<br />Position s
<br />U3I):~-Ftt9HA
<br />Porte ~7rt1iA 437.1 NB Q.''3 .~..~ `~ ,~,+tw.~ f~l
<br />OL. t:} tl r
<br />f Elev. 11:_29 -8Q)
<br />'t'I€IS t«40liTGAGE is mac'.r and entered into by ~-Ta T,_ (~ t HARA, a cit~a i a ~r_Q Sn r
<br />residing in tda 7 Coenty; Ntbra9ka, whos! post o{face address is
<br />335 i3o>;t'tf bY.attrth Street i1C9rtAYsa.-> .:Ycbtaska 5$$32 .
<br />I}erein caFkd "Bortowlr' std;
<br />WHEREAS Borrower is-indebted to the 9Jnitld Siaxcsof Rmerui, actutg:t:arnugh the Farmersklome Administration;
<br />ilnixtd States Dep~Ltment of Agrictttture, }alreita ca3kd zhe 'Y;avlrnmenr;" as cvidenctd by one ormor! pz4missory noLC(s)
<br />or assLimption sgeementts}, hertincai6rd "note," which iaas been rsecsstsd bC Borrower, u gayabk to theardcroftbe
<br />C'aovlrntrtent, authoracs arcekratian ~{ thr entire indebtetinrss at the apticDn of the Gavernment upar. any defaxilt be Boz-
<br />rawcr,.airod is descrtbu2-as {ollows:.
<br />,9nrtwa[ Rafe Dae Aate taf FinaF
<br />Date iaj~.Insa[ra[nera Przs+tipal Arnrnraet of Interen InxtaQment
<br />a9,lgust zaf, ~$2. ~~s,~~a.~a ~3a~ A9,~t1s1: lo, 2ozs.
<br />';I{ tSte utt~lrt nu sa Itxs than ;u For fa[tn tswntfsiam 4t ape[atin~ 14an,sf seturrd hj+ Lhis inuzumint, xhtn Lhs
<br />fatctnay ate cliattgt6 aaprortdcd intncnotc.;
<br />Rnd nc~ note rnfdeneca a loan to Bofrower, and :#te €mvernntena. at aa4 rime. may asaq{n the noxe and insure the pay-
<br />mcnt Lhltlat pttr9uant LO £Ite t:t}Etiniidated 1'aritt and:Ii.nral I3evClapment ACt, S2T T1t1C v tat the E'Ia21ss2tg ACt a{:I 4~Q O[ any:
<br />o~~~:stat2Ltc sdmutitslred by dL! Fxmtrs tfome ALiministrat»n.
<br />And tt u t3te purpore and sntlnt of tiki9 instrument thu, urturey, ntittT thm~.s, at aii ttmrs when*he Hatt is held by zht
<br />Wvcfnntenn. of is tht went •at ~:+~vltnment tYtoa3d :trsgtt tnu nrttrxtmenc wit4aous v~sttfanre 4{ the Hatt. this insxr±sment
<br />93ut1 secntc payment a{ thr n~:c. twt wia
<br />l
<br />xt tit! trotc to tread krv an inwted 2ai71dct, Lhia instrvment shill notse~ctize payment:
<br />~
<br />}
<br />4{ s6! note ixr itt#C#t tea eft! ,:rut c,~:ic4l tV rfeC!!i?5r. 4aur as xo ane Hate and such deist 9ita31 conuixttte an indemnity mortgage
<br />ta. iC4'trrc 4}t~e ~'`t»`lTnttaRni i~a UlrI ;<]W un.lt7 rt9.tnAtcinr•'C Y: <*nt[ac`t F!11'rCi1,n iF.any tlefaait Iov Barn?WfY~
<br />And t}ttt lntr[tlfnCrit. aW fIX'tafCl i:7f 'CCajitltrC Cat inY intCte9t£redit :,I f+:li)9KiY wittcilmaV:Iae ~;rlntedLtitiYeBa[TLaWlr:
<br />ine tilt {.is'>Mrt!rL[[ent ptYC9taallt t23 Aa.°.; ~ l .Y 9 mQ't,Ta.
<br />9V}t~.)t~t. 7~" ),.:JS e:anr!SCTa[r?f~ . is "9t Ialm i3 and a. ., yt: f:t'I!? 'a'E5
<br />C'd! the 2L4Lr l9 I7eId by the tii>vtlnmCnt,.Kar
<br />5
<br />En ~6 rwttl. Cnt C;..ararnroent SlttMSkl= aiai[,JS '?l to :nxtiri'ViiTL LLitt.,wi ~(.su ._C ~I '.tLt piymen2:lt t}lC nt)tC, [a 9CtZirC pmrnpt
<br />paiKmlra .>i the :watt and any tetrl+aaia i-,=1 ~,ttn.,,aa9.c. rra,r ,na aor a~ertmnts cantainct3:t3tcrlen.,.inciutiinginy prtariiian
<br />ifn ehe Erarmrnt r~'. an mlurintt .:I .:tier -.Halite. at :i! ~rmts wt>en ti:r trrr .a hci,3 ky ra tnnafed holder; to rtture ptt-
<br />tUln49t/1te ,it ~1uR.~wl@'q a~JEr{nrni 7ricln famt{RnTntYy anus yypC ,r it}n#sl [:u t..~yY~rnltl4•Ltt Y(SiLLR9
<br />t ~f}39 LLSadC [ it'.9 In9Ufa
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<br />Lnneriit. IDir rr aSUn Ett auy d~.C{ftaltfrY' }IaaTOYr'er„ ;alts :. ;n stay ivtnt an+i. at aii :itttt9 tai. 9tX UK !:IaC pfaFl7ln QaynaCnt W{all
<br />adranclr aet.l <ape n.31'ti[cp
<br />rnitk ifiW tnt tiowrrritntnt,utt1; :ntsrtR; a9 9aC!l Ina%I(t 4ie9Cfelxd, inii t}tt pCfl UlminCC U{ rYC[V
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<br />1d. i~lCt2aCdT 43 AiafSg7WCY ~{>[ft~i1f145~ Iitt tin i'A; y12 my Xi~ap /i fT,tnti[y 1~ttClnCfl 1, }SCX ttDMG[ dCiCE hlit{Ty ~"T ant,
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<br />' ~ii~aiit,.+lCayt.Uti'1CV ant{aWi~Ttw WEtia. gentraiw~l7tntY.ttnt[aritfi,aveftutxnt: tdfe fallt>7vfng l%roFe'+`xY'sttuatld In tlte`J'C1Cl6F
<br />RiliDravita, fk+oaatyf;C9} of H3.13.
<br />LciL :hzrty-~i~t 436 , ~iscron ~s Sc>,vzs1~ ~.5ne. `'lil;lage ;~f 'i~rsti~213ria
<br />t3a:,1 ~:AtF1~rr' t~ebz~ Eca.
<br />PmHA 427-1 "~1B tRev. 11..21-d4j
<br /> I
<br /> E
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<br />!_._._ 1_,., ...._.!
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<br />