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<br />ASSZGNhIEL7T OF CO~IfiRa'iCT Fd^ri SALE OF EtEr'~T, ESi.,mF
<br />I
<br />FAR vALUF. RECET`FED, i,avesne Baxter, T,or.~as S. F<a~:ter aid ~
<br />We. dell Wacd, Trustees of the R~ymand T. ~ t='- ~~_ust I~'st=,te
<br />c ~c>ci n~-..the Last Slill and:.Testament o` ;^o~:d T. Pa::ter,
<br />DtceasE~<i, da hereby assign,, transfer ant'_. otre~ ~~o Pirst
<br />Na •~r:ai Bank. of Grand Ssland; Conse~~at:.r, t'~c~ rsr_ate of ..~ene
<br />E~_:ter, a groteated p~_>rson, ail of their right, title, and
<br />i~~terest in and to that certain Contract rat Sal,., ~,f :;ea1 testate
<br />dated Dece?~er 31, 3.H 1E, b?tween Laverne 3axte-:, I',o~as S. Baxter
<br />and we~z3e21 woad;, Trustees of the Rayman~: ~ . 5a:cr .~ _ ~«st 'state
<br />created by the last €v'i.l:~ and Testament or ° ,c ,d T. aa:tter,
<br />~Jeceased, a;s Sel3ers, anr~ LaRue 4~aad, ,a. ,r e 3axter and
<br />Thomas S. Baxter, as tenants in e~ruran, cuv_ ers, which laic
<br />t:.antract i> far the sa3c of t?i~ foliawiztg ~i~a ast,-:te situated in
<br />Hail County, Piebraskas
<br />The Southeast ~?uarter jSE'~) r Section Fiftee~i
<br />(15) , `=^wnsl:i~ E1eve, f l l i ~c rti° . Range Ten
<br />tI(}} G7est iecce~t the Sa~th~rwt* Sixty-Nine ~b~)
<br />rays of the tilesteriv:'~en_-Eight (28) tads.
<br />conve~Ati by ~eec~ recorded in Book 98 of the e.
<br />Deed Records, Wage x:35} , ccntaiziinr, i~7.93
<br />acres, .:more ^~ ess, in N.al? Cciur.ty,:Nebraska_
<br />DAT%D this ~ z day' ~Jt ~~t~ r 2982.
<br />/ .
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<br />e~~ .,r :~- F3 er ---
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<br />`: k~3S'P"'L_ .. 2'HE R.pYS9VND ; T .~
<br />i AKT~:[s ai , . ~' i ~i:. CREATED
<br />~r~s:Ar~r.~T c5F t~~~..~r _a `>'
<br />~I~xTES, DECE~sED`°
<br />sT~T~ of ~;,.-~?rtas~~: )
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<br />O.~ ~:n~_> 3a~ oc _ ..ice i9FIZ, .'^.~:farE ._ a.
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<br />;dotz3rv ~n5~:_ ~. ~~; : <o.- said ~atir. _r.~~- tatp, ~ :~~ ~~r~all~~
<br />Lp:~c7red _,._. r;~e ~lax::er, to-'zee r+er ..~'_ rnowr. t, , e, ._~
<br />en ~ a .~~ e nacre af~~x ti~ tt's .rE~ ~r.g
<br />.3 ,~<<,.u.,_..~ a,.~ .~.~:<..~.,: ~dc~ea t?:e nxect : u.. Lhyr~ ?z _-::: ti~ hi'9
<br />~~r~i l7 T; t. 3rtt 3t'_'L ':3 6:E.'CGt,.
<br />s~itness :rcy hand a:d Notaria:. :Seal the :ia.. ?n;4 +~nar 3;ast
<br />3bctere' wratt.en.
<br />MJCik~1~f1 i ... ...
<br />~ Ora 41y! 7,1Mi r-y , rti~Ruai. ~~ ~ --- ._
<br />..:A;"i; .: i ..:.:Sr .~-"... ?
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