the cumin sccurcd by this Decd of Tntsr shad cent t.ue ur,impnirad. `_:pan urehpayment and etrre by Borrow rr,';hi,~ ikad of
<br />"Ernst and the ob'.aations ..=,z+ured hereby shall re•nair i~t lug - c^ no<i .rT~ct a_, f a- ~ecelerst u~d had occurred.
<br />2t7. ;moment of RerrG~ Aapoivttment of Receiver. lxnderin Fcacsesion. As additir n..l a<curit}' here undt:r. $orroic-er
<br />'niseno s:ssigne to 1_ender tht rents of the Propertc pe:w tdre+ ih+t Isom we 'rdl_ pri ~r ro ae LClerauon = d r pa _L •ph 1S
<br />herGrrf or abartdonntent of the ?rv}+c:rty have the n~ht rr ~~R. r Ord yet ain soh .enr.:s n v neeam dw~ ~nl ly-able.
<br />Upon accete_atioa under paraSraph IS here f .r yhnnd~nn enr ~f [he Pr _peny- Ltn 7L r, it. p n t., b~ -cent or by
<br />~udin a?f7 aptwmted yarn ver. sha!i he cnr.tled to ent-r u~nn ter 1. cs scion of ni m3nagr_ th- Property and to collect the
<br />reris o£ theero Dart}' irwludtng those past due. su ~nt cell by L..nder or h< r elver.ha!t h~ at ptie.d first t 'men?
<br />ohrhe ermts of msnaEycment of the Fropertp and .GJ.u.!on i=t renu, ieaudm>; Lut no[ lim~tLd to ~ecei crs ee-, prcrrnims
<br />..: teceiytrs bt>nfs and teasonable~ stwtTC}~~~ :ees. and then to the cams aecured h}~ this Decd of Trust. Lendcr ,and the
<br />receiver shag be liable to aao~mt onl,a c r ho.e rcnt< tctrcll c eived-
<br />21.. i`Ltura Advmers. Upon raauest ~f Re,rmu-cr Lend r ~~t Len9er's oor,an prior to tni! reamvey~:rnec of the Proper}'
<br />oy Tru.etee to So*rc. ver_ maw muAe. Fuatre .Ads e: to Bxr. wcr. Sa-h Fw ere Advance= with ant re,t thereon, shall be
<br />vrcuredbq this Decd of Trvsa when r~ytdenced by promisso; ti owes stating [hat said notes a[i securi d he eov. :1t no t~o~e shag
<br />the pnncipa! amount of a+e indeb[tdntss s~~urcd by this Da .t ~( Tnt_ci, r ~t indud~ng son ~ td ~r_ed ~ c orlon ~. herewith
<br />ro nrotxct the security of rh+s Decal of T u.-, [,.reed the cnq.nal :,m->amt OI ,hr Vote nlus f,y ~ _~tfl t). QO
<br />Z2. RecowveyaRCr. Upon payment of alt xtn< s~curcd h5- thia L.ced o[ Tract. Lendcr shall ray ales[ 7nts(ee to
<br />the Property and sha31 surrentier this Deed cat Tract t~nri alt naa-^, evk'.ar,cin~ irdebtedncsy -rcure<E hF~ this Dc d of Truss
<br />.i. ~hrustce. Trustee sha[I r~enveti the Prnpery rr,thout warrant,: and witF.att! charge tee tnc peon or ~.tircoos leea~h,~
<br />entitled thereto. Such , arson or ner'~ns chail paq alt casts e recnrdstien " :rn}~.
<br />2."t. 3aieNffrte -Ir,WC~ Lender. ei Lcndes'c option, may from r~m to rme remove ~Fnistec and alspomt a succazzor
<br />trustee to aay Frusttt appomtcd i.~~rmder by an instrument rcco; ~il in the count} in which :his thed o: Trust is rtcnrded.
<br />lVrt}xre+t cosveyanee aS the Pre~pcrt c, the +ncec-csor trus[ec snarl succeed to alt the :it~e, p-awe: arzd rlt tie' conterrca own
<br />the Tractee Herein and by applrca6le raw-.
<br />2i. Refit &x iietiees. Licxrowor agewsts that copra[ of the Hence n! deiauit and naiic< o,` cote br stns co 13on'o,vers
<br />a.kiras which is thy: Propem Address.
<br />Ix Wtrv~ss Wttex~>;, Borrower has ezccutYi this Dead of Trust.
<br />.?odt~ev C. '_ti st' -~or~awc.
<br />`~ /i ~ A'
<br />?,}f ~1't ~ ~ f-tom •~ _ .. _ - ....... .
<br />Ana D. Yus[ -aorro»er
<br />Sire of Neeans-:w... ....i}a11- ... .. _ .. Counn~ ss:
<br />On th» ....?3?'P........dav or'. !~'~?L't i9-dam , rxfiare me, the uadersiy;ned. a Nrrtarv Public
<br />dtilc crmmixsiened and qualified fo: said county. !xr>onally came. .... ` . ..... .... ... .
<br />RtzdlzaY.G..:'~a.C.dod.Pi~fA.R,.YvSt...)}u,s.~~}n¢,;a,ra...ii,IF .................... [o me known to he the
<br />idcntital gerson(sl whvsc [tame{st arc subscribed to the torecome instrument and acknowledged the execution
<br />thereof to be . C V e i X........ . voluntary act and dyed.
<br />Witness my hand and aiKanat srai at... ,:x.~tui. Ts:a~.:>„ -T-'r~brn~ic2 ...... ;n .aria coun._.• the
<br />date aforesaid,
<br />My Cbmmiss:ott ezpirts: ~ ~~ ~ ~' •~
<br />~~~~ ~~ hOt~ly PuGI iC
<br />RECpUE5l FrJR REC't~':''-'~YANCE
<br />TO TRL+S?EE:
<br />T7x undersigned is the hokdar d the note or notes secured by [iris Deed of ('rust. Said note or nerieS. together
<br />with all othex ittdebtedness secured by this Lied of Trust, have been paid in full. You are herebq direr?ed to cancel
<br />said note or notes oral this Der.P of "Lnst_ which are delivered hereby, and t~ reconc~y, wi[hout warrant}~. alt the
<br />estate aow hdd by you under this Decal of Trust ter thy. pcrs.xt err prrums lebaiiy ~ntttletl tFrcretu.
<br />Dstc :............................ .............................. ..
<br />•'~,.
<br />R~~~
<br />.~.~.._e. B~vor ih.s :n-r R±~r.~eC F¢r Lerr7e~ 3ntl 1. a;w;rtlerr
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