:a s s i c x is F N T ~ F T~ ~ s T ~~ E ~
<br />Kt~?W AI:L MEN BY T3iESE PRESEN'T'S,. "°hat SLperiar lUrtgay-e, I.-zc. a corporation, the
<br />party of the first part, in consideration of the sum-of Fifty thousand f5ve hundred
<br />anc~ Nof10~1-------------------- aQilars, to it in hand paid ts} uT7SJ,E.e ~ •~Rr~~ac~~
<br />CORBflRFtTZ~[~ OF WiSCQNSEN, 744 N 4t:1, ~3ilsaaukee, tvdsconsin, 53"e 03 a>r~ Trio
<br />the party of thz second past, receipt whereof is hersbp acxnowl. d~.,d, tea , ,r--c„.~xi,
<br />assigned and transferred, and, by these presents does grant, assi.~r: sniff trans*ec
<br />ct~td"its successors and assigns, a certain Trust Deed', wherein t'le said ape. io~ife
<br />Kartgage, Inc. is ~nefi.eiary, K e t. }fetriCk & t~2n$Se C. Hetrick2 husband & is
<br />Trustor, arm Lawyers Title Insurance orpora an is Trustee, which ,"Must
<br />Deed' was dated the 31st day of 4eCember > 1'3 82 , and retarded the
<br />31st day of Ge~embEr 29 82 r document ~ 81-:006356
<br />of the Y~Drtage Retards. of Hal? aunty, t3ebraska, ,and aI1. its
<br />rift, title and interest to the property tiserein described, as roilows, tc-wit:
<br />Lat Fine {5), in Block One {p), in 3el-Air :~d~ition to the City of'Grund Island,
<br />Hall County, ~debraska
<br />Togccher with th+e pra~rss.ssar~ note ttscre described. and ttee money due or to become
<br />dt~ thesetradez, isxciuding interest therean, s,xbject onAy to the previsions
<br />of said '~nst De®d therrein corttaissed.
<br />T~ 4iZTNESS RaZF, ?he racior Hortgac~e, Z.nc. a corporatsan, t,as c: ~-sad this
<br />ASSicfupaat'af Trust Uemd to be'execut~# by its Fzcsident, .nnd attested by its
<br />Yid Ptesdent, sixi .its narp6rate deal to ~ h4raunto affiaced this Sth
<br />day of "August I9 ~2
<br />~ ~a~
<br />Jn~s ,zi>%r1, Fre:.f<?cent
<br />S~'7~?S OF i~k13tASXJ4 ) Ittest; '~`` ;.~,,:'w' _
<br />3 sa. R.S. Lancaster, Vice rirc~rxideant
<br />- £~QQlrPY OT 133-LL )
<br />Oa this 5th day of ~u~xust , 19 F2 be#ozt~ r~€: a
<br />tYOtary pubt.t duly ~:asra:sc~.c~d and c~ual3fi~3 izr as~ci traz` skid. co+uxty aru: .st:~te,
<br />-,essaq~t7.i;' cage- tie abase nod 3ames tea. Ttrt. A: ~ffiidea,t, :oral k. S. ;t.ancastec,
<br />Vice Eteaideat of Superior lt~stgeye, Ircc, +,ahci ase persanaii:~ :cnawm to crc tc, t+~ ttt
<br />ideatica.t persoc-s r'aose mass are a~fizsFxi to tare above A~sic,~-.re. t of 'Y'rrzst ~~z;c-c~
<br />as the Presid®nC std Vice t"tesidea~t of said corporation arKi trey ackn4swletige *hc-
<br />tsKtxumeRpt io ba their uolusataxy act: earl deed arsrl the: vaiurxtazy not end si~;ed u»
<br />said,. ccrporataaR.
<br />~+tT3~ tay traced and oEfisial ssai, at Grand Fsl.er~, in sas,r2 counsy. t!~~, sirvcc~
<br />aforesas3.
<br />~ f
<br />~ t ,
<br />M1 wes. Eaf. awt ~,- i!~
<br />notary Aiiu:,.ie
<br />My c~-misaiar. c~iress: Attaus~l.,, Z9~:~'
<br />Retc~atat 9upr~riar s~rtr,~age,Znc.
<br />F O~' Braae. 26 8
<br />~a L$iatad, t$E fiH8ti1
<br />-; i
<br />~,
<br />