<br />1 2034;-,ZftEL£ASE OF MQA?GAGE--CorpcaratiQn $~-~ ! ~ ~~ ~ ;;` ~ Y.rffman and Fe7tdn 8 Wolt.'~Nallon. Ne, fidA6]
<br />I fR' CCNS:61?ER.4TIGi~` of the (ayment of the debt reamed therrar., the First hidtiondl $ank of Grand
<br />iISland, Grand Island, Piebraska hereby releasr..r thz renortgage made to
<br />{The First National bank of brand Island, Grand Island, `Jebraska
<br />I b~ fIDE~L Development Group, A Partnership,
<br />~by a?1 the Partners
<br />on t3ee faltsuzng dcscxzSad r€st estate, to-u^st:
<br />?Lot Two 2} Former Third Subdivision in the city of ~:~rand island, Nebraska.
<br />s
<br />i 1
<br />of Stetir,xa ssa T©wrnrSrip Raesg~ ~QC°~3ftien,, {; r rryy4 82=000096
<br />t County, State o€ Nebraska which rs rr-rardad in }C~* + a~~eaX~1_t~j<x~#,r, ~a~@''~
<br />of the reraxds aj said f:runty. s$2_pQ(}(Igr1
<br />' !1ti" 7'&STJ~ti014"r df'F~'ERcCiF~~~s~ sa~~~r5t '~atipnd~ Sank of 5tcdhd IS'ard has caured
<br />~ these preserets to be exeeu.•edoy its ~ics~ent ~:x i s ~:orROr to See,t `n bp~ ., r ~ ScAr~ is this 12th
<br />~da~at ~uDust „p~?. ne First Na ~cn'al`~ank ~f,.Grand'Island,
<br />ll'irxess ~sra;td. ~S i si,:..G.r .l a ., iVehra
<br />~~'
<br />..._. _ _.... _ _..,,..., __. ?-:v ~j~'1r ., Presadexi i
<br />~. r., ,
<br />u
<br />i't ^ -• ` ?06kY11lKX QXdtltAOlh_
<br />'.STATE 4F_,__. _?~~b.C,aSksT.___... ___ ? i2th. A.uctsr 2... '
<br />~ ;~ inn this .....clap caf. _.>.: I9~.
<br />...._...._ .......~~ ~.....,. ..,.,_..,.. __._.("ount4 `,• liefnre me, the ns~'ersigned, a `_~otarp Ptthlic in and for
<br />l said Cvu,~ty, peraonailw rr "~ ' "-'~'^~"<. ~Jt~'tR...`~(.?~~-.,_. ,President of #hc
<br />~r:r.. , _....
<br />~ First ~tatit>rlal e ' .... ~ .
<br />~~17 .,~;.+~ Grand ?slart~_ ttelzarska_.,...... a C'orpvmtivn
<br />to zae persortaily l~t.'be rfheJit ~~ident:cai per:~n whctt+e name is atii~ed to the above release anti
<br />ar'tcnaerical~ed the ex ~n ~ Ta kr3 hr vx>luntary act anal deed as such c~fiicer, and the voluntary act and
<br />? deed trf aKaid t'nrpora iandtl~ c to :gal was theret€a af€txed 1?y its authr~rity.
<br />4tiita~u+ my hand ~a~yria6it~ad~at Griird ?5lan~, 'i24!'d~kd , to said Cv~.-tty the clay and year ,
<br />t1,wt abrwe written. '~/' ~`°^---~ "~~o
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