<br />tUa.B-SUR~VtYORSNIP WARRJINTX DEED ,~.~~{J:ti; ~ ~.~~ •~ Nulfmanand Pettun F. '~hnit, Wa!tmi. Ne 53461
<br />_ Fk\t71i dI,L DiF:V B1 TI3ESEPRESEIa'FS, 2hai. ~tD R. BF1~SS~[1:and CAROLIi~ G. '.3ADSI~:II~, '~ '
<br />ht:.sia=~ end w3.fe, and ~?'+L,E J. ROBi1~PI' and LC72S L. ROBIIIIE:I'~,' ;zusbanci an<' wife,
<br />t
<br />-
<br />{
<br />.herein called the grantor}ahether one or more,
<br />iu consideration oi -------FZF'I'S°F'OITc' '[HCR3S~ND t'aDID 1VC3/100 ($54.000.00} I7QISAFLS--------
<br />i rece;red 3'rom arranze~s, ,ia-..,gr8ut, htbrgxiu_ ,e}1 concepand eenfirm Winn
<br />c~Fff2Y w. EiQl.i3:~ and PAUI..'ffilE S. B(3I~.ES,, husband and wife,
<br />is
<br />:u join: tenants lrithright 8t slu :=icorshi~; vr.7 nntRa tea~tz+ in common, L3:e follb~cine deceribed real pn,pert~ in a
<br />11a31 Cavacy. Diebz"aska:
<br />moots roar E4) atx' Five (S) and trz NcSrth~-riy Eighteen (1.$1 Feet of i~t Three i3}, in `:
<br />aloclc Seventeen {77? r :as Pa+..ker & i~irr's end Bdditi~ to the City of Grand Island, '
<br />Hall t~uaty, ;Nebraska.- acrd all .that Dart: of 3zoadwell Avenue, lying south o` the sout2t-
<br />erly 'line o£ Howard Stxeet m the- alley ::aauyectisig tike .ey i:. the Fractional Black
<br />'T'hree {3), of n b Ue~~cer's-r'>cidition tea the City cf ia~n3 Island, Ii311 County,
<br />Nebraska, asri the c~t~-P. 20 feet of I> t 3, in Block 17, i.n ?acker .~ Ban's St~ca~ ;add.
<br />ticxt to the City o£ Grand Is1.«x~Cl, lull ••:ounty, N~rasica: ~'he Westerly, Siety Feet (b0' )~
<br />of the Nortaerl Eighteen Feet (l$' ? of Tnt 'Three (3) . the:.. t~lesterl~r ~i:{ty Feet ! bU') rif
<br />Teat Four f4 y~r~ the l S' F`ee (0` o£ iat Five (51 , Lal~ in Blxk
<br />Setrpnteen (~7) , P>~ri~s.~~~;~rs}st ~ lion ~ the City o. :~-a. Isiazd, [-lall ~'!
<br />Nebraska: and ;.ats One ill and 'Itr~ 2~ } , ,1n : raction3l Block `I"hree
<br />is ~ itezx~ohan ~,De~cker~tum to the City of .~ranc Island, :call County, ^~ebraska.
<br />Tc here xndux held the aboYe d~teri6rd gremiae~ rnt:efher u•itY vll teilemcnt~, herediirirnents and nppnr-
<br />tr_nanc.~ thereto br.Lo3tgin~ nnLa:ahe~;rnnie~w earl. io fllrir ak c¢rs, ur [o the }sw:,icsand asiga~ of fhc sl~rriver of i
<br />¢hem forever.
<br />And ~rasltgr ~:oex lterrbp caYenart ~:~iGl:'El rr.,ll~'w- ~ i a-ith'.he,r 1>ssi~as nnd'.vith tlu Li~ire sad n~i~,ms i
<br />of the +l.n~iror of them tfiat ;;rnirinr ~~ f~~fuay ~+~1-,wd .~E .a,~~ r misc~ Hurt th.ti lee :~. ;rom ~oaltntlraner
<br />t5ac {!ranu~r nee ~<Dor1 rt.ht and Lkwft~l reuLhorit~~ :~~ i•~m~r~~ ~h~• same. ;tad that Grantor ~.rsrrauts mrd «~ill delend ;
<br />the tAtle to void preaiLv~•r ay(aiu.rr :h~• !ntivful clximr ~,: nil t,rrsonti .chums<~ev~'r.
<br />le is tt~c intention of ;Gil _nr~n•s a,•r~•:n t;~at :n tt::• : ,••nt ~~f tt:~• ~frath , < <~~rti.rr ~,f the t[rant~'es, the ~'utire ':
<br />Per. simple titre t-~ tlu; rrn~ <.;am .hai: rr~t ~., tiu• a;r.~«.n>; ~rtultec.
<br />_F1aer`d Au isr. :_ tat ~2. %
<br />x ,.
<br />~ ~ii~i.! ~2•I . yJJ ~ 1].. j F f ,12C~L~ i i .
<br />- ;~' ,jam G: ~i_ ~C?TS "T,. RDEEIlVf^_T:'
<br />j'T:iTE OF. PIgSBF~.S1Q'~_ ~ (tn this. 2nd. C.ty „1 Ati9;asr - ; 92 ,nr!'
<br />- ~ %~'t. L
<br />,~_ _. '. Jnw1y ~ fnc, L$C rtnlf~sit(n P:I : obv ~• J's C'iYi, au`; ~-. ri:m ..:,: G~ ~ ~.tr., tjt R! ~~~'' -
<br />. in .::nd eOxrcP;, itrse.u:ii~ carne F~Y~ P,. BT+6STE~~ arr3 C11R17:~1'i~] G.~
<br />~, ?T,iSband a-~d wife, and .~.PLi: J. tii~EIbIr:IT air3 LC}IS v.
<br />r2DBT2~'_"I', husi~anc'. alY3 wipe,
<br />j tv >u<? .n-t u-n :~, ~e the identical ~~er_ccn sr P r _ .. n^,'r ~s: r:~.rss c r:r ,n;n ~; ..n• s
<br />i~Ai. )i~~Ai.)-- ~1Jt'.rzii :n eke `o-regoir.!T ies5.um. nt rd ~,ro ~~~1~~. ,~_,, 1 -. ~r rr~ ~ '.
<br />~1~~'itd i~er rte tePtr ~iuniary ~t gad d< 1
<br />ff ROVD 1. 9AGfR ~
<br />M) ~. Ey.AI* Ih 1N1 ,,. ztn ~.; rxy haw! goal -.'~tzru; _~~ f~ r+',t ~ , r ~a-si
<br />7 ~.rz u:c=sign e.C~zr:~ ine H a~. (,L.. .~i
<br />~~
<br />>SS.
<br />1'~fert_(1 !~Ll 2iat~ilCt'ttal 1iLCieX Artl :Nett f'/L "eC ~:~7 1I1 Il? .~{i[7, ,nt ~i; 1)c~'!~;+ 1.) !Lr ~_~ ~S.al i~:1UAll l' I. tlt~
<br />' •ntl re1;s/YCt L`,1 f]] lif.^Vli.... ,.. ref . .. .. .. ..:. ..._. -;ir ;.',~i her. .... ... .. ..
<br />