden;igned, a Notary PoWYc
<br />duty ~-_~~isaued and nuattl•'ied toe said enun,y_ pe rson qtly- eau,r _.,R,odtleV.,E_. Harr2s and Sharon L. HaI"T'15,
<br />Hushatxl rend liifr'
<br />,_.____-..__-_- ____.. -.__--- _. to me known to be the
<br />idrnticai pesavl,+) whoaa natneCSl are wtucribed to Chy Co rrR ink ue.,trumrnt and ac~know4edgrd the rxecutioa Chereof
<br />tux attd bar
<br />to Lt ._ .. voluntary act aad deaf.
<br />y Grand Island :V~ra.~ka_ _ _ _-_ _ _ __sa bald coancy. the
<br />Witness m - :land-and notarial scut at.___~,~__._-. .
<br />date aforesaid.
<br />~fy L:omrntxcion expires: ~~' ~ ~ % ~; ~ ~
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