<br />- AS~..~vaYMENP OF' MlRTGAG.E - O~rporatio._ .$~~~r.. i1U~~:C;i
<br />KNOW ALL M£2t BY TH£S£ PRE;S£NTS, That Superior Mortgage, Inc. a corporation,
<br />the party o£ the first part, in consideration of the sum of ?hirty eight thousand
<br />one hundred and Nollflfl--------~-------_-Dollars lawf~il money of the Chited
<br />States cf '?merica, to it in hand paid by tINIU£RSAL NDRTGAGE CORPORAT30N OF
<br />WISCONSIN, 744 N 4th, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203, a Q~rporation, the party of
<br />- the second part, at or before the enseaing an3 delivery of these presents, receipt
<br />whexea€ is hereby ackna~vledged, has granted, bargained, sold, assii~ed, trars;~rrr.d,
<br />- anal set ever, and, by thane presents, does grant, bargain, sell, assigi,
<br />transfer, transferred, and set over, unto the said party of the second part,
<br />its successors and assigns, z certain SPYDENT[7R£ OF M?RTGAG£, Hearing date
<br />27th. of ,iul y , 19 $2 ,Recorded Daunt # 82-C6333d
<br />of the Mortgage Records of ltal: Q~unty, :3ehsaska and made.. byRal'ph V.
<br />Palmer and Patricia E. Palmer, husband R+ wife to 9iperior
<br />Mortgage, Inc. and all its. right, title and interest to the precssas therein
<br />described, as follows, to-wit:
<br />Lot Ts+ro (2), Chateau C7rleans Subdivision, in the City of Grand dsiand,
<br />Hall County, Ptebraska
<br />Together with t.'ne zxote therein aes`ribcd, azsd the money due or to becane due
<br />thereunder, including interest .:tsereor., ^:'O 3tAttE AND TO HOLD the: sam: unto. the
<br />sai$ party a2 the second part, its successors and assigns t"orever, subject
<br />only to the. provisions of said I.*~ESITEIEt£ OF !~tTGAG£ t aerein contained.
<br />And ..the party of the first part dace hereby :a~nke, constitute.: and ap~+airt
<br />the said. party of the second. part, its t*ae and lawi;l attorney, irrevocable,
<br />in its name, ar othervise~, bars at their arrsi proper costs and c3xargcs,' tc hava,
<br />ua~, and take all l.ayrfui rays atad aaeans for tlxe' recvwery of tine said' nor,,
<br />and iptesemt, and, in ease of payment, to discnargc the s as the Mart of
<br />the first part might. or ccwid da, if t:'~ese prescmts were soot made.
<br />IN wYTNESS 1tiHFOF, 9ipersas Ptirtg~+*~, .Inc.: a carparatian of the State
<br />of Nebraaka has caused this Assigunent of rtortgsge to b~v e~:zcutc-d fay its
<br />Flresdenc anal attested by its vice £~re~.dent and-its SYrrparate ~"°-.~.°ai tcM ix3
<br />hereunto affixed the SLls day of P+uquSt in the year l9 p2
<br />''~) r ~
<br />$y ii ~ + ~.
<br />James S. Rt?ses2dent
<br />r- ~
<br />St atC Of ~t71ra9FlCa ] R.a LanCS5t~r, SJ}. Ce t7rP5.
<br />D ~`
<br />tDunty of- Ha21 ' )
<br />.San this 5ih ddy a: August , ly g2 I~foce me a
<br />f V
<br />wDtary Riblic, duty camiissioce3 and. qualified in an© for said ~37unty and
<br />9t ate, F~rsonaliy came the a:acgve ;~s~e-d Jamrt:s S. Reed., Prt id~nt, anc3 F. g,
<br />Lancaster, vicr* ~esidexst, of tan Superior lsostgage, Lzc rfza are pen anall;:
<br />icnaran to me to be Lhe idenrical-v~ersos;s vhase anames are: affixed to the above
<br />assimmerst of ~Sartq~ge as the f'residesrt and vi cc; i'residant of sai~3 Cbrporatian,
<br />and thz}° aolrno~r2~gec3 tae instru~s:nt to i:e their oalunt;ir act and d~,~_d, anr3 the
<br />~aluntary set and e3s~c3 cf the. said tDrporatio;z.
<br />~. ~~ 1R hSC~ ~IYC3..a1 88a1• In ~i£and 153. $t'..li, 2n. S~1it~ C~t3i1:L'f, fee
<br />daLs
<br />. .. t
<br />My comRCtssian ex~+ixee: August 1., 1:9$4 .,;~"otary .ublic ~-.~____
<br />Return, tan Superior [3ortgagt~;, Inc..
<br />P Q Sax lSfl
<br />G r~ncsxY Is laird , Sr°i bd $ :71
<br />