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<br />82- ~<~t~~,~ ~~.
<br />In mns4deratior of irrll p.r:ment and crnnplirmm wish nc~ rcmdirvns of :. mortgage.
<br />made My Terry R. Carpt.nter ani~ 3ar3z~larYe Carpenter, each in nis and ?per cam right
<br />3rd as s[~Ca~se of ?ach o*_?per
<br />to TFfF_ BQL'IT.~t[iLF~ i;i'II,DItiC: AiVT.?.i.LtkN A5~9i";1AT.1(~'~" C~i~ ChV~~C+ fSL~~D, A"r",BRAS3~~9, ern the
<br />Fo11n~.~sng dexribed_~;rrr»ertv, rp.v~7t. The ?3orti~er3y Seventy-'Itx~ (~2} Feet of Lot Five (S)
<br />In Black Thirty Cif) in ::harles Wasrwr's Ac}dition
<br />to theCity taEGra-w Isiand, Hdii Ccwrty, Nebraska.
<br />~.-h;ct4 s:.ic: ;nortc~t ?k~arx;ratr 29th tiny, of ,~atiu3r~~ ~9 66 .:end
<br />s rerr;rdes r., fL^n4 1~~. .uax?>.~. ca I .~~ c X14
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<br />~ fquiYabl~ buiik~irg arui IAan AaWCi~tion of Gearrd Island, Nebraska
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