<br />h ~ocu~~rrrrarr.
<br />STAMP TAK ~~
<br />AtJG 24 1982 ~-+r; ~,~i~'7
<br />~ ~, lll~rrae~g Cemetery Deed
<br />~6YJ 1,~~ _I N~
<br />NBS?LJ[NIIr D[B'h[08I~LL P1E88
<br />of Graced Island, Nebraska,
<br />STATE::~ENT A~ACNEb a c~meterq association
<br />incorporatsd'Irn~lwr the
<br />cemetery aws of'ths
<br />State of Nebraska=
<br />• ., _ ~?
<br />tars um ~%~: x.e taTa__st~:~.-dy ot-------~k?~,~------- - __.e. n:, i~----=-•
<br />Eecw.a Wrsa'r.A>ivx ~atoltiA>;. rAR=-ccx>rRrntt or tlatwxa IteILAND alR~sws=A. Firs Psrty.
<br />aM _""t~_-/~__~LL?`~'? u%±as_~i=GC/~4.Z~f's~_ @SliiP~ __________~»~__4w_,_~~_~__
<br />_~iitD~Q~_sttt~i:. !d.;~.~r--fle2~~_~QFi~/J_:c&7~_'tR~4_~~'•4_•uL- ~Fmi'zs_ _u_.t~:?~_~
<br />---=~ Q~ s2uv4%s?r`~'~---`---_-----`-'---. ---_----°---------'---------~ 9ecaatd. Party.
<br />WITNIS!!tf'H• 'laatFtJtst Par7ty torandin cansidentim of: t?oe stun of
<br />e ~ !~L ::f~ J-c..Pf L'L.2 (Y77'YJ~t7~9
<br />---Jug--~'---=-- - ------..__~~_~__----------------- -----------__~_DOts.~xs
<br />the reddpt whereof y harehS.,aciotowlad~ed.hes eold..:and Ey these presents does grant, convgand cottllrtet
<br />unto the Sstrorat Farty,:and to Serartd Party'.e helm;a/nd~ aaetpua__ta13_~s Q_ 2Y~34 :_~_~4?~,~F?~?_-_-_.
<br />_---'~T ..,ha nit .t 4w.tL~3'2,~._3ti,~Z? ~i2QYE„~._J.u~~~.~`_~__C~~ _.~.'~ ,Z~C~117/L_ Yf_
<br />------------ -------____.._------__;~_~____;~------~_r___oi' wrsa.wvvl~ ats~caRw, pwxle
<br />a[t~aSd Iaiand. riaEefets, situated Jn NaltCOtmty Netre+alta.: s cemetery to he uaAtd lor.Sntmnmt: puc-
<br />perea eetlY,.tteintf aod~dicatedanddeclatsd:thePlat of aatde~netery Yctns receadad !n the otrice o[the
<br />Re~isfat at Deals ot'Hau Cottoq. ^ehr„t.:
<br />11L dead L rubieet W aq ia..e of the SLateofNebraeta,. and toad hy{awe,:nile~and re~ttlnttons
<br />of Wfi17AWNIIlJ[ORLtL:PARK CSMR7RRY at:Crand 3stand, Nehrsska. and to any ctutn~es to .:~Id
<br />bees, ~k~w.. nufu ~ rKtttaLan.
<br />Agytraewter ~ tale otany pact of the ahavedeecrib~ed:propertyaRW tuM. De valid"nnllt the ume
<br />has been'reooeded upoatbe spoke-ot Lhe'>*irn Party;...
<br />WRf'r7.AWTt litRMORIAL:.PARK CE![RTERY OF GRAND ]$t.AND, N!@RABKA, ;hereby cove-
<br />. oasis ad area to sad with the 9eeswtd Psrty and watt the belts end,asel~na pt the 8ecpnd Pady, that
<br />u ta. tLteeas. flue e:ecutWn anddetlvary at. thaee;precente ft ialawtufiysrfasd of wfa premiss':;-that it hu
<br />food ri~ltnatl laurSWatttlarii7'to ee>~ntreythe eamsUe[ tlseyare treetrom eaetunb;ratKe atW'.First Party
<br />does ~`y7 cavetoant So ,wareant-sad. defend [he.premiati asatnst the lawful ctaimeo( ell patsxts whomso-
<br />ever.
<br />nfeY perpettsel cale,'adminlstratlcn and rzulncrnance of the above described premisee u provided by Ju hy-
<br />4wa
<br />IN RrIR'!'7!l!~ R+r~1RCJF, 'ITe saki W)ZBTI.A K'N M11:11iORIAL PARRCB>1I,Y,1'L'RY OF C,RAND
<br />t6LAND, NRHRAS1Ul,bae Aerttutto cauwC i4 corporate xa1 to be afflzed and these prewtu [o be slaved
<br />DY !ts president the day ahd year tint atwve wnGten.
<br />. ~ Yreatdent
<br />t . -_
<br />T'~~ Gf 110RAYYA.
<br />. ; ~
<br />_.. - y --- -------- --`` -- ---------------- --- to
<br />~. ~fia~tl>l-tba t~dsrai~nul. a notary pWilte. in and for said cotu:ty and sate, petaonally came _____
<br />s ~ J J ;' .~
<br />E
<br />•lf~erat of Wasttawn Yemoriai Park Gmetery of Grand Island, Nebraska., to me personrlly known to be
<br />t,1e PrssW~t wd the identical person whore name L afflred to Lhe above contisyance, and u3mowtadQed
<br />[De'eaacutlrn thereof to M hL voluntary act and. deed sa such otTJCer and She voluhtary act and QetA of the
<br />eeld WestLtrn 11[senorial .Pert Cemetery of Grated :.taint, Neiaraaky aM t]at tDS corporau Beal of the salA
<br />WeeWem Yeenor4] P-rlc Ceautery of C.rapd latand, NebrasYa, was lltereto afifzad by iu authorJ ty.
<br />WI'27i)oi8 my 19and and notarW seal the day a/d year 3aat about nrittcn
<br />~; - (~~, ~...L-r~-~•--~'~ 112-s-,•yr_
<br />~ ~~
<br />_.~ .
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