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<br />AiIiAAUAt - F•TNANGE Arnourn Total of Totat Sale PnCe <br />PERCENTAGE CHARGE Financed Payments ir <br />l <br />r <br /> <br />'RATE <br />The d.~llur anaottnt Nr. <br />Tree amount aC credit <br />The amoun' I y i4t < .ora <br />t <br />pnn-aa,< <br />n r d t ~n I d- g my <br />The !.t. Oi my cfedn a •^m@it wti 11 „~yr me. pcr,s:deA ro me tx ;n 1 n pae3 ^it 1 ~.,unl j cot ,t <br />ayeafty :ale,. ~ mg !+eha!' h made it p. s nrna <br /> he ulr~ ~ <br />r <br />f <br />~~e <br />!twee -turd at the time an itemization of the Amount Finance~/~ ~i _~ ~'~ ~ Security. 1 am giving ccurin interest in' <br />t <br />My pamteoi .c9eduk wilt he: ~ L ffis grx~s, serv-tee -_ dpn:u.rty being purchued, and <br />»ml+r_ .i P _,r,rm,,rzi t~ F^ Knu r< ;}>; rrnt..+rr ra,~ '_ my reef <sta;t and improvements, including{ my, <br />t- _.- - -.-- ~ _ _ _ --. hnuve, ah az my '4ddttci" designated about. <br />gat Pavmenl ~ .: 6stin:ated (n t>t _ der ~, slier thr date <br />__-- ', < "r ~~ i of .h< Cam fdeC ?n Certidcatc ~ ~ Faiey'RetrordinR fees ~ _ <br />~ , ~ ~ 41 ~u+.eyte sta 1 re t tnc r dav~ „'I Late Charge If :t p vrnent ~ x• than ten (101 days <br />' ~ _a.h , nscsut .c month u to paid ~.n t ,_ i r <br />;ate. t wilt he characd SS"CO nor 5% of the pwnxnt, <br />- - --, - <br />lor~r>.wee _ _ 'hicheter I, laic, or in lieu of rhr prcecAine charge, in- <br />Credit life imurueeC ~ n. _rdir s h ;n In ran c arc nog ~u red to obtain creJit, ant w~ii~ lercst may t>t arlhzred on each delinquent installment. <br />iq[ [re prov9dtd unkcs 1 .tea ant grceto_ray ht xkfi[ian<I ,ou. mtil patd... nn etceeding the cnnuacCratc of tE`~ per <br />^_-._~ ..-___ __--_ _ "__-____. __-.__ annum. " ~ ' ' . <br />j Trpc Prcrnum - Sif~m .. <br />:' CtrdSt U`c " i wzlt credit ,ifc -- --~~ Treptytnent: If 1 pav off aaHy, I wi!! not hsv< m pay <br />msursnce. ~ a penaln•. and I may be entitled to a refund of part of <br />? 5 - ~ ' cr I ~ th< finance charge. - <br />' Credit 4r•: rdcnt ~-- -~I I ant cmdit scnitnt~~ "-' l will ;ed<w other pnntonti of thii contract <br />. & H<aith ~ 'and txaith msurenct. nor ~ditionai information ub>ut rxxr-payrnem, default, <br />~' ,~ _ ,,, t itn, tttjuirtd :epic-nxnt m iU!1 be!>rc the scheduled dam, <br />!I ,..- - and f.•epaymen: r-rands sot penalti~c. <br />Prni.~env incunncc is rcquirrd, twt f na otxa,n ht~: p;r_a~ rrtp itu+vrahcc mm :~ sr~tx e tn<:+nc an e.rimxte. <br />i want. 11' I nbuin thu ;nwratcc [hrtwgh rou, i ti~til pay S <br />COytME1CFMFKT OT' TH F. FINA.tiCe. CH,-YGF.: The fttance charge (mlttcvr: r. csnrwt j to ,tan on ___._.__--_- -__. _.- <br />;insert the dater c~r<pt ~ the cv<:u [hat ~c,u corrtlrkte the +uilarn,n of the g,xd.:r><1 ,en~we. on an xher dat<. thcr i~^x tinan-r ~_h;upe (~nierecti will b<gin <br />to mn rm ttr dale thv[ I xiull sign a Corl~+iettnn Ccrtitlcae. Th< anawra of ;nutk,= .huge linrerzsif mar h rmrc .x les than the amnum dtsclvsed dtpetdtng <br />rte dr arrKVats 1 pay you. and my ume}rneu to making mv+nrnt., <br />PRFlAM1EYT: I mpy roluntai<)' y :?IC arrrwint I owe aw. +n full ,v to wn. at ~c r,nx It I make a p;uva! txeluynxnt. I mull ;nntinue !o mule <br />m} reg~la paytnenu unt~t'T Nave pad al} anxwn~x ,wed. <br />1tEQ('FST FOt IULL MY'ME\T: It F du rxx pay when due. you uv dec(ut. a~nh:xn fining nxtcr. ;c nx. alt that 7 „we urdrr this contract payable <br />M Grw,e. 1 agree to p.y rm nlrre5t nn thx amount nca [o «recvl the hnghett IawfW C lntrY'7 rate +si ItS $ nog ether ~ arrx u x I owe vnu is brtwghl <br />curttM ur unni 1'm1 aeit myy ha+x i! I have g~+~ vcw a Aced or Tnlt. i und<nuatal the d<fimtwm Mwh r. wnat n '~dciault' t and .what ycwr po+ver <br />tr w set} tm Muac ender a iknl of True. ~' <br />C'OI.L ECTfOY CVS'r'y: If I am it dtianit pf thts nvx.ra't and s,w sir mend foil p nr_n~. 1 that . w gray +crd it t an inornev F,x v.rll~nnn <br />and MfOKrnlent. If vxw do vt, i agree ;u pav rtwr rtaxrnahk atd>rnes, tee, •,lu am :,wn cot, and ecpemr, neurred by vnu. ~ha; i If u are a Inwcu <br />to c~~{kcr such amwms by la+~ ~ " <br />DPf.D OF TRl!ST: A. aeon tc (cx thiv contract. I grant- !vrgain, x11 ~ m muJ nfimi ra fhurvua P f.G ~ Jr , of l~mnlSa V bra. ku .m n, a mcmhr- <br />or the Vetxavka Start Bat m ~'ntlEte, m trust wgh the ~~u~cr to u!I a dent{ ro .m rcd t,[atc ant imlros nnrnts op rt; it>Liudmg n y 7cux.:all of which <br />.c arm nx+n reicrteri tr end i, localyd at m~ 4dd.e<, 1<,¢ t<r ,, thr. mt--act "lh,o L?eed 9# Trus ecn you if I ,,n nor pus <br />thn _ontrxt a, pnmtixvf ,x ,t I ixeak .mv .yltrr pn •nr,x mr.1c : n c U,c: .nk ~' ~•b•, ...m as ,r <br />KF.VEIISk: ti1DF< I uMe•xuru tMU Use adduwna3 toms ano pm..wsm. frmmd ao .tx rc ,aic of thin Imuilmcnt Sale-Contract arc a hart of this In.i[all- <br />_ n>cnt Sale. Q,nrrr.[ mrJ that ham MwnJ h, than m [tr ,ntfx rc,anntt ,..:i :4cr H nn veJ~n ,he +nsn1 r! tn„ v<rv inata!Imc•n! 1;tlr, t-~x,lra<t <br />NOTICE TO BUYER <br />1. { ~a M Aare to l1(e lAY e*aMM bdoe'e 1 rt.d 4 rYU aAV.ur fir span lalt~ded fur fir ayrecd tertr Iv the taleTl d~ IlIR+1 avsil~ble. lrJurnulMxt <br />err k}i NYfk... 1 .w eMYM to a rely u! 1111YCenlta[I a1iMe 8ree t alVt it. 4. 1 .nay pay orT tlr Lull halt' n<c dug under lbia eenlticl al rn2~ <br />ti«. ,.+ r to f .r..ej ~t e~lMla! 1. a frig triwe +r ere ,.nr„af M,..e< a.d tawraaac c ilr .n1,. 4. I MA) CANCEL 1NIS AfiREE~EifT <br />A) ANY TIME M~ TR MlONIiNT OF THE THIRD OYSIMESS DA1I AFTER THE OATE Of THIS TRAMSACT1011. U NAPE READ THE ACCONIPANYIMC <br />NOTICE OF RNIN) n CANCEL FOOM fM AM ExrIANRiNIN OF TMIS RICNT.j '. 1 utderataea thin Inarumeol ~ ha+ed upon 9 lwomr sotkigtlan <br />atilt ~/ rYl Mla IwtetieteM ita trt wetMYNtk. t. h tYl/ put be 1e4J for yrr. to tear gar prcte4n nnlaflully or commit arty'. brerchtir llr puce <br />M re~tr lna6 ~~d ~e/er tYt tualrsat. <br />(Yl-Y RF.('FFJ~'ED; 3 actmwkilic rnupt of a :.umpktd a kd is , pv miv to i I mg th P+c ; roc, y, t tiouc Riph! iv Canal Pomt <br />I! WITiL_S`, WHEKEOF, t:u, 7.7ec! of )rust ergot Inver, men: ti,.k: s.. ntr;w-t 'qv Hero , fns.a ..,: ,no .__ la•,~rr~. ,_ __.-_ .:. _,..r_,.~. <br />/ __ <br />xt t21 R~} _ __._...__ _" ___~..~_ .. __~., _. _ Sl+t< ,•f tia:Lkabku. <br />PAC~.4ETTEA PCgQDIlCTS, INC. ,ul ,bt er~.t:*x rr - <br />di `ter agent _~_.~.-~:~~"r_ ~yF't. L' lL-~--t . 1' <br />-- <br />,r <br />Smtc c.. 'r<drrmka ~~~~ <br />_ R~ _ Tb<Enrego >; t,;n:menw eknawt~~ed txrr n_~hi _ _ <br />( m .:r 1 u - h the etxrve <br />de •t ~ b e, K ~ i ~J <br />tit summ .:7•n cxprx, _.___f -._ ~. _.._...__,- 'Vaa.+z} }'ahl,s _ j''/41'c~Y~ .:_... _.,_.. _.._.___ <br />S'01-N&a:HN <br />_='N:ICt , ..~ -GT..~:' F}tyd,'»i"EAt I'a_,7iTJ.lJAi C - . <br />.~ <br /> <br />