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<br />CoR~~n.,A _.. ~.~ .?c a __....
<br />n~L.:.~Tr~ pp~p~ ~r~ ~ Cr?a . , ,^, 'Iebraska "crporatlon orb anize3 and
<br />e +-i .:rider t'~e Iaws o` *3ebraska, ~RA.'~^'~~~, ir. consideration
<br />afiForty-five "`~ous2.nd ~SY ~.u^dro,_=, ar.~' "+0/'-~0 collars C#~5,'~~70.00}
<br />r~cei red .°ro:n =°F'~T-E:' , ^erard ~. ~ono;~rsk.i and ~u Ann r onowski ,
<br />~~.,•,~r:,,.c as TnI'7"' 'TT `IA'd^~ and not as tenants i n cormor.,
<br />car. Bey s to , . _ _ . , - ;
<br />the folloxin~ described real estate ias defined in ~3eb. ??ev, Stat.
<br />7^-2''_'i i
<br />.at .'x fib} ~al_tos :.~b~ii<<:+.sion, :rand Island,
<br />?all^^cunty, ..ehraska, suh~ect to all unpaid
<br />assess:-ents and ;rterest thereon far strtets >1nc1
<br />util'ties ~^i~h hrartge assumes and agrees to nay
<br />t S ° ~^ore tha one 7 ytit*:
<br />~??A'7".'^G cove^ants wia 1;. and stveralls,
<br />,~c„r,-;g t*,at A''""=u ie 'a+~ ull;~- sel~ed o?' such :gal estate and
<br />t~;at it ' a '_'re_ °re., e--au. * ancesc axcert eascr~ents and restrictions
<br />of record/ "Az`=~`'='` ^as' l'~q'- Ro-Vrer and lar~~'ul authority to convey
<br />„~ r.y-.,,.. ; .~ ~ ~ ~ , r. title t0 t?1~ rt81
<br />*~. r! 9a:?:.~; 2nd .: 'n3^='321t~ 8~-u w__~ dG__n~
<br />'state arairst the lawful ^,ai:^°- „r all r•,.Qers.
<br />;-;Y ;':.~~," ~ '~ i tf: ~'!a'/ v ~ r lli?t13~ , yf ~ .
<br />;1TAT E h' EP~~f ~Ao~cl~[t~•~'~ G
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<br />t?~e I'th d8;~ c` r~ui-,ust, ^S"', ~ ~'aral.a '~. ~:rus+~ ^rosident of
<br />rrontier Proffer*.ics, a 'sr~ras'.`a "orroratien, car. - ~hul` o£ th°
<br />Corporttion.
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