<br />82""' u~?~35~~
<br />CGNS>;ntlX'POR' S Z~PED
<br />r
<br />i The ri_st wat~o=Zal Bank a~ ~zand _sland, ConSercator oY the
<br />Estate of Irene ra.~_te*-, a ctr~~;;tg~3 person, GRAtdTOR, in consider-
<br />: 3cio;a r){ T£~I DI,LLr1RS l:i~~~!_O(1} ~1~iD 0':i N t7~L(Jr13LE CONSTDERATIO;~
<br />__aei~.red `rom GR~t^dTvRS, heret.~r comse~-s co LaVerr.,e Laxter, Thomas S.
<br />_ 738xter an3 C.aRue stood, as `enan--s ~i~ cornrncn, GRA~~TEES, the
<br />allowing-descrii?ed ~aa'_ _~,. ,~__ fas ~.efi:~ted i.n ideb. Rec. Stat.
<br />~r'b-Z~?) inCte.(~ i^ '{~-yam ~.~~]]^_ e~T_dSn-l, to-wii_:
<br />- T[ae ~~.,1 t-. h.t 2.tiL ;'U3 rr_t'r iSEil ar SeC t'~O,'i 'l.T:: ~:.rn
<br />(=s) ^;?w;`t E±<:~,~en ri1} _7:,,rth, G:~~r.qa Ten (i0}
<br />West (ez~~-eot the Sriut.her'_I s_>av-[±ine t `j} rods
<br />..~ t~~ -. ~erly '~we'~at EigL %3? rods r ~nvz•_ ed
<br />by d~>ed rrcc~r~'e;: in ;oc,k ;~3 or t},- D~>e:3 Records,
<br />may, _,5 } L~ ,_azr: ina i ,~ ; . y3 acres, "',ore ~r Te:ss;
<br />uu,;~ct _.. -gas ;~r~~^t~~, r~.ne.-.,at:.ons, z~czvenar:L's ~:id restrietiors o`
<br />. =r~r-d.
<br />=Rn;:TOk ^~ve.^.ar.ts t~i`h G;~12JT"E$S t2',at ~?;ntiTOR =gas ~ieca? cower
<br />and law°ul at=t',:crit_; '.c cDZVe>• t~a~ same. ~ .
<br />_.
<br />'i1E ~ TRST *IA"'ID22ti, o~K OF t;F1:ND
<br />':SLA23D, Corser-_ ~~or, Estate c
<br />Irene Baxcnr, _ Protected Fersor,
<br />r
<br />STAEE~~Q~,,K~H'iZ~TiS}CA 3
<br />C't.?U"Q'T'Y nF [iA~. r ~ .
<br />The fobe~cTc:, rag __::;tx`ument »as .. ~~ow~edrae{~ Lei:,rrea c;e :~r.
<br />~ t ~ .~..,r________' ; 9 e~ ,} ^cy ~ q. ~_ ~-rte .~~~ _
<br />__'~ ~~' c,T Tie ~ it.st Ia.
<br />Ba r~~ CiT~lf1 .~' anc, ,:c>rtser~r tr~r of-'he T.,t-zte c;r I;-wr.~ Byx;ter.~ -
<br />a {~rot_f•cted fie. sar, . __~ .
<br />- ;' ---r ~-..
<br />_.
<br />~~~
<br />SfATEMEt.'T A ~ rp,CNGn
<br />ST,RMP TAX j
<br />ALG1~1982 i(`
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