<br />
<br />r~ I tIANC I Nf, S TA?"EMENT
<br />!(~g,}y{ t,LL ?~sEN nY ;NESS' PRESEFiTS:
<br />Nall County, Nebraska
<br />~1LEB t,!'C01.113TY CtiERK'S aFFiCE
<br />uAl,rY1nFtTY'NEBRASKA
<br />N1AET£R rQa:bFSarr~. ~dral+TY CLER~-
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<br />~ 1
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<br />7~$19~10;t1~1`?~1;2~3~4i5;¢
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<br />\J ~~i~
<br />?hat iran 1: Stueven, a si;Tgte pesos, o* luester's fake, P„ F. ~~. =~, /~
<br />Nall County, Nebraska, i??b#or, for the.aurpo~e of secaring the oays~ertt of
<br />$3i,30t1_fiii?, and interest at 3~ per annum, .onputed upon the unpaid'princioal
<br />balance according to a bond described.as *oilows:
<br />. Dated the ~ day bf 19?7
<br />in the aritlina amount of a31,3tl~ tear ng'interest
<br />at g~ o?r annum, comx~uted .,,on the ainpad princioaT
<br />balance, end oayabie in ~q:,:` rstanthly ins#allments
<br />of 5281.62 per month, wrir.n ,.y;',- apply first upon
<br />interest and thebalance ;., r~c~x tion of thepcincitwl;
<br />a the. firstsuch :-`~r,nth 'y ; *>stallment oaymen#payable do
<br />the. tst gar of 5eutember , I9??
<br />uhicn band was givers The EGuitahle 8uildi^a an~i oan Association of ;sand I5land,:
<br />Nebraska, the debtor does hereby-r~rant, !r~rtgage and assigri usata said secured
<br />party the' residence pause, taejng an ¢m~rovensent arson a leasehold and all apfur-
<br />~ten,~nces thereto; said residence haus~,be~nq ~t,sated uoan Lot: Thirteen (13) and
<br />flee northerly one-half of f,ot i'aurteen'(=w;..hav;ng a lake frc>sst fpotage of
<br />Seversty-Five f o'S' , Feet, si tua teti 'i?n ttie yes t side of the west portion of Kues ter
<br />l.dk~ and beirxt an a part of the Es~~`~ ~n °,ectiors 13, Tovmshia II, Range 9, in Nalt
<br />Caurtty, Nebraska, t;aunded an rise ~desterly ,de sy the co+rman read; such lot 'is
<br />aS' St6G,rn an a plat in the paSSe55i6n of t~.. eSSa~-; ~r~Clu{Iinq,any accessiC3ns,
<br />aCCeSSarieS, taart5 and equiamen# .'taw or hereafter affixed tFkeret0.
<br />the aebatr warrants tree aDs3ve described ot-oaerty is free and clear of aii
<br />liens and encumbrances; that he will aay all uersons7 taxes before the same
<br />~ec;a;re 3ei~~e~;ent, th~3t ise wit? ?iaintaj~- ardrav tFse aremiums far f=rw and
<br />r°x:e_ a ~~s'erage ~=srsrance :pax S%',E ~^e= ty in an eaaount not: less than the
<br />~in;~dl.F ~`alanC@ of the Indebted!t45,c. ~_ ,t her~j75...ta (tayany St1CF~ taX~a +v.r,
<br />3rE7:ti r~s . that the ses:=armed party ~,> ::ay *sse same and. any such %s~ayment~ ~yy t!±e
<br />sec~rre' ^arty shad be a ;s2r~ of r~:5 ;.~Cebte~r;ess. oaysstent of whi~rt si'cal? be
<br />;Pi;rre;i ~y Eh1, ~i'~an;:irk~.~`s`.r^aent G'GUrg
<br />5.
<br />"{ j ~ Fro rg JY ~::reg4 "#3t ; ` '`P.tSU ~ `. %F Yr7auf? jf1 .#hB (Sa~Ik6YCE2t Uf §3'~tl aCktid,
<br />.- ~r~, ~:a._. sr~~:s* wn;~. Bile. rsr i :ehtr~ fa;,~ t,., pay sa~d'taxe5 before the:
<br />
<br />
<br />