<br />iU ih»i nc~ W!;rtgs,tz~ir wtti keefi the htuldines uFS~,n said premises in Raced repair. and neither comrtii nqr De ~)i ~t;~'te
<br />t~pcr iti land. gar ~ufFec she s~nidpriemise,c5hr used far•snv uni<iwfu! purFfrse.
<br />I ,iut f h ems ~* apg pan .hare F~ co~emned under ttlCix!acr i t rninent d in.ain ~r ~- Guired -o* a puhdic
<br />uu (hr iam~a_es awarded f pr`Cetds .or the ,akmguf, or fheiunStdetation ° ~r 5ach ..equr~r.ion to tBe extent of the full
<br />am ie nt ~ f ind h e i es n~ai his mortrat,e and the ttoiervhach it is gig^ert Ctt se:,rr ~ i .:inm~ uneaid, ;,~ e he eh ~ ass;gned by the
<br />Mc gagor m th \-tonca, ec .,mod ~I>..t. h< paid forc}rwiih to satd tifc~rtgagee Kr he , ;shed e}' die !atta~ ~,n auount of the next
<br />maturing iuct,alle.:enth of ,i,Ch indeMednes,.
<br />!~ The tf urigagor furrhrr [tgree, t6a~ shauid EI'tiS mortgage and the cte _ec'i red fier~~hti• not he chgiblc for in-
<br />- surance ur*drr ti ~ nadcm ~f I7 wing ~.? uitfiin Sixty days from the ~~[; hereof n-r.ttc^ stntemrnt <t .imp officer
<br />o. the I~per,ment of r~ ~ ine •anci Urban Llevei~pmcni or auFlrort7ed.afce~c of the Feu ar: rt H u-sinq ,+nJ C:rhan
<br />t>e~c~opmcnt da[ea >:nh:_qu nt +, rha Sixty [lags timetrom ttc -=,te ~~f [Ms mor7.egi. d_~~it inl, tv insure said
<br />_ ncxc and rhry ~;or~¢age. hei:~g deemed ronclusive prof ofsachirieMiFibility). :he Atorttyagee cr h~+lder of thr note
<br />;nae, at rt=opti r J-darc if%;um<. a,rre9 heretic immediaieiy dUe andpr:y~ahle.
<br />3i. That if the yleitgtec~r faib~ ,r mac :rnp nayroents of money when the Name I~ecome due, ~,r tails to conform [o and
<br />zom~ric'r.ith any of fhe c. nditi~~ns ar agreetnerzts coniaipediti this rxio;-Ega~•., ar the note a~4ich it c~cure., then the entire orinci-
<br />pa! ~u_n :md a n,u9 in3 ri Shaft s rn r.e. m~ ne nJ pa?ahle a~ rre eleU, n n the A{t r{Xaeec_ end this rro[tgntae may
<br />iher~-epnn I=e (,r~elce.d mmc~eateJ f., he v. hole r, f said mono-. iniuc~t, mon.hi} ,.~: yr^ nts a>sts. ground rer.[s, taxes uud
<br />the rest of rstcnding thr abstract ~~f utlefrra~ tnr da;r :±! hi. fa.,,n R? :hr rime of ammenciag sucC'•orettnsure Suit, and a reu-
<br />x=n:ahtc aimrne. ee. all f which ht~ he in t.7eJ in the ~ ee ~ t=xure and rh ~ rzr ici rrh«if ied in this mrxtRaRe
<br />;;nd the rk,u ,c~urea here ~' ne*; n .~.~ :ccpc er 4 i;ocrn ed. cons.ruad :md , a)udged h:.h, _,u~: U tiehc3ska. u'htre Ike
<br />same ~s:r~a<;r,
<br />(~he .:oven n[s derern ::ontain<d hall #m~d ,d the i+ene ~ _..^.tl a t~. r,;_rge. ,hc,: in.,m-c t- t?;t re.pective heirs, exeratnrs,
<br />a'do~ ri.-Craton -u -cs~?r n ! apcign. r th ~ r i ti - ,ret µ+`.ir .e i u.ed, rte >ingt;?ae number =,bf,il include [he plural the
<br />piar.i the singui,r. arsd the usr ~r4 ans ,~ nou. ,hn~ h, :. p(:'i h t a ail erd °.rc_
<br />f7+e fure~tNn}t a~nditi r. 'and ,inguLrr bring r^seric rrncd -a LnF ic+ rher r to ~ r: i int imprn, ibts ~cuiveyance
<br />br vt.id and;ara pre~ni.. ~e`_s•.ca at :h~: rasrr,~ „[ to - 1 r?stayer .xherx st ti. he and ara,li..irt full forte ~tnd ctFect.
<br />i1'rx"IT\tt';',~'IiFRCOP:the~i„rgattsns~ktau;3 frdzrunto~r! i-`=e-t hanuisithrucn~andsrarfirst
<br />`aba~.e wriaea, ..
<br />in pzc_crrcr ct(:
<br />d/~~
<br />~EALI
<br />,,..~-'
<br />r i~sF_~s2.:~ ]Si~.ALj
<br />iLtA,'d'N L{dtSOWSK:T
<br />- iSEALJ
<br />~r,~t. i
<br />,. ,3, ,,.
<br />S"l':ATF't3h tiFHITASK ,
<br />'> ,,. r
<br />_ sln rhrs ? 7Ch du} ~>! .logos?: :; i). !v g2 he l,,rc me.
<br />'d NOY.3r'y Yuhilc +n -,nd lair uani count!., perwnalh ra,oe
<br />Gerard L. :.oravsici and L.~r_r: :.~ncayrsci,. Sius}5arc and Nife
<br />~- >ersnnall}' to me knoµr;
<br />to be the iaentrial person g ~. rr+c cu,mr g ars adlxed to the aix,vr and fnre-
<br />g~arng mctrumant s. ~tortRaga+r. and ::hey ;~u~ ,~knvw-kdgru [hc scud .nstrumcnt and the
<br />exrauron there.ti to be their . aiuutary .,a and deed. (or [hc purposes therma expre;,cJ-
<br />lie ~eauei~,ac uheuai f ^a:z hrieuni.,~<t m. itsndsred.etlixeu by •r:oLariat,rai at Grant] ISSa:,dr :SE
<br />trauha-JayandSatetacta.a~~~nttae~.
<br />1AYf5 S- Rf® ,~ar•. Yuhiir
<br />r.':
<br />;iT ~>7E f~F VFBRASK-4 a
<br />Filed for rr:6 Chu d..s ~.f) 19
<br />st u'cli*,k !i_„,;ndeatcrcJtr i.na~.,,ilndcx,:arn S
<br />rmc_~ dcd ,r<H~rk !I
<br />P.~c or of lhori~es un
<br />Ra,[i~.l , , ilr. ~1,
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