70iiN R. HA.TV""LOP:, ) Certifica~e of Lien
<br />Commissioner of Labor; }`or Belinquent
<br />Unernplaym~nt insurance Contributions
<br />vs. )
<br />Dennis E. Smith, dlb.fa'
<br />DEN!3Y ` S COtiSTRU£TiON ' _
<br />c,mpioyer Acco!rnt ?
<br />~rr00?79~OG5.
<br />^O WHO'4 , _ ?LAY ~~^N~F'R`::
<br />T_he nnder.signe~d, Paul C. Gratz, attcrney for John R. Hanlon,
<br />Commissioner of Tabor of the State of Piebrasi:a, does hereby certify
<br />t2:at Fsennis E. Smit:`:, an ir,uividual, doing business as Denny's
<br />'~or.stniction, do.nq business in rand Island, Hall County, .Llebraska,
<br />is i,lctc.}ated to the Unemploy-merit _'ompensation Fund of the State of
<br />Nebraska for contributions due on !.is emolo~.~rnent for ali four
<br />quarters of _4c~0 _.. thr sum of 44%.22, and interest ir. the sum o_`
<br />$1G'2.cI, with interest at t,e rate of one percent per month an the
<br />31ri QT 5~34G2 ~_vfi ?~igtl5t 's1, iy6Z_
<br />3y reason t::er~of, said ,;o~n R. Hanlon., Commissioner of Labor,
<br />on behalf of *_ _. ....~m,f,la;~ent '~ompensatio.. Fund, hereb•~~ claims a
<br />r~
<br />lien in t:12 sum of $x49.83, .,•it!: ~r.terest at ~.,., rate of ~~ne percent
<br />per mon*_r. c.. the aura ~f $4=1?.L2 until .raid, .upon. any and a1i property,
<br />real cr aersonai, of s;xid De::r_is E. Smith, dairy,. busines.=, as Danny's
<br />enstruc*_ian a::d sgec~ical3; claims a lien a, the follcwnq
<br />Described real estate:
<br />'_"he 'dort;: half (~1~,} of 7;.ats ?r,e i1't and ^.wo (~) ,
<br />Block 'iat3lve {I,2)'•in ~aggs,ard 't{ill's addition
<br />to the Cit•; c: i;rand Ts].arad, i~a11 Count~,•, ~~ebraska,
<br />.subject oni~ ~ _ cans o: pziar recoru ,n:rsuant ro Sect.r.on ;8-£;~~?,
<br />ti.R.s. tiehr. 1953.
<br />arlr ~ Han r ~u^~ , Corral ~ sytaher of Labor
<br />august. ? 9, 19,P,2
<br />STAiE Or YEBRASKr'~
<br />~s.
<br />i~ANChS`PE;Ft !'OG`!fiY i
<br />Fr~Ui, D. KF:AT~ bei::g first ~duiy sworn upon his oath, deposes
<br />and says that e is attorney for Jpr;:, :?. Hanior., ~orrQnssior:er of
<br />LaL~cr of the State of ?:ebraska; that he~ i.s authorized to ma',re the
<br />above certificate; Y_hat the 'acts _~~ out abo~~e are ..rue ar:d
<br />COrY ACt aS a._ .'er1i, 1;e11eVes.
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<br />ill' _,. ?~Li g;15° 1 ,a?
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