<br />53*A-R EAL ESTATEMORTGAGE-Ktiih 4azClause (Rc~Ised 4962) TGe HuCmnn'Gesurxt Svpply Hiovra, Linmin{Neb:. ~ ~ ~.
<br />~ KNOW ALL VIEN LSY`THESE PRESEN'PS: THAT. -G Q,; .: C:~ u .;21;:+cz ~. 5:1T<uIE].. ~PZ".3 ~'';'
<br />[ l3irrtgagor ) 'I
<br />f r_w. _ C.ou.nty..and $tafe aS ~4@~=°- .in c.nsidcr^+.ion.,f the sum of ~
<br />~ ,
<br />:~ - - n - .,.,tea ~ _ %l r•~ ~_.- -._.. ~._ --^ -- -~..._.~....._s___ UOLLAFA ~ -
<br />1
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<br />~! 1 i
<br />j of ~. + ~ ~4~ f'ountY. and State of ~% "'"' S~~ th•_~ FoUnwinS de=criDad prenuses
<br />n! 3 tuated in -~ i1 County. and ~ t( of J r; : r-<^~. Eo- rt:
<br />M I .. rl :`+.i.c. r'~'E'~.~ -.l ;.~ _ ~~lr Lt'bK`~ rt L: ~ '=~ ~ - }-~
<br />rl~/ i- ~7~'c ti i__ i , 2_ . O~ ~~.,?'I€"- t; " _. _ .. r ~ ._ Z. ~~IATS~L`~: "-` L ..,.
<br />` :~eY ~__ _ ~,~e a:ol.lowin- Ur~rc ~~,~_. ~ - _ ., __ _ _ .>t . _
<br />i ~. .;~Y'.i, ridJE.~:c+1.2i.~c+....'-84 \• _ir - L1,.~?`.iCc~ _ _.. .,~.,._.. _ c. _~,,, ~.,, _. .'d ':
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<br />~ Tfx-intention-being to ~~crnv.+ .crrhv an ..bsotuttn t,ttr in Fer stmpieinrluding all therighis of home;trad. ^nd dower- ~,
<br />TO HAVEA~F7 T(t -301tifJ th+ ;~rrmiyes nhavr c!e•-.cached,. with aU the ^~yurtensnre« the[nura'tp belonging unto the '~
<br />j suit!mortgagee rind. to ., ... +ctrs. ,~ndr..+_va¢ns, f~ c-v.•r,.:.prrvsded always, an+itltcse presestsare ulwn the ecnrees
<br />! wndjtittn 1haEif thr riferrav! nerl~agc.: - ~ ~ -~:.•: r- es+<atc+r4,.stiznSr lr,t,or~ ~ r -3,;ns,h:ilt puprr cxu>e to be '
<br />1 t,ad to thu said : •n, rg.•r - t .~.:_ ru: .r.. ,;arnn~slraterrs ~,r a. r.+,- !nr +urt: ~d
<br />~' --- IhrFtam, paYa6ke zis fcallows, t+-wit: ~
<br />r'
<br />j ~ lti,l l..c. a. ~hr titre . ~ >^
<br />i
<br />vrithintera~t the{aun nt ~.' lxt :<-nttK~r ,:-,:::,u, ~ •.:+n1,• , :nua7lyall according Cn thekinor and eRect r.+f '.
<br />1 O CEftan pxunisauty n<,'.tv ~.,( yeul "-. '_ ~ ... _ ;.i ~,• ._
<br />r
<br />t txwrinR w.ven date'wiih ak:. i rc .. nt,. u:t ..,.+ i .,+~ .:,, ,. n.i .ate .:.nr. ,+~ o~rn ~xd ;real eatate,.nxriF alt oche( tazen.
<br />. ' teviee rrEd'ax+e+ecmentu Irs,.A vt'+o :hare :n++rrk:ry,,~ ~.r :hr- r: ... ., i~,, h rrr_r ;ne•rcgn +~ ~~ gi~+,n tti secare,.bafore the came-beoomea
<br />delinRUent, a~f ke v h hu sd t ,,~ ,n .- m n. .I r c F , .u f a :osa, if any, payabdr to
<br />i the uaicF-ttwrtgagrr, t:u+ :h-. ! rr,:rnt -., +n . ~ _. ~. r. ~w ,., ,>e v r+n„c.n to t+.tll (arcs. -
<br />' I'P 1S Fl`R?'HEH iGt2E:.U ;., 17:..: ~: as :a:,: ~+. ur;. g=+c .hati feat t.+ uh taxes oz pnre+rre sash insurance, the
<br />~; eai(f rmHgarre nwv tµ-~ ,wch ta>..a .:<3 un~u- u+.h; r,u;;L-i c-c_ asd 'he yam a.. vu x.d with.-intercwt at.~. .per cent
<br />shack be F+rd h vstd .+rtK ., r. - :i cF . ~ :x ~, t I 4.nd esa ,.e~-ur f. r ~f a r.:. I i ;c~tr:. a facture t4 pay anYof ward
<br />murx y', richer GnntpaJr or .ni..a.l wtc, rx :---imp. r~-+r.: ra due; or'~ t,~:u rr t+ n. a:ply with snp oC tE;e foreguirg YP,ree[xaenttt, ~,
<br />chalk tau ar tix v~helr .um ~+[ rn~ ey h-. - vi t:~ tx-cvmr ctu,ean..S ~l+:Irc e,kl ~. :et c..r optioa of fhe mottgty~Ne.
<br />Sinned thu ~1 day of ~ 79
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<br />P u. tx .•onalkY Cu_mo L. '~ - Af.t
<br />ETcface me la n tssr~ hl a s.shrcl Jp~, - ' ~ i,;
<br />4n4++'n ~ me to by the iil .c nl rxa r tK-v:,r:. who st~gn ed the fazegc-_ag, lnstxuea-:, ., a,l a... w..4edgeci Ehc: .~x~cu(ion
<br />~'. !}x m.>t !o Yr hix. 4er or [fret ~..s v ~-t a.n. ,, r:.-d.
<br />t4 une+:e+ sny nand srd n:artvl vea ~s .._ ..' ~-:. G. ., _. .. '
<br />]1Y ra mr,nr>~dnn c vi tr.-~. -.; .: ~: 19 ;. ,.,.. '.... j.C-n.+_. fix.,' z
<br />. - ~ ,; ~.4-- ~.:arp Puh7ic.
<br />~~i t
<br />' 4'TATE 7F...
<br />- Esc .,: ncs] ,_-id filed ter rz „J
<br />~.
<br />i:cxiw?y - ~ v°t~'- ~. ^f;ax cf mid Cvu n.y Lhc
<br />_' ~' :Ssv c.t._ ':i ...., at. ... ._ +~'c '~.i ;_,~~±. .. ~'.u crs .: SC,
<br />' aV4~ r^~'-.. =ea4 sn SS.;:.>'c !Y".. _.. .at-F?6@^ __.
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