<br />_ ._
<br />2Q9t.4 urr r~AT OF MOltR'G7-GE-Corpotatlaa ,g~ ^"~ F i ~: •~ <~ r~ ~ Huffmz~ and Felton 8 Wd11, Walton; Ne 6fs"5i
<br />.!N C'~~:1'~IIPiRr4TIC?N of tl:er-f,a}'tnertt rj t2u' ~rebt mined therein, :he
<br />Ilfl' 0.1 1\~ yq~*jOlVl1.I, I3F#t'~{ p~` GFit1fiID I`~I.r1\'T) hereby releasfs rhz „~,~rtgagr made to
<br />TT;f: OL'F~f_~:\T N.~TI(A',S.L FsiL~}K by Ia~`I~~; D. R!~`~'.I~ ~.ttd SEL4ROti L~A~i'PFH,
<br />f;rnh,utd and S4ife
<br />on thf folln•tuing desrritred real estalt, b-caret:
<br />CLn^ u[tdi~idc-d rte-third (11:3) ~nt~rest in the. ~ ~ Ch~e-Ha3£ (E:~-) of the i°.c~rthwest ~
<br />i~tarter ; A'sti$; sd the :~cartlu~st f)tx~~-~~tarter ('dS7}1 oi~ t;5e ~utheast Ore-+?uarter f..S'E~~)
<br />~~ cif Section ~3rt~n'`~3.3), 'L"cxcst~hip Elf'ven t11} Wirth, Runge Ten (IO) ?4est of the
<br />i ftl~ P.1!. , f:al2 C~,inty, Nebraska
<br />u~~
<br />'; o± :ie~tion an Ter~inrFri¢ < Rmure ` of the P. :Lf.,
<br />~ornty, State c; 5ebt'a-sk8- ztrhifia is rrrorded ifr7!4avk`-----,'nt~~izai L-~tritr s~Surtgagcs, ;age
<br />'. of the rMrrrds of said county. UOiCtBF1E'rlt ,00: ,.rI~CY)1I42 ... r
<br />I?v" TE~'F/bfG~ Y !I-NF.R.CQF, >he satid'IHE (~t~"~R~iv'DikATT,Ek}'Aii I~IA-~' 'GF~ .~.'v'I) ISIA~+i) bus tar,cvd
<br />'. thu{- jrt.cn~tr 7a be sxsr;ed 5v r`tf ~residznt rrn' ,rs i ,~rfenrate Sa.i! '~t/tl It<retn ~rh r
<br />day of • 10 t t
<br />Wit~ss: '~, rat \' nialVh t~F r21N[)_?SIA.\Tr
<br />i
<br />1 ~. 't"/ ~
<br />~.-}:, rte. (-, /~ ^`-- `.1_~__, ,,~y~, .. ~: .'tt:aat /:¢.^' __ t.~~ ;~- ~C_ c'arhitr, Secretar~;
<br />f i a1 ~1L l.: f.......... ~1fYl.6R.... -... ... - ~
<br />ss: f3tt ilxys _....day of .. ...... .... .... .. . . .. ... 79_.
<br />...-.::_____.v~_. .Fia11 .. _.._.. _ .-._Caunty ~ before tne, Che xnd~rsigned, a Notan- P¢blic in and fur
<br />said Co~miy, pernonally came.. _ ~:ictriu i T. .?i~rs,_ _ ...,-....._: __ _ .. __._. President of the
<br />'I~. r,7Vl~~fl.rL~ \~TI~'~.1I, t31.\1i ')F '. I` ~\~ .Sfs~-w3 Y:.. _ .,.. ,y _ _ _a Corporation ~
<br />I to cne pwsogarly known U~ be the President and identical person w-hQ~e name is~af3izedto thee+bo~-e release and ',
<br />ackrsowisdaed thacaecucton thereof to be his ~~oiurttativ act and deedasatu~i~officer, and'the;~~olantarp act and
<br />dead o[ said ('.oiparation. and that its ~arporate.seal wsa thereto et~xied by'its auihoxity:
<br />Witaeaa my hand and tiouria? Seal a*- i'r'ts;t' _,1 art i in said Cuw ty ,the day and yesr
<br />y
<br />_ . , ._ _. l9p_ ~ :.,{ { _ .,a,' .~ „-~'-- __ i r~~ ~r~_ _, A~otary Puhltc
<br />rii' ;.
<br />n
<br />i
<br />J i
<br /> _._~t
<br />
<br />