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<br />With Addendum,. .far Repayment. of Section 235 Assistance
<br />r--- ---- -- _ ---_ ,
<br />r•
<br />i Second Mortgage;
<br />for
<br />. , Section 235 Casas
<br />r ~
<br />
<br />?` Ttt?S tiiORTGAGE, Wade and executed this lath day of august ~,.~:
<br />19 82 by and be ii-Teen
<br />Gerard L. Lonowski and Lur'1nn Lonowski, Husband and ,7if
<br />of the County of Hali ,and State of tiebraska, party: of the *irst part
<br />hereinafter called tt:e t=lortaagtrr and the Secretary of'the'Departrz-ent of Housing ~,.rd
<br />Urban Development ,
<br />partyaf the second dart, hereinafter called the E~lortgagee.
<br />-t#ITYESSETHt That"the'said t^,drtcagor, is uStly indebted to the Mortgagee in the
<br />prittCipal sttm of One hunts=ed €i~±een thousand: try :~nndzed and Nof144~(fl~d1'S ~~ i15,<00.00 )
<br />which principal sum rviil ~~t exceed an amount cQmt~uted under the terms of the ^iote
<br />.executed oy said MorLC;ag4r an ~~gust ?7,. 2982 with interest, in
<br />accordance .~:ith said tote. That as'security far said t7ate the tlorLgagar does by these
<br />presents Grant, i3ar~ain Sell, Corivey and Confirm unto the t4ortgagee, its successcrs and
<br />assigns the'.:follarrng described rea? estate situated i€i the County o'f tiai,
<br />SLaL_°'OP ~iebraSka, LG wit ;,ot Six 451, Fa21as Subdiuisinn, in the Ctk aT Gzanc Is aT3-
<br />webraska
<br />`D HAV{r .~?iD "9 tanLD the premises above described, ,~~th a3l the appurtenances
<br />thereunto belangir,g and including all heating, n?ur„{sir:G "r,d Tighting fixtures and eGui;,-
<br />men* nocr ar hereafter attaCned to or ;:szd in connection .~i-h said real estate unto the
<br />A4artgagee, and to its successdrs.ana 3ssigris, forever. The tiartgagar represents to, and
<br />covenants 4+i2i;, the "iart43~ee, that the;`"<nrtGacMr has good right to se11 and conve~r said
<br />pre^~ises; Lhat they are fQee frog: enc~mhrancE, except. far an FHA first mortgage; and that
<br />the `'nrtgagor will :•.arrarat and defend the sarr,e against the ?awful Clarrs of all persons
<br />whon~spever; and thee. said Morzgacar hereby relinquishes all rights nf'homestead, and X11
<br />marital rirfiLS, either isrlaw ar in equity, and a?loth2r cGnc~ngent interests Gf the
<br />:#artigagnr in"and tc. Lhe:aGove-describedirret*,tses, theititenLigre being to convey hereby an
<br />absolute title, in =ee sisztale, including all rights of homestead, and other rights and
<br />inLP?reSLS 'as'a'z~resaid.'
<br />
<br />PRDViDED ++Lr6AY5, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallovling
<br />conditions, to jrii:
<br />The tiartc~a~or agrees xa aay to the *lartgagee, or order, the principalsum of one huncr~l
<br />fifteen' t}iausand two han+:..rr~: and ~d/At)4ths---- Dal?arS l5 115,200,On ) ,
<br />k,ith_'lnterest as provided in the: Pdote dated :,t:gust 17, ].962 ar~d zxecuted by r'crt~agnr
<br />The "'+nrtca,ar in rrder rrxsre fishy to protect Lhe security ~:r this ttartgaae, agrees::
<br />'hat tse rail say t;e andebtednAss, as hereinbefore prbvided.; Privilege is
<br />re5~rved to hay the .etc in ~nol~, Gr in,ar; ar:munL equal to one or mare monthly payments
<br />or, '_r~ principal t^a. .-re next aue on the note, an the first day of any xonth prior Ca
<br />:aturit.Y: P;rovrded> ro:,+evzr, That written notice of 'an inten*.ian to exercise such r;^rvilra~
<br />is given at ?east Lh;rty (3Dj dayspritrr to prepayment,
<br />2. That L:.e ttorigaror will ,oay ground eenLS, taxes., assessr.~ents, ~~ruter races, and
<br />other governc,e~tal rr r^upi4t'pal charges,-finesar impasitans,for ;,hick provisionn..~
<br />not been jade rerernbefore,and indefault thereof thet^~rtgagee ~-a, 'vsy the san_; r•n~ *_hat
<br />the t~+,ortyagor :rill proe~ptly deliver Lhe official re.eiptstherefor to Lhe t!arttyaree.
<br />3. The o ago i'1 ~ all taxes which ~ ~ he levied upon the. Mortgagee's
<br />toreros ,r, s i aa` st to ~.d i~pravement5, anu .tii~ich may be leviedupon this nrortgeye 1
<br />ar the de t ,e u, c ',er r ,out or<ly -a L3ie extort, Lhat-ouch is not prohibited by law. and
<br />only to she ex nr ~f~t s,r_h tiaiTl not eke thisinan usdrious},bot exciuding~any intone ~
<br />tax, State or ~a~.erai r~,pcseu nn !ksrtgagee, anr! will file Lhe offinial receipt sho.rir,c ~
<br />suCn paf~er~t .~ n ..i;z ericng_e. Upon violation of this undertaking, ar if the MGrtgaq~r
<br />:s pr;ihi;,~tec ~} 3ay law naEV or het`eaftnr existing. from paying the w#sole or any portion of ~
<br />trio afert,id tax?;, rr ~;},cry '~~e rdnderng of any Court decree prahibitine~ the payment by J
<br />the t4or.ar;r,r ur ,~;r. ,,;h taY,c~s, or i; solo la~+ ar decree provides that any amount so paid by
<br />-- ,.ne "lr 43 c}'vr ~~a. t CE Credt led f?n: L71e rxtrtrxa ge -debt, afSe t'4artGa neL' shall haste Lhc riciht 'LU
<br />ve „ n~ty .da„' rvr~ _:e:r r,t:,e to the c'mrner of the rrrcrtgaged ,~renrises, requiring the
<br />aor ~n ° r,r o , y,, ~`::.~t. i f s4c~~ notice be given,- the said debt. shall betGme due,
<br />pa~~C1t. ..., .._,,t„_i7ir: ~t thq e;tP}ratian'of said ninety days...
<br />