- r--
<br />~. ,
<br />S2-R-fi~AL ESTATE MORTGAGE-: itlt Tax Glauuj [tev-78' -Fiuttman and telmn & Wort Wa!tan. Ne. 6AG5,
<br />- KK y i
<br />' KNOW ALL `.tEN BY g'dIESE TrRSSPi`7TS: 'T'hat. Yi01a M. JOhnSn;;, e;ingle $2~ >`?tiiS~J ( 3
<br />- of Ild i 1 : Coirnry- aril St~yte «f '~eC rd5 k d , in c»nsiderstion of the sum of i
<br />~ixLeen -hnusand'.Seven Hundred hiretY-Two and T3/100--------------------------- DOLLAFtS~
<br />,. in hand paxi, do hereby SELL and COAVF,~' unto The First "iatlcnal Gank Of urand Island, 1
<br />i~:~rar,d Island, Nebraska i -
<br />of Ija 11 County, State of N2b raf•ka the follovnug described premises situated ~
<br />in I{al ! County, and State ~f NeCraskd . [u-wit:
<br />Lot Eight 8) in 51ock "wine 9j, in ~aker'5 Addition to the City nf6T'and Island, Nebraskla,,
<br />- except4ng, however, that part *_hereof taker, by the City cf Grand Island, Nebraska for Yiadtct
<br />puroases as Shawn 'oy ordinance rec:~rded in book ~' at Page 651 ofthe !~iscelianeous
<br />records, in the Cf~,ce cr the ~t;gister ;f Leeds of Mall County, Pebraska, mare particularl~~y
<br />i described 75 `oiirws, to-wit: Cotrmeflc~na a'_ the `;out_heasterly corner o` said :ct Eight (~;;
<br />'running thence "lo rtherly aiongthe Easterly-Line of said Lot, a distance of 36.79 Feet;
<br />Thence it drJorthwester;y.direction, 7r3a sr,ra?a7t line. a distance ri' 7?.96 Feet to a
<br />~oin± ~?._2 Eeet SnuthPrly°Prom the dprthwP.terl•i Corner of Said Lot; thence running Southerly
<br />- aiang the ldesterl}dine ~# saidLGt;~a ,distance off. 94.r;G Feet to the Southwest Corner of i
<br />-said Lot; thence running Easterly a*. Right -^gles, alony the `;altherly Line of said Lot, a
<br />distance a` a2 Feet tnthe place of beginninc-
<br />! The Northerly '~nekal~ !3i~~i of Lot Eight ?~) in Block Nine ;9j in John ,ioitle's Addition
<br />- to the City n` Grand Island, F:al~ County, ^,ebraska.
<br />"Che i;rt.rntiein lu•in;; t<. tv,nvephcrrh•+ an absgiute dtle~ in fef ~mp3e, including all Ghe rights ~f homestead and dower.
<br />TO H4'i F; AAD 7Y3 HpL.D-tom P'eT'tr~ aMx r-r.-r,heu. wttjia4l thc* ap7+t. rtrnances thereto nto txlonxinq, unto the said ~
<br />i
<br />mortRaatc l and .o h>.s, hn tl[.L};ei: hr,r+.:uml 3sictfi f„nti,•r, psaridc+d alway'F. sad :ht•ne pre~en~s are upon Lhe express ~
<br />' .Yrnditinn that of :h- asid r,,nrt{{agorla,l !=r:, hart ur their hci.-5, Hxaecutord, admiarstr;ators ar ss:RUa s1uUC pay or ca uve to be
<br />paid iE the scud mpetgagrrels3, leis, ties e,t Their herrs,r x@tutotn, auSxnintstratoraor autiRna, the principal sum of 3 16 , ~~~ . 13
<br />- payahlr sa fuiluwa, tas wit: ,
<br />Princi;:al plus accrued interest at i5^;t~ due seed payable August 1, I483.
<br />t '
<br />-i:t+ ,ni «<ttarcr[dinR to tt .-ru:r wa<1 ifa-+ ,fLlse• Hein ~ ~ ; r r r^mise,ca[Y rnatr• M ,.ndute with tl:eve
<br />[tnl(r p[@Wnr9
<br />.and shat ,.ny c+il tiaxm rrki u>vw.w~me•nt. k....-•.f ut~. a .-r,r~ n~,ri .. ry:r,. ar . ,,:I ,,a:rr tny~rn; lcv n-r. and ,r+uwn.{smrn~. L•.,ed utwn th:a
<br />mertga~r nr ;hw nuU~which iht.. mutlr;aKr en F~"n ~ +..a:u !k•iur.• t;,r some lss~rxnr. dr)in^yur•nt. atnrl keep theMtiltiings tfn
<br />- snid trrryncx:n mire mi f„r the .one r3 $ 16 • ~~2 • ~a ,..ri., a :ay, payabt; to !tic -:u id trrort~gee, chx~! theue f1re.Mellta,
<br />- In !rt •.oak, oC»;rw c+e to he wnd rvrruarn n tu!; i,>rce.
<br />f"F 18 Ff'RTH F.A AGkIi P: C) !li That rf the void ,•rnrt K>s g.~r shah fad kr pxy vudr L3zr. err prtH:utr»ru,#t tnauranc@. the
<br />Hard morigaCVe rrwy pnY «uc#r axe. urni ;~r~ vrr n~,ncr, ,ra sc oral thv xr,m w, .vsn xl. w,lh int+!tcsft at ,S2VefI tCE n{7Cr i
<br /><rn t, shall be rn{wad h} wai ut~vtAnqur, arr_i xRas men2RaRpn?hali eKrrrnd ,w ~,4w-,un45 Mri1_e :carne. Icy That. a fa ikrvr?4a {say aaY
<br />05 sued tsuney. r,tArr pnraa~alo :nt.•r.aa. ,.aen thw ~umr bn.-.,xnry .?,tr,. tar a iodate to :.mply with any c,f tho fiazegering t
<br />sF;rremortM. ctuli ~uae test wbu!rr cant ~:rl mommy twreen r.,<urrd to F,acxana~, dun rur.< <oll ~•tible :,t once- et thw v{ttiogtJf the
<br />- mart FalC~'
<br />Si6ned thu :SL dsty r^i t111gU5t ~.iy. ~'~
<br />' //~~ r '~ 7
<br />I !n prv+enc+, of V~ -• ~1 ~ L ~L. :C'~.,-s~r~;-.7"S,+""'..
<br />~~{1V~: ~6hfe50~ ..
<br />' STATE OF ......'lehras ka - _ . _ ... , i_auntc ref _ . ';a i i.... , ... ....
<br />The torrgvinrz lna 1k~ K irciged heiore me At%9ti~t. J-..... . , _ . .19 .82.
<br />Q lE.....,,~ i~,
<br />by .. 'fl4~A.M. cf1,.Sllfc:~~
<br />* : c 7}
<br />.~ ~'- Z t~'S~~ Suet n Taking Ackrowied ent
<br />My Cesmsas5tpir ~x~~ ~' .N,4~~ri.:pub3.~.~ :'.
<br />"fide,
<br />!, SI".A-tE OF._.- _. ......, ._..._._ - 3 Exser7red. un numerieal. i.~dex antifiicss fr+r ec_:u:+i
<br />- touoty _.. .._ .. .. i ~ In the E:ryi tar of :;Lwiis fTfficc uf',auid County :hv ,
<br />- .... .... r'eay un._ - t9 .,.ire.. _ ,;.:--, ..:_rreie+ei; ord..... ...,:,. ,{xtlauttar ... :..,- h3 , ......11
<br />sncf :ec~n9+xi m f3ccrSc - _ o£.:_._. .,..:_-.. ... -.aE. {xsee_.. __ _-:.-.._
<br />.... ........ F2eR. :;f [7r.~lr:
<br />~',
<br />3
<br />: ,. ,
<br />