;~-P~-C t~porotion. W arranty Deed
<br />gIQOW Aix 1!<[Ll( BY TF~BS~ PRE86LNT3, That G . G . Industries , Inc j '
<br />a eorperation orgauiszd and existing under and bg-virtue of the iaws'of the State of N e b r n s ka j
<br />inconsidarationaf Fouxty Nine Thousand Five Hundzed Hal2ars (S44,SOO,n~)
<br />receised, from gr~tratees, does grant, bargain, xell convey and eottfic"m onto
<br />Jatsiea a~. Stairs and-5haron_K. Stairs, Husband and Wife as joint tenants!.
<br />with right of survivorship and not as tenants in catnmon
<br />hesexn Balled the gr>;xatee whether one or snore, the folIotaing described mal pretterty in i
<br />• HaI.? ~aiinty, Nebraska
<br />• Lot Seventeen (17}, Castle .Estates subdivision
<br />~ i ,y~ '~.' 0J l ~. Huflman and Feltan& Wol• Wa~'.m,- N. ~»5] _
<br />3-- ~
<br />T~~ hoer attd to boid thr a:,<,.v ;S?~,•rsbec ;+rrrna»~ t,.r~~th; r •• :th ull setxements, hereditstnents and apPur-
<br />}ettane~es th+~rr!q }rel nai~2n2 'anti2 tli,• iinf ut: _" .:.^. it tEi };ran?^e-~ ,.ror~, v~U tt.4V 2na farercr.
<br />.1:;,i tnr groove.: =ar iu~elf at.ti ~}~ ;ucco•~•~,r-• ,ic,,-~ 1,rmbp- =~,tr•nnni, ;ctth the grantee a¢d with grantee's
<br />heiratand'ax~~gt.a irxt.'~rantztr;ia lawinilr , ~.,~„~ =aid t+r~mrs."s, that ttteyarr free from rncnmbrance
<br />t
<br />except easements and restriction of ee~ard
<br />' tixat gratttar ltaa t;~,,;d rrt-ht :tn=i lasx'fts! uurt,~~rrtr :,, ..,,atxt~• the game: and that grunter wasrattta and u~A defend '
<br />~ x5e. title- .n ,yai,i re,is.u u~::.o.t tt8c• Eaw;"ui ~+ tr .. tl jk„+uaaar fuhi~cacser. :
<br />~ Ln iv itnex.+ tiahrrr.,f. t;rnn;s r hxu u r u;t.o ,~nu~esa i[x turparaite xcal tube afYizesd and these prraenta signed
<br />~ by itsc E r i,l=mt:r.
<br />': ~CEr1EMl NdT1AtY • SMI ~ IM1~1M C . C ` Indus r i e s , Inc
<br />' 's~! STANLL`Y L fETF~$C#~ ,,jj- . .... • :. , ... , ........ , ..
<br />"~". kr ft=nn t-~9 1~ 13ti V.. /K~ ....PTPBEdent
<br />tiTR1-`- `,; Nehrssics ~ t'3n:thts ~~ oaf ci <~ :_~?-r,eicre .n..,
<br />Ltxe undemsf~ned. a Noisuy r`'ui~iic i:t ~d .o: mid ~au~:ty
<br />~:rsor.~,ip _^::n;c tt , ulu.~tne- Mair_ k ... .' _._. .. .... 'rrestdor! ~ ',
<br />.. - C . C ._ ~ndu s.t.r;-iRS.,.,.T.at_.. .. .:_:.'. .. .. ... ..:.... 'n x:~rcai,an;
<br />'': tome ,-~rsonal`_y ]mc;rn ao 1'ie she ?rAs:denCand ne is3enti,~":l ,^+.erscr? grhose ns~~ is affixed ir, the a"crcve comer-
<br />' ice, std ackt;o Kiccged .ham execat:c.^. `;~rc~of ice }~e his voi-,:..nary aci awtd deed as such of5cer bnd the ;aoluntnry
<br />act .:.rd de«f o's ~.ais: ror,~acac~ , and ''_ t 'rte .'",orYarate seal ci fde said corporatism wrs fheie.o mixes:.ry :;~ ''
<br />-uthanty.
<br />~' 'aVitne_s mq Itrmd ~d IrFoitxr...- ~Er:.i sxzand.. L~3.eztd .said ~untw tf^~ d~cmd sear Isxst anw,t rrrst=en.
<br />/ ~Irtary P+::clic,
<br />, A3v if;.....i~ c^2 Px~t'es th2. . I ~ ,:..-. da"f of_. ~ a d;~'' :.'
<br />F~atcr••„ ~sM.»um~ersenl. ittd.e~ atsd faled.fer retEard in. th¢.',ru~iYter rrtl)es:ds <r~,.in• =~.f weld C.,7vfststf"~~e
<br />- ,. -~: _.. _. i.~.. ,Acv ... ........... aal~l... ...•!l!OcbY~ -. ,.... ... tit _,
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