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<br />t{'!-fl++rTR'r #i~-u«~ Fwe..i+~.wf ar wr~Irrr
<br />- ~~~ ~ ~ , t,"~
<br />~-nubu S~II ,men ~p ~~jtgc ~tcgent~, That. W7,r,xae, In an adios in thr Uis.rir( '„~,~t ,~ the
<br />;~ eleventh Hall _-, v:hcRin
<br />_.-.JaefrialDietrict. of thtShdr of lYebraehn.:mithin and for ilrer un<Y oJ:__. -. . ~. _._ ..__..- _
<br />---
<br />he Equitable 3ui?dia~.3nd Iaa~y,..t±sso~ aGion v~ zL3na Ssland,Nehr A_~asF Pmirti~_ and
<br />_....
<br />ti rnaa rd F Legg, _Lorene Z__Legg,__~.- 1L _.- .. _..... _. w~xe_ de(rndantS-
<br />. _ _ __ - -
<br />_ T'_.i ~qut tibia F~zil~lin_ and I,,.an 9s~ociatic~
<br />dtAe..___Janua2~16t._.~_._..Term, A. D.t9+r.RZ_;aJan+deou-K.
<br />. deet7Aere uetue rwn___Howard W Leggy -,ci; e .Z..~...b.@:ce.,..~.•T eiI.~....... .. -- -......... '
<br />did tblainodereee fird+ap f ~----"- -..
<br />b Tie F.,ultable,Buzldingand._a.aaa, ?~~e~csa~ipn...ak~.~rand.Islansi ~e~t ~ C~rp_ ttu,n,,,
<br />tirt~; Fauz Thousand Thzet' ~Fundzed ~zghtv_,Six~.z'?d_.241_I.QQ ~~7~',,~86.54~ - -..dollarr,
<br />of-. --' ,-_-_ -
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<br />_ an.i eorl+ of ncJ t. at_.__. __ __...::dtdG~r., a+,;l, anernz,, it uri< :l,en ~u,d :7urr
<br />further Ivderedin IN aa6i attian that in-defaatt of the pm,mrnf of tkc eam ao foand duL;? U+' =a,d.eward it ...l<: ~'ke_1A3_ .....
<br />Lorene I.Le?zFra_Q~ a~__. ._~~_.,. ~._._:.~,tdat_._...,Charles,.". Fairbanks _
<br />Sheriff Ql~ ' af-°"__.-,........ F~aII _.._..._..... . shoutd eaare ihelunda cv3 trnementx hrre i„-:Crkr deeeri&,f fu be
<br />oiefieedrnd avtdacmrdiny to 6arc to partees same, and.. ud,ereas: drfm,tt haeiraJ ben+ tswk flrxir:, Lhc <aui - .... _.... ',
<br />~.u~r m~uf trv rirhm o-U•r. ,aid decor a.ul
<br />- G'1n c ~.es ~ : alztaanks, _. ':._ ... .:.. ..__ ::heril7 of aaidror_nh~, •I
<br />3Qch ay„r !ui}' _a.v 1982_
<br />tAe order of sak b him d-~I, .: i*rded. dirt an the, . ... ...._., . , . .. _.
<br />Cite l=rama Island
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<br />lava r i O~?)J! _ t~ e j tlx <'oa,ntr !'.,,suet lloux• ux 1hr _ ...... _
<br />at the.._...,__.. _
<br />x -. ... baairu),)ir,C 9 corn uue n_ t fq,u7 rwY i + ~~ Ghe !use and plucr of _m u7 ,aie
<br />.neeid(.a,catyol H3l• _
<br />~ rand ?slandD 1~' ?~ ~ne~ dsn a nc7,aper! uatedana,r,yrne.vl
<br />A.r arretl,~, L6irl;• darr ryreor Yurefo in the .. _ _ .... _
<br />Ia11 ~ . srtt xi,a ~,m.W= ~. pab1,~ <.uclion io.T .e_Fq.ui.tahle
<br />ciesreLtion in sold. (unity of .. _ .. .. _.
<br />Suildn_g_snd_I.o~ As~oc,iacis:n sXU ,a,n,;t ?' rev 51x T?icusand.s~u~I.No/1L~~~
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<br />A. D .~t9,~~.:.. esoa+m«1 and n> ~ua,rd and Ohs wsi.C. ( t ~ i r I e6 F . :' 1 i r ~> 3r135~ _ a: ,uah ~henli, ordered
<br />~~... br>o~tt~rss«fpmn~•,i,,,rr<++nwtrt,xtTsesnrt:~.l3.s:..6ti!.t..lGa~:e...dui.'s:l?$,aad....Lo:iul:ssnciat.aa..oE..i;_.i_... ~,_
<br />ss~ ~i~tretott. T, ttk.a61 Clizirles :, Fairbanks .=;I,rriy ~>,, d~ (:a.nty 4f
<br />- Ha,i 1- ,v a}'.rvsu ul. ;r. .~.,vi.f.,vt~n. j a4r prrmL., m~.f trv nirhw rf tlu ~xurr, xRlyd 6, n:e by laeo and t.Ac
<br />~. ~ r~•r• F u4c eh le ;',~a~ii7S:.and Lgar a;~Oq.FaCLPZt_
<br />i..~re. vl ,..d wrrt..1 F ,rb. G~ c ~a ..n,t r ~~ ~, ~'w aa~ ~ ~ aucce error,
<br />Brand Is Lanoa'l r:brasnct, tC,l c_r, csL i~u~ j'° ass u.,f au;y.v.the l,rrr„„r, ~, ur aya-ew of said, to cod:
<br />- - ~ r a ~"s`- _,o* Six ft}1 L~ ~s~ri;td:EsCUt•~ F~eu:rh _.
<br />aZF.TE~~EHT A T C tJ
<br />~1hdlvi~.i~Tc L '.i.;.il i:uuacY. 'e!~raska
<br />NEBRAS~` p~llhAt:NTAtt''(
<br />ST14MP TyUt.,'
<br />- - ~ au~ 2 ~ X982
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<br />dh u„ arl,arter~„u ,.
<br />Qo baba an0 to ~olD ti}e ~8rilt u„taa',e,a,d r `" ~.~];nitable' RvT ld1r;; -snd Loan
<br />succeaaaa
<br />AsseCiat_.ia_r. f Cis -? r~Sca...~ _._.-,~irandaalipns.~.u_;o:F ~anlrl,_L ~_a,ur7,.1u jJ rn...
<br />3n ge>tt~mo~~P #~benoi. r ~~. ~. sar1, al~rilf: re»m ~ ~,~,,.~ >hU __
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<br />.: August ... ,. A: D., f9 82 ,,~,.~~ " - /~ '/- f "~..~
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<br />t,_ ~y`~II~l~ b;., k pc. ~ ianse 'a CR ..w ,+h'r. ktrv nr~ and .Fri,. n. ., irn,~ _ r ,.,re ~: 17rl.nr,
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