<br />ti.
<br />
<br />{~ n
<br />4. ghat shou]d he fail to pay any surrt or keep any covenant provided =or in >his
<br />Mprtgane, then the +~ortgagee, at its option', may Pay or perform the same, and al3
<br />expenditures sa made sha]] be added to the ;arincipa] sum owing on the above note, shall
<br />E7e secured hereby, and sha]l bear interest at the rate set forth in the said note, until
<br />pa i ti.
<br />S rhos tse hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the Mortgagee, to be app lied
<br />to7~rard the payr,iei'st of the rate and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in ±he
<br />perforr?ance of any of the te?'siis and conditions of this t",art,acse or the said note, ail
<br />the rents, revenues and ircc=:;e to Ge derived from the r~ortgaged premrses during such
<br />time as then<ortgac3e indebtadCsess sha3] remain unpaid; and the t~rtgagee ,77a11 I:ave
<br />power to appoint anY agent or agents:..7t r:ray desire for tha purpose of rEpairinc said
<br />prerrises and of rentirsg the saw anef cot3ecting the:.. rents., revenues .and inccr,e, and it
<br />7rsay eay'out of said incomes a]`] expenses of r•epairir7g said premises and necP;sarU
<br />com~7issions and exp2r.3e_ incurred in renti;ig and 7z,anaging the sar,>e and of collecting
<br />rentats therefrom; the ba3ance remaining,,if any, Lfl be app]ied'tmxard the discharge of
<br />.saint rt~rtgagerndeotedness.
<br />6. That he ssi]t keep the irsprovements :sow existing or herea:~ter erected an the
<br />axsriga~ed property. Insured as rray be required from. t~s~ to time 6y the `tortgagee
<br />aga;nst ]€ass by fire and other hazards, easua]ties and contingencies in such amounts
<br />assd fer such aeritads as ~Y be requrea oy 2he t~ortcaagee and wi]] pay pre*rat]y, when. due,
<br />an;+ ~re~7urns on sue,-e insurance provision far payr're7;t of ntaich has not :aeen made; rereir.-
<br />befnre_ ,i13 insurance shad be ;,tir-ried in corpanies appro°ved by the 3~rtgagee ono the
<br />policies and renen.s:s thereof shat] ;u~ he?O by the ~'.o*tya:,ce and:. have attached there Lo
<br />tzars payable c;a;a.es in i'avar :t` ,Ind in'forn7 accept,:~le to ti7g '~±rtgagee. in event Qi
<br />lass Mart;::~<,cr w:,, 4;°:e tdiat~ ^ottce ;,v,^ai] to zFie ?R:~ ramie, who rtaY make pTovf
<br />of ?455 i` i02 ;.1~? rr~77rj3t]y :%~ :'!.~ri`~a4*3r.. dS7de8th inur<.r,•~e co:-panY CanCerned i5.
<br />here*hyaut^o^i=e4 an4 .1~rcttae '_n .:ar.e ~a~;-~ni nor such i:.ss dirr~ctly t€i theMortg3:~eE
<br />instead of to tr:e '?~rt~anar end the"-vr ~r~ ,r,t.'tr. as~d 'i:c ins4~ance ~roceet]s,ar
<br />c:nl :,CL. .h_fi'G~. _. 4MP'ir', '-:~ tr, ~,~!' ?~' iG '.i vtlti~n r'3rher'ta the:reduct'.6n
<br />caf .he indrotedne,~ ,e.~-eby secu:~~d cr ,.o 'r,Q restoration or repair of tiie prapertY
<br />dar•~+ced.' n +-venC :7` oree]crsure yf ,,~,.~ ~,;arty::ge or ashes- tr:rn~>fer of title to the
<br />morra~;e+~ ~rCO?rtY 'n extingaiishr~nt of tre_ inrteCdnexs securr.~d hereby.. al] r+r~ht4
<br />tttie ana 3P, t0r~`.t a~the ~icrrtca,,or n and to any dnsurzr~ce pp1iGies .than 7n force'shall
<br />,gas: tc tnr a~srcnaser ur grs~!tec.
<br />7, ~hat'as a.^_rst:ir~nat anti cctiar~ra3 security for. the vafinent of the note descri:r.i,
<br />and atT Sur, LG tse~or~ #ue .neer thss r><~rt:;a,,_-, tite t,prr.~~ar;or ~iarei~y asigns to the
<br />Mor'gas act .+t`+.~ftt5, r..x_~uez, rs~palCies, r~rr,tx .,nd .,r~npfit> accruing: to the
<br />"40r*.^,a ,or „rider art/ an4 alt.^fi snC gaS ..._,_~ ~r, .aid rep i,vs, «rth %n~ +-ight to
<br />r£ci:7v~ ar7d rece7~t for the Same ar~d aJr-~ ~ crag-, to c7d ir~dabt~dness a5 weir as afiter
<br />~tauft in the car,a~ti,~sss `vf tn7s ::x>rt~;dc~, .-~,d the 'k;rt,ar;e+r may cemacid, Sue for and
<br />recovtirar,y suu; puy+a~nLS v~t~endue ur,C tsafab;r., but a=€a1] no; oe ree;uirexl So to r:o.
<br />;his. 3S57ynt%7ent i., t0 t~ei"447iE3die a.nd Jk!C.GP..~' i~•u~' andvoiduD~n re'1ed5E'.df thisms,r-C9sye.
<br />~. 'hat the ~~r~t~;nc~or +~i]l keep tr.fi r;,;;"1.7r:gs upon acrd ,;remises i'n good repair,
<br />and a~seither corn:it nor a+er-rsrit waste t;von a,d hand. roar.suffer ire said premises *a he
<br />u5eCt far any un5aw%u3 purpose.
<br />9. That ?f tnN pre7rsSeS, orsny far; tnereaf; b2 Canatr~sed under tare paver c`
<br />Pa,inent da.:,aixz, ar ,7ccr,7red far a r,~ub3tc use, 'ire da~'ar~es a;varCCd, the;proceedsSer the
<br />tossing af, ar the onaiseratign ,ar sucn ac:;uisition, tt~ tr,e extent of ti7e fut] amaunL
<br />o' inde~tedness apoo Chin ~aArte~aGe and the nC~:c riniCn s given to SECyre remafning vnpa3d,.
<br />are :Hereby asssgned Gy ttiePdartgigor to the ~lt+rtna,ee, end sha33oe pairs fort€rwiLh to
<br />sa7~ tSCrt4agae tee uP~~fp]ied tythe .atteYC« account of the next maturang irsLa]Iment
<br />of ~uci; ~nae:~~tea:es~
<br />The ccvena~is i,er.:a co~itained sha]] bind, anc3 Che benetits anci advantages St~di'
<br />inS;;rC C, irrE re.NFCtIV~ ~i~'•r3: eXeCUtUi"S* 3~t7ksYS~rSLX'dLai'S~ StFCGe55ar5 s~~d'aSSirr,S ;f
<br />the vdrtit_5 hereto. day+~cver rased, the 5i~r~u]arru7~rer• s#sal] inc]rade'the p'lursl, Ln
<br />t~':-;ra3 4=>r sr,gular, anr1 ;;~~ uSe of any gender srsa] be app]icab]e to al] rer~3ers.
<br />;e,P ,crf ~;virsg ~san~7:,ons, ali and singular, teing };erft~rt~d accords'r _, to their
<br />t,a °_:Srs' 3R,; .~~3, i ~ia~rt, th1S C£2n veyanCe shal ]be YOid dnd said premi SE.~ rf ire it~l'ti ~t~th L'-'
<br />~=x„~r;s~ of ttic ~;~rtga•aor. otherwise to be ar7d ress7~in 'n fu]t farce and effert_.
<br />
<br />