r--- ,
<br />82-- ~.r~}35~g
<br />Lrats C?re { 1) , Two ( 2) , Three { 3-) , Four (4) , Five ( 5) ,
<br />Six d6), Seven (71, Eight (~). Nine (9j, Ten (iGl,
<br />Eleven '1l) , `Twelve (12) ~~`cnrteer.
<br />(14), Fitteen (i5), Seventeen. (17) Eighteen {1.21,
<br />Nineteen (19); Twenty (2G), Twenty-Twc (?.2), Twenty-
<br />Thrae (23), Twenty-FOUr.(24),- Twenty-Five (2~),
<br />Twenty-Six (26}, ^'hixty {30), Thirty-Ore (31}, an3
<br />Thirty-Three f33)'in Block Six (5) :-iihland °ark
<br />Subdivision, Halt County, `3braska;
<br />Lots One {~). Faun {4}, EiQ,~1~ t {8), Nine f9),
<br />Twelve { 12) , „~`~`FOUrteen ( 1 4) ,
<br />Fifteen {15i, Si:{teen (i6}, Seventeen (i7),
<br />Eighteen (i8j, Nineteen (19)Twehty (20),
<br />Twenty-one s1i) , 1`weaty-Four {24) , Twer_ty-Five
<br />(25), `T'wenty-Seven {27), Thirty (30), and inir*_y-
<br />One (31), Block Seven (7), Highland Park Sub-
<br />division, Hail Cauhty, Nebraska;
<br />Lcts one (1), Two{2), Five {~), Eight (2),
<br />Nine ( 9) . Eleven {31) , Twelve (12) , U;J'f~
<br />Fourteen (14), Fifteen {15), Sixteen (16),
<br />Seventeen (17), Eighteen {18),'Nineteen (19),
<br />Twenty {2fl),'Twenty-Three (23), 'Twer_t,•-FO;:r (24),
<br />'1`.renty-Five (,2S),:Twenty-Six {26), Twenty-Seven
<br />(27), Twenty-Eight {28), Thirty {30),,.Thirty-O,re
<br />(31), Thirty-Two (32), and Thirty-Three (331,
<br />in B1.ock Eight (8). i3ighland'Park Subdzvisicr.,
<br />Hall County,....:Nebraska;
<br />Lats !Jne (i1, Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5J,
<br />Six f6), Seven (7),;Eight (8}, Nine (4), Ten [10),
<br />Eleven {il}, Twelve {12), Fourteen (I4), Fifteen (15),
<br />and Sixteen (16), in Block Nine (9), Hc}hland Park
<br />Subdivision, xalL County, Nebraska,
<br />Part of 'East 9alf of ycrtheast 4uarter (ir~NE;} of
<br />Section Twenty-Two (22), Township Eleven (lii,
<br />Range '£en '{1p), i4est of the bth P.ti2•, hall C;~unty,
<br />vebras:ka, containinc} 8.64 acres:, :core or less;
<br />Lut Five'{j), Block :aenty-Serer. (27), was:ner's
<br />Addition tc the ~_ity of Grand Island, aaLl ..^_ounty,
<br />':ebrasks ;
<br />Lat One (1), 61ock Thirty-Sever (37) „r~asmer's
<br />Addition to the ~.ir_y of Grand Zslard, Ha11 C~vr.ty,
<br />Nebraska;
<br />-2-
<br />L~.
<br />
<br /> e
<br />
<br />-G
<br />:F
<br />
<br />
<br />