<br />82"='t,3~~~~c~2
<br />10. Tnat the bfu; tgagoi .viii i~eepthc tiuitdings upon sat8'premises in gi?od repair, ana neither commitnor perm iYwaste
<br />opi.n :aid land, ; or suffer the card premiss tc het rdfor arsy unlswftd Rnipgse.
<br />i 1_ That if the prcmac , „r aw part thereof be condemned under thFp~wer ofzminent domain, or acquired inr a; public
<br />^<e, the damages awarded, the pu..xeds For the taking o*, ur the ~rn,ideratron for such aequisitron, to tMe'axfent of the (itll
<br />amount cf indebtwine. upo r. thin: mortgage and the note hick it is gi son to ~earre remaining unpaid, are hereby ascigned'.by the
<br />~lorttZt+gor to the '~Sunkacea. t,nd shall be paid for?hwith to said ".1ortgaeee to hz sgplier~ by thefatter on account of t.henext
<br />rratunnginstailments of such indeb'edrrss
<br />12. The hlorigagcx further threes that should thi. mert~arr :rnd the note >:ea.red hereby not he eligble,for-:in-
<br />surance order the National LiOUSing Act within Sixty dogs imm the date hereof (written statementofany officer
<br />of the Department oC Housing amd Urban Ck~-Janment cu authorized ~eent ~;` !hc ~°cetary ~-.FHousing and£Cirban
<br />Development dates subsequent to the Sixty days time from th 'arc o[ this n~~ungace. declining Coinsure said
<br />cote and this mortg;~+ee. being dcerned .ondusiee proof of - Bch !neligthiiin~l. the ~!ongagce r~r hazlder oC Che .note
<br />may. at its option. declare all sums secuecd hereby immediately Luc rnd payable-
<br />13. That if the MurtLragor fail. to make an}~ paym^nts ~~` _;tore} :~hta [he same become duo, er failc~to..onfdrmto and
<br />comply with any of the conditioe; or a~treements contained in this mortgage_ ,r ;he note which $ secures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and ;rccrued interes± .haul at once become due +nd payabl°, ;,t the ~~lecu~~r ut ,he `.fnagagee. andthis mortgage m._y
<br />:hereu~n he forec?osec+ immediately ier the whole of said money, inFerest. inonthry n:esmcnts:'costs, ground rents, taxes .+nd
<br />the cos[ of exiendin¢[he abstract oftitle from the date ~t .his loan u. the rim of commencing slash foreclosure suit. and ~ rea-
<br />sonable attorney'. fee, &il of which shad he indudeG in the decree ~~f ~f;~;ccl.'~ntte: and the contract embodied inthismnrtcage
<br />and the rota secured hereby, shall in alt rest gets ht eovemcd, einstnied and sdjudg,ed fl} the-laws of Ne'hraska, ~•here tits
<br />cameisaiade. '.
<br />The covenants herein contained shall find. and the ixnefi t; sand ad vanta¢e~ shay, rnsnre to. the respective heirs. executors.
<br />administrators, successors sod assigns vfChe parries herc,r.~. Whene,r_r useii, thrsiRgular number sha19 incEude the plural, the
<br />pbarat the stnguiar, and the use of any gtndtt shall he apphcshh- m 11 cende; <.
<br />The foregoing cendtti ens, aU and singutar. being performed a u>rdmg to their uatnral and legal import. this coneeyance
<br />shah t>t void and said premises rclraxed at the expense if the blortc.agnr o;heru i<e nzbe and remain in fn8fiurceand effect:
<br />1N WITNESS WHL:::EOF. the tifartgagartsl ham hereunto tot the~is hand[s>the day and-yseac first
<br />above u~rtten-
<br />Ie presence of
<br />' ' ~-===~t6GL~ jSEAL i
<br />f} jSEAi.
<br />j ~JY)"7,yL~ ~ '~ [,~.it:}y2i:~ _ j SEAL I
<br />C023NIE 'S. ARMBS
<br />~ SEA i.
<br />_jSEAL.!
<br />cvti v.,o.t_~~
<br />STATE t_1F V FHRAStvA,
<br />COl1tiTY OF ly~,L ~ s
<br />(ki this `L3rd day of Augtst a.ll 1v gy , ?xfore n:e.
<br />a tiotaiy Public in and iw aaid C;;wnty, persorwlip came
<br />Scott E. Azores and Connie S_ :sores, ya=sbancl and wife
<br />personally [o sec L:nown
<br />to be the iden[ic~l person s wturit name g art ,nixed to the above and furc-
<br />goin~ inswmtnt ;rs ~fortµagor, and they have uc know!edgeU the said instrument sod the
<br />esrcu[iun thereof to be t;teir s~+luntary act and deed, fur the purposes the: r.in expressed.
<br />!n te;,timan}' >, hereof, I ha+~r hereunto seamy Fund and a~'ixed by rsotarialse:d at Gran~dI~s\'lTJ,a~nd, NE
<br />on ibe ~y and date last above w: itten. ~ ~~~~~~-C.~"~
<br />~~f-Mrs ~ ~r
<br />~ ~, ~ Votary Public
<br />O~~ ~. JN i r7tl
<br />STr17 E OF' NEBR 1.4LiA <s
<br />Filed fWrecafd this day of ,3.f2 14
<br />a[ o'.dock \, .. ;rd e'tCrcC in Nwnericai [ndea, end
<br />recordist in Bo4{i o:y1o~tgnges, o^
<br />Page u[
<br />f
<br />Re~is!eraf Dced<
<br />;~!~:;:v
<br />